
Prevention and treatment of paratyphoid fever in farmed meat pigeons

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The pathogen of paratyphoid is Salmonella typhimurium. Sick and cured pigeons are the main sources of infection of the disease, and contaminated feed and drinking water are the main routes of transmission. It is often transmitted through infected eggs produced in the digestive tract of recovered pigeons. But also through breathing and eye knots.

The pathogen of paratyphoid is Salmonella typhimurium. Sick and cured pigeons are the main sources of infection of the disease, and contaminated feed and drinking water are the main routes of transmission. It is often transmitted through infected eggs produced in the digestive tract of recovered pigeons. But there are also infections through breathing and conjunctiva.

1 symptom

After suffering from this disease, pigeons do not want to move, often stand alone, depressed spirit, lethargy, eyelid edema, nose tumors lose their original color, rough feathers, loss of luster, loss of appetite or refusal to eat, diarrhea and diarrhea, green or brownish foul-smelling thin dung, and contains undigested feed ingredients, feathers around the cloaca are often contaminated by dilute feces. Acute sick pigeons died within 2-3 days, chronic pigeons had long-term diarrhea, emaciation, drooping wings, stumbling gait, skewed head and neck, and so on. Some sick pigeons also have dyspnea, subcutaneous swelling and other symptoms.

2 treatment

① was fed with 0.3% tetracycline antibiotics and chloramphenicol (chlortetracycline was the best) for 5 days. ② was fed with 0.3% sulfamethazine and the same amount of sodium bicarbonate for 3 days. In addition, furan drugs also have a good therapeutic effect on this disease, but it is easy to be poisoned and should be used with caution.

3 Prevention

① improves the sanitary condition of pigeon houses and regularly puts antibiotics and vitamins in drinking water or feed. New pigeons purchased by ② should be fed with chlortetracycline for 3 to 5 days, 0.04% chlortetracycline, 0.08% chlortetracycline, and intramuscular injection of 50, 000 units per pigeon, once a day. Pigeons with ③ disease should be isolated and treated. Pigeons recovered from the disease will not be used for breeding and will be eliminated. ④ pigeon houses, appliances and venues should be disinfected.