
sharp blight Learn more about sharp blight

  • Why can't the "blight" of sharp pepper be cured?

    Why can't the

    In Dongyi Village, Daotian Town, Shouguang City, there are more varieties, with tomatoes, sharp peppers, and cucumbers showing their respective abilities. Wang old man in the village tasted sweetness because he planted sharp peppers last year, but this year he planted sharp peppers again. But recently, old man Wang is not "sweet". Why? The sharp pepper planted showed symptoms of wilting, which frightened him. "this sharp pepper is most afraid of epidemic disease, or this shed can lose most of the plants," says Wang. What puzzles the old man most is that he has done a lot of disease prevention work in the early stage. Selective resistance

  • Control methods and matters needing attention of wheat sheath blight

    Control methods and matters needing attention of wheat sheath blight

    Control methods and matters needing attention of wheat sheath blight

  • Introduction to the causes, symptoms and control methods of garlic leaf blight

    Introduction to the causes, symptoms and control methods of garlic leaf blight

    Garlic leaf blight is a common disease in the process of garlic planting, especially in the open field, which is a nightmare for growers. Because garlic leaf blight will not only lead to poor quality of garlic, but also reduce production. Let's take a look at the withered leaves of garlic.

    2020-11-08 Garlic leaf blight disease causes symptoms prevention methods introduction
  • Bamboo and cypress leaves dry how to return a responsibility, bamboo and cypress dried up can still be saved / 3 moves can be saved

    Bamboo and cypress leaves dry how to return a responsibility, bamboo and cypress dried up can still be saved / 3 moves can be saved

    Keeping a pot of bamboo and cypress indoors is the choice of many flower friends, because it is not only good-looking and can purify the air, but also has the functions of anti-pollution, mosquito repellent and medicinal treatment. Can be in the process of breeding, many flower friends of bamboo and cypress leaves will appear dry, that bamboo and cypress leaves dry how to return a matter? Can bamboo and cypress be saved if it dries up?

  • A New dry and fresh Sharp Pepper Variety-- Zidu Xiangxiangwang

    A New dry and fresh Sharp Pepper Variety-- Zidu Xiangxiangwang

    Zidu Xiangxiangwang is a new variety of dry and fresh pepper selected by Sichuan Zidu seed Industry Co., Ltd., which is suitable for planting in protected and open fields in spring and autumn. The variety is early and middle ripening slender sheep horn pepper, plant height 55-60 cm, development degree 45-50 cm; the upper and lower parts of the plant have the same fruit shape, smooth fruit surface, straight pepper strips, green light; fruit length 23-28 cm, thick 1.5 cm, meat thickness 0.25 cm, spicy; resistant to storage and transportation, high temperature and humidity, high resistance to virus disease, anthracnose, resistance to blight, bacterial wilt and so on. First, cultivate strong seedlings. Select

  • Early prevention of wheat sheath blight

    Early prevention of wheat sheath blight

    Recently, some wheat growers reported that the wheat tip turned yellow, the leaf sheath showed small yellowish spots, and the roots showed crisscross stripes of yellow, commonly known as flower stalks, with serious dark brown rot. This is a typical symptom of wheat sheath blight. It is understood that

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat sheath blight need early prevention recent individual
  • Integrated Control techniques of garlic Leaf Blight

    Integrated Control techniques of garlic Leaf Blight

    Shandong is the main producing area of garlic. Compared with other vegetables, garlic has less diseases. However, in recent years, a relatively rare new disease-garlic leaf blight appeared in the garlic area, and the disease is serious. Once the disease occurs, it can lead to a substantial reduction in production. First, symptom identification of the disease mainly harms leaves and leaf sheaths. The leaf infection can be divided into two types: one is the sharp blight type, which mainly occurs in the initial infection stage, the leaf tip is dark brown, and many dark purple-brown oblique parallel markings are formed on it, and the severe spot extends to 1 inch of the whole leaf.

  • Huafeng sharp pepper

    Huafeng sharp pepper

    Guangdong Province is a major pepper growing province, with an annual pepper planting area of about 1.5 million mu. However, there are few excellent pepper varieties bred by the scientific research department of Guangdong Province, and most of the pepper varieties are introduced from other provinces, while the pepper varieties introduced from other provinces generally have some problems, such as poor disease resistance, poor storage and transportation and so on. it has seriously affected the economic benefits of growers and vegetable merchants. In order to solve this problem, after years of efforts, the seed and Seedling Center of South China Agricultural University finally selected a new pepper product with high disease resistance, high yield, beautiful fruit shape and resistance to storage and transportation in 1998.

