
re-issued Learn more about re-issued

  • The pruning method of lavender

    The pruning method of lavender

    Lavender flowers are the most abundant in essential oil, and flowers or inflorescences are mainly used. In order to facilitate harvest, some small inflorescences at the initial stage of cultivation might as well be leveled with large scissors, and the new inflorescences are high, which is beneficial to the second harvest. Some varieties can reach a height of 90 centimeters

  • Why do big green pineapple leaves turn yellow? Remedial maintenance measures for yellowing of green apple leaves

    Why do big green pineapple leaves turn yellow? Remedial maintenance measures for yellowing of green apple leaves

    Why do big green pineapple leaves turn yellow? How to fix it? Now many people will put several pots of plants at home to decorate me, but in the process of culture and maintenance, there are some problems due to various reasons, such as yellowing leaves, leaf shedding, root rot and so on, which affect the growth of plants.

  • Planting techniques of dragon fruit

    Planting techniques of dragon fruit

    Planting techniques of dragon fruit

  • If you do the math, you will get compensation if you withdraw from the land contract right, rent from the transfer of land, or profit from your own planting.

    If you do the math, you will get compensation if you withdraw from the land contract right, rent from the transfer of land, or profit from your own planting.

    If you do the math, you will get compensation if you withdraw from the land contract right, rent from the transfer of land, or profit from your own planting.

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of dragon fruit

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of dragon fruit

    Pitaya is a perennial vine plant of the genus Cactaceae, native to the Central American rainforest areas such as Brazil and Mexico in the Western Hemisphere, and is a typical tropical plant. Later, the French and Dutch were introduced into Vietnam, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries as well as Taiwan Province of China.

    2020-11-10 The latest fire dragon fruit planting technology methods tutorials
  • Do not throw away the withered and yellow leaves of these three kinds of flowers, and new buds will appear after being cut off ruthlessly.

    Do not throw away the withered and yellow leaves of these three kinds of flowers, and new buds will appear after being cut off ruthlessly.

    Now I like to take care of the green flowers at home. When I see them grow healthily every day, I feel that my painstaking efforts are not in vain. However, very often, when a mistake is made in the maintenance method, there will be all kinds of problems in the plant, such as yellow leaves, withered, rotten roots and so on.

  • The leaves of these three kinds of flowers are withered and yellow. please don't throw them away after they are cut off.

    The leaves of these three kinds of flowers are withered and yellow. please don't throw them away after they are cut off.

    Now I like to take care of the green flowers at home. When I see them grow healthily every day, I feel that my painstaking efforts are not in vain. But very often, a careless maintenance method makes a mistake, at this time.

  • [how to raise Phalaenopsis] how to raise Phalaenopsis after flowering

    [how to raise Phalaenopsis] how to raise Phalaenopsis after flowering

    [how to raise Phalaenopsis] how to raise Phalaenopsis after flowering

  • Extra-early crisp jujube and its cultivation techniques

    Extra-early crisp jujube and its cultivation techniques

    "extra early crisp honey king jujube" is a rare variety of early maturing fresh jujube in China. The tree potential of the variety is medium, the angle opens naturally, the branches do not grow too long, the fruit is cylindrical, the fruit face is white in the crisp ripening stage, the fruit face is bright red in the full ripening stage, the single fruit weighs about 30 grams, the fruit size is uniform, the kernel is small and the meat is thick, and the edible rate is about 98%. It also has the following characteristics: 1. The extra-early maturity period is in late July, which is about one month earlier than that of Lizao jujube. It is an extra-early fresh jujube variety. 2. The fruit is very large

  • How to raise flowers when they bloom

    How to raise flowers when they bloom

    Because of the limitation of temperature and humidity, under normal circumstances, only 2-3 leaves can grow in a year, so the flower bud will grow in the middle of the two leaves. After flower bud formation, temperature control between 18-20℃, about 3-4 months can bloom. 2. Flower stem extraction

  • Extra-early Crispy Millet Jujube and its cultivation techniques

    Extra-early Crispy Millet Jujube and its cultivation techniques

    "extra-early crisp honey king jujube" is a rare variety of extra-precocious fresh jujube in China. The tree potential of the variety is medium, the angle opens naturally, the branches do not grow too long, the fruit is cylindrical, the fruit face is white in the crisp ripening stage, the fruit face is bright red in the full ripening stage, the single fruit weighs about 30 grams, the fruit size is uniform, the kernel is small and the meat is thick, and the edible rate is about 98%. It also has the following characteristics: first, the mature period is very early. The mature period is in late July, which is about 1 month earlier than that of Lizao jujube. It is a very early-maturing fresh jujube variety. Second, the fruit is very large. The average weight of a single fruit is about 30 grams, with a maximum of 10.

