
seedling condition Learn more about seedling condition

  • Planting methods and technical requirements of licorice

    Planting methods and technical requirements of licorice

    The main results are as follows: 1. There are great differences in the yield and quality of licorice under different climate and soil conditions. Licorice has strong adaptability to temperature conditions, and water conditions play a decisive role in the yield of licorice. According to the author's research, in the area of temperate precipitation 300~500mm in China, the precipitation can basically meet the growth of Glycyrrhiza uralensis in general years, and it can be cultivated on the land without irrigation conditions. In order to obtain high quality transplanting seedlings, the seedling land should have irrigation conditions. In areas with annual precipitation below 200mm, in order to obtain high quality and high yield, there is not enough underground.

  • Why is Angelica bolting ahead of time?

    Why is Angelica bolting ahead of time?

    Why is Angelica bolting ahead of time? Please introduce the reasons 1, the reason for early bolting of Angelica 1.1 the seeds are too full, or the seedlings are raised with seeds (commonly known as gunpowder seeds, [flower] seeds or fire seeds), which are easy to bolt in advance after transplanting. According to the experience of drug farmers, Angelica sinensis requires seeds.

  • Cultivation of Camellia seedlings soil conditions of Camellia

    Cultivation of Camellia seedlings soil conditions of Camellia

    Cultivation of Camellia seedlings soil conditions of Camellia

  • How to manage the weak seedling condition of winter wheat

    How to manage the weak seedling condition of winter wheat

    After the emergence of winter wheat, different types of weak seedlings are often formed due to the influence of natural conditions and cultivation measures. The symptomatic management of weak seedlings is introduced as follows: 1. The weak seedlings caused by soil drought are mostly caused by insufficient soil moisture or running away from soil moisture through ventilation.

    2020-11-08 Species winter wheat seedling condition weak how management emergence after
  • Sesame planting conditions

    Sesame planting conditions

    Sesame planting conditions

  • Introduction to the requirements of planting conditions and growth environment of cotton

    Introduction to the requirements of planting conditions and growth environment of cotton

    Cotton is the seed fiber of cotton plants of Malvaceae, which is native to the subtropics. The flowers of plants are milky white or pink flowers. It is usually said that cotton is the fiber inside the fruit that grows after flowering and breaks out when it is ripe. Like heat, good light, drought tolerance, taboo stains, suitable for planting in loose and deep soil

  • The technique of raising weak seedlings of potted orchids

    The technique of raising weak seedlings of potted orchids

    After the weak seedlings of orchids are "hatched" from the old, disabled and old Reed heads, after a period of growth, due to lack of stamina, they are always in short supply. At this time, it is best to apply some light foliar fertilizer every ten days and a half months.

  • The latest planting conditions of sesame

    The latest planting conditions of sesame

    Sesame is very familiar to us, and we often see it in daily life. It is widely used in many foods. In addition, sesame is one of the important oil crops in our country, and it has a wide planting area in our country. So what conditions do you need to grow sesame seeds?

    2020-11-10 The latest sesame planting conditions yes we very
  • spruce seedling transplanting method

    spruce seedling transplanting method

    According to the geographical location and climatic characteristics of the afforestation site, select the microclimate conditions suitable for spruce growth, especially the wet conditions. Under suitable microclimate conditions, we should focus on selecting soil with deep soil layer, loose texture and rich organic matter. In places with poor site conditions and less vegetation, we should strengthen cultivation measures to improve soil fertility. In order to ensure the shade tolerance and moisture tolerance needed for spruce growth, the traditional seedling planting method was changed in our farm in Wulasitai Township in 2002. The seedlings with height above 50 cm were selected and the holes were dug 40×40×

  • Who says orchid seedlings can not be cut alone? As long as these two conditions are met, the harder you cut, the more seedlings you will grow.

    Who says orchid seedlings can not be cut alone? As long as these two conditions are met, the harder you cut, the more seedlings you will grow.

    Such orchids can be cut into individual seedlings, and the harder they cut, the more they are sent. In fact, there are thousands of techniques for raising orchids, that is, there are many opinions about how to divide orchids. Some people say that orchids should be squeezed and not divided into seedlings.

  • Stick to the conditions and don't encourage the seedlings.

    Stick to the conditions and don't encourage the seedlings.