  • How to grow sharp pepper

    How to grow sharp pepper

    Sharp pepper is an essential vegetable in daily life, which not only brings good taste, but also contains rich nutrients such as vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium and potassium. It also has the effect of warming the middle and dispelling cold, appetizer and digestion. So how to grow sharp peppers? I. cultivation techniques

    2020-11-08 Sharp pepper how plant sharp pepper yes life must can not less
  • How to control wheat sheath blight

    How to control wheat sheath blight

    How to control wheat sheath blight

  • Radical cure of burnt tip and cultivation of strong seedling

    Radical cure of burnt tip and cultivation of strong seedling

    Radical cure of burnt tip and cultivation of strong seedling

  • Maintenance skills of loose tail sunflower

    Maintenance skills of loose tail sunflower

    The maintenance of this kind of plant is mainly divided into two more important parts, but also more complex. 1. Let's look at it from the perspective of "raising". It takes a lot of care to sow seeds. The seeds used for sowing and reproduction should not be collected domestically and are mostly imported from abroad. The conventional multi-purpose ramets will be carried out around April in combination with changing pots.

  • Control of gum blight on the shoot of planted mango

    Control of gum blight on the shoot of planted mango

    The gummy disease of mango shoot mainly harms the shoot and trunk, causing it to wither, but it can also harm seedlings and fruits. Most of the damage to the seedlings appeared dark-brown necrotic spots from the bud contact or wound, which quickly developed up and down, resulting in scion necrosis. Damage to trunk or shoot, cortex

    2020-11-08 Species mango shoot blight glue flow disease control gum flow
  • How to manage pepper after waterlogging

    How to manage pepper after waterlogging

    How to manage pepper after waterlogging

  • Diseases of rich trees: what are the common diseases of rich trees? What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow?

    Diseases of rich trees: what are the common diseases of rich trees? What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow?

    (1) main symptoms of root (stem) rot ①: this is a common disease that seriously damages rich trees, also known as rot. It is the most common disease of rich trees. When the disease is mild, the leaves turn yellow, and when heavy, the whole plant dies. The disease mainly occurs in the trunk of the wealth tree. At the initial stage of the disease, the disease showed watery brown spots.

  • The latest control measures of leaf tip blight in the process of rice planting

    The latest control measures of leaf tip blight in the process of rice planting

    Rice leaf tip blight is also called rice leaf tip bacterial blight. It is mainly harmful to the leaves, the disease begins to occur at the leaf tip or leaf edge, and then extends downward along the leaf edge or middle, forming stripes. The disease spot is dark green at first, gradually changes to grayish brown, and finally withered. There is a brown strip at the junction of illness and health.

    2020-11-10 Latest rice planting process middle leaf sharp blight disease control measures
  • There are skills in the control of wheat diseases and insect pests after spring.

    There are skills in the control of wheat diseases and insect pests after spring.

    March 20th is "the Spring Equinox", which is half of the ninety days of spring, hence the name. There is a folk proverb that "the Spring Equinox and the Autumn Equinox are equally divided day and night". After the Spring Equinox, the days were long and the nights were short, and the temperature was getting higher. The Spring Equinox has an important influence on agricultural production activities. For the north, the Spring Equinox is the beginning of spring.

  • Wheat catch four defenses in spring

    Wheat catch four defenses in spring

    1. Occurrence and harm of wheat sheath blight wheat sheath blight is a kind of fungal disease mainly transmitted by soil. With the improvement of the level of yield, the harm of the popularization of high-yield varieties and the management of wheat fields with heavy water and fertilizer is becoming more and more serious. The host range of wheat sheath blight is wide, in addition to infecting wheat, but also.

  • What are the common diseases of rich trees and how to effectively control them?

    What are the common diseases of rich trees and how to effectively control them?

    The rich tree is deeply loved by people, which is also due to its unique name, which means very well, but the rich tree will still encounter some diseases when it is cultivated. Today, I will talk to you about the prevention and control methods of the common diseases of the rich tree.

  • Dry and fresh dual-purpose sharp pepper-kind of spicy king

    Dry and fresh dual-purpose sharp pepper-kind of spicy king

    Through years of efforts, Sichuan Zidu seed Industry Co., Ltd. successfully selected and bred a new variety of dry and fresh special pepper suitable for spring and autumn, protected field and open field in 2004. The main results are as follows: 1 characteristics of early and middle maturity, slender sheep horn pepper, vigorous plant growth, dark green leaves, plant height 55~60cm, development degree 45m 500m; smooth fruit surface, straight pepper strips, green light; fruit length 23~28cm, fruit thick 1.5cm, flesh thickness 0.25c