  • The latest potted bell flower cultivation method

    The latest potted bell flower cultivation method

    In the case of potted plants, in order to prevent dry soil and avoid direct sunlight, it should be cultivated in a place from sunny to half-day shade. Especially in summer, direct sunlight and afternoon sunlight should be avoided, and if possible, try not to be exposed to sunlight.

    2020-11-10 latest potted plant hanging bell flower culture method flower in
  • When will the latest dragon fruit be planted?

    When will the latest dragon fruit be planted?

    Pitaya is a tropical and subtropical fruit. In its natural state, the fruit ripens in summer and autumn, with sweet and juicy taste, rich nutrition and unique function. It contains plant albumin, anthocyanins, rich vitamins and water-soluble dietary fiber rarely found in general plants.

    2020-11-10 The latest fire dragon fruit when planting fruit for tropical
  • What is the flower language of cyclamen? How to cultivate and blossom more?

    What is the flower language of cyclamen? How to cultivate and blossom more?

    Cyclamen flowers are not only beautiful, but also absorb sulfur dioxide, so they are very popular as indoor ornamental flowers. Cyclamen has many colors, so what is its flower language? As cyclamen is suitable for wild growth, we should pay attention to some matters in indoor culture.

    2020-11-09 Immortals visitors flowers what is it how breeding flowering more
  • How do clematis leaves turn yellow clematis leaves wither solution

    How do clematis leaves turn yellow clematis leaves wither solution

    Clematis, as its name suggests, is a vine plant. It not only has green and beautiful leaves, but also has very beautiful flowers. It is even called vine queen in Europe. Clematis although tenacious vitality, but if improper maintenance will also cause leaves

    2020-11-08 clematis leaves yellowing how to do dry wither of solve
  • How to renew the power of agricultural machinery after the "Golden decade"

    How to renew the power of agricultural machinery after the

    A few days ago, the Management cadre College of the Ministry of Agriculture held the second rotation training class for county directors of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery this year, with 115 agricultural machinery directors from major crop mechanization demonstration counties across the country, as well as system cadres of the Ministry of Agriculture, participating in the rotation training. The current round of training is organized by a total of specialists.

    2016-03-20 "Golden decade " after that agricultural machinery how re-issued power a few days ago
  • Biological characteristics of Angelica sinensis (2)

    Biological characteristics of Angelica sinensis (2)

    The main results are as follows: (1) the root growth of Angelica sinensis spans three years from sowing to physiological maturity, and the whole growth period is more than 500 days. After the seed germination, the radicle lengthens rapidly, bends downward and grows into the soil. When the main radicle extends to 3 cm, the primary lateral root begins to form, and then the secondary lateral root appears on the primary lateral root. The main root continues to thicken and elongate, and gradually becomes fleshy, forming a typical fleshy straight root with a length of 20 cm and a diameter of 0.3 cm. April of the following year

  • Planting environment of dragon fruit

    Planting environment of dragon fruit

    Neutral soil or weakly acidic soil with high humus content and strong performance of water and fertilizer conservation should be selected. Due to its strong adaptability to the environment, dragon fruit can grow at a low temperature of 0 ℃ to a high temperature of 40 ℃, but the temperature of 25 ℃-35 ℃ is the most suitable for dragon fruit.

    2020-11-08 Fire dragon fruit planting environment abstract soil need selection humus
  • Small Skills of Bonsai Modelling--Method of Picking Leaves

    Small Skills of Bonsai Modelling--Method of Picking Leaves

    Leaves can make bonsai trees that sprout once a year sprout and sprout many times. Picking leaves can make bonsai re-issued green leaves, reproduce vibrant charm, make it more beautiful, more ornamental value. Fertilizer and water management should be strengthened about one month before leaf picking to promote the rapid germination of new buds after leaf picking and grow into tender leaves.

  • How to raise Zhu Jiao and Fugui bamboo together?

    How to raise Zhu Jiao and Fugui bamboo together?

    Cut the leaves at the base of the bacon rich bamboo respectively: before entering the bottle, remove the leaves at the base of the cuttings, and cut the base into an oblique edge with a sharp knife, the knife edge should be smooth, in order to increase the absorption area of water and nutrients. Every 3-4 days, change the water, can put in a few pieces of charcoal antiseptic