    The pilot project of two-right mortgage loan is concerned by both urban and rural society, and the desire for reform is high in all parts of the country. However, the complex legal issues and potential risk pressure of rural land system reform determine the strict conditions for the selection of pilot projects. It is not feasible to create conditions without conditions. According to instruction

    2016-01-10 Stick to the conditions can't encourage the seedlings two rights mortgage.
  • Planting ecologically complex Maize according to Local conditions in Southwest China

    Planting ecologically complex Maize according to Local conditions in Southwest China

    Editor's note: there are great differences in ecological conditions in southwest China, which leads to great changes in the growth period of maize. The southwest corn region includes Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and a small part of the western hilly areas of southern Shaanxi, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei and Gansu Province.

    2016-03-20 Southwest region ecology complexity corn planting measures to local conditions
  • What conditions do you need to raise hairy crabs?

    What conditions do you need to raise hairy crabs?

    Hairy crabs, presumably many people like to eat, editors also like this kind of food, but not in coastal areas to buy this kind of hairy crabs will be a little expensive in price. With the increasing demand for hairy crabs in the market, many people began to invest in this breeding line.

    2020-11-08 Hairy crab how breeding need what condition hairy crab
  • Main diseases of woody flowers and their control methods

    Main diseases of woody flowers and their control methods

    Main diseases of woody flowers and their control methods

  • The weak seedling condition is caused by many factors, how to manage winter wheat symptomatically.

    The weak seedling condition is caused by many factors, how to manage winter wheat symptomatically.

    The weak seedling condition is caused by many factors, how to manage winter wheat symptomatically.

  • Where is Shatian pomelo a specialty? Explain the planting conditions in detail!

    Where is Shatian pomelo a specialty? Explain the planting conditions in detail!

    When it comes to grapefruit, many people must think of Shatian pomelo, because Shatian pomelo tastes good and the price is not expensive, so every time it comes to market, many people will buy some to go home to make grapefruit tea. Where is Shatian pomelo a specialty? What are the planting conditions? 1. Sand

    2020-11-09 Shatian pomelo yes where specialty detailed explanation planting conditions one
  • Common problems in Rice cultivation in Dryland

    Common problems in Rice cultivation in Dryland

    1. How to raise enough rice seedlings under the condition of drought and lack of water is in spring. It vividly and profoundly illustrates the importance of raising seedlings in the whole year's production. Under such special conditions this year, raising sufficient seedlings is the key measure to win drought resistance and win a bumper harvest. In order to raise enough rice seedlings in the case of drought and lack of water, the first thing is to determine the way of raising rice seedlings according to local conditions, and the second is to pay attention to the implementation of technical measures. When determining the method of raising seedlings, there are three ways to choose for reference: first, popularize it where water can be locally obtained.

  • The latest apricot seedling management technology tutorial

    The latest apricot seedling management technology tutorial

    Selecting a good variety is an important condition for planting apricot trees. According to the actual local conditions, we should select drought-tolerant varieties according to local conditions. The apricot varieties with good fruit quality and high yield performance are more suitable for seeds. So how is the apricot tree?

    2020-11-10 latest apricot tree of seedling management technique method tutorial selection
  • When will bitter chrysanthemum sow? What conditions do you meet to grow well?

    When will bitter chrysanthemum sow? What conditions do you meet to grow well?

    Bitter chrysanthemum, also known as bitter thistle, dog tooth lettuce, annual or biennial herbs, bitter chrysanthemum root is conical, vertical extension, there are most fibrous roots. Bitter chrysanthemum is widely distributed and is planted all over the world. It is suitable for raw food, cold salad and soup. Bitter chrysanthemum when?

    2020-11-09 Bitter chrysanthemum vegetables when sowing meeting what conditions long
  • Cultivation and afforestation techniques of Picea koraiensis

    Cultivation and afforestation techniques of Picea koraiensis

    Picea koraiensis is shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, cold-resistant and fast-growing. It is not only the main tree species in the forest from Changbai Mountain to Xiaoxinganling in Northeast China, but also a common garden seedling. The cultivation and afforestation techniques of Picea koraiensis are introduced below. Breeding of improved varieties 1. Select a good stubble. Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and larch stubble are suitable for red-bark spruce sowing land. for the bed stubble of these two kinds of trees, if the working area is small and the stubble can not be adjusted, a large amount of organic fertilizer and base fertilizer should be applied and disinfected carefully. Second, seed sprouting. Snow storage is the best treatment.
