
pus Learn more about pus

  • Sows discharge pus 10 days after mating

    Sows discharge pus 10 days after mating

    There may be some problems in the process of sow breeding. Only when the sow is successfully mated and the sow itself is healthy can healthy piglets be bred. How does sow discharge pus 10 days after mating? How to prevent and cure it? 1. Sow mating for the cause of pus discharge 10 days after mating

    2020-11-11 Sow mating after 10 days pus sow breeding in the process
  • Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal wall hernia complicated with uterine pus in dogs

    Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal wall hernia complicated with uterine pus in dogs

    Canine uterine pus accumulation (caninepyometra) refers to the accumulation of a large amount of pus in the uterine cavity of dogs, accompanied by abnormal endometrial hyperplasia and bacterial infection. According to whether the cervix is open or not, it can be divided into open type and closed type. The disease mostly occurs in adult bitches without mating, pregnancy and ligation (ovariectomy), and mostly occurs in middle-aged bitches over 6 years old. The disease occurs within 3 to 8 weeks after estrus, and may be accompanied by a long history of estrus disorder or endometritis. The cause of uterine empyema comes from endocrine disorder, estrus, mating and failure during delivery.

  • How does sow discharge pus do? Don't panic. The cure is here.

    How does sow discharge pus do? Don't panic. The cure is here.

    How does sow discharge pus do? Don't panic. The cure is here.

  • The efficacy and function of pangolin

    The efficacy and function of pangolin

    The efficacy and function of pangolin

  • What is the disease of cucumber leaf stalk pus?

    What is the disease of cucumber leaf stalk pus?

    What is the disease of cucumber leaf stalk pus?

  • Postpartum sow care in this way, the risk of infection is low, sows recover quickly!

    Postpartum sow care in this way, the risk of infection is low, sows recover quickly!

    Postpartum sow care in this way, the risk of infection is low, sows recover quickly!

  • Is the latest version poisonous?

    Is the latest version poisonous?

    Platycodon grandiflorum can be eaten as a vegetable and used as medicine. It is a perennial herb. Its roots can be used as medicine. It has the functions of relieving cough and eliminating phlegm, dispersing lung and discharging pus. It is produced in most parts of China and has no direct relationship with orange or citrus. Here we come.

    2020-11-10 the latest platycodon grandiflorum poisonous is it can be used as a vegetable come
  • How much is a gram of pangolin powder of Cyprinidae? What are the effects and effects? How much should I eat at a time?

    How much is a gram of pangolin powder of Cyprinidae? What are the effects and effects? How much should I eat at a time?

    Pangolins are treasures all over the body, especially scales, which can be ground into powder for medicinal use, and have the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing milk and sober up, so they have high value, but because pangolins are rare in our country, the price is very expensive. how much is that pangolin powder?

    2020-11-11 Cyprinidae pangolin more powder less money one gram yes what efficacy
  • Efficacy and function of calamine

    Efficacy and function of calamine

    Efficacy and function of calamine

  • Is Platycodon grandiflorum poisonous?

    Is Platycodon grandiflorum poisonous?

    Is Platycodon grandiflorum poisonous?

  • Where is the origin of Angelica dahurica?

    Where is the origin of Angelica dahurica?

    Where is the origin of Angelica dahurica?

  • Where is the latest origin of Angelica dahurica?

    Where is the latest origin of Angelica dahurica?

    Angelica dahurica, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain Symptoms such as red leucorrhea, pain, furuncle, swelling and toxin, etc.

    2020-11-10 The latest Radix angelicae dahuricae
  • The main reasons for the rotten flowers of zucchini

    The main reasons for the rotten flowers of zucchini

    The main causes of zucchini rotten flowers are: Botrytis cinerea and physiological disorders (temperature drop, high humidity, hindered root development, etc.). In addition, bacteria can also infect the flowers, and in serious cases, white pus will flow out. At the beginning, the symptoms were as follows: the flowers showed wet rot in the form of water stains, and gray-black hairs appeared in the later stage. Some wet rotten flowers show pus (.

  • Symptoms and control methods of wax gourd angular spot

    Symptoms and control methods of wax gourd angular spot

    Symptoms: mainly damage to leaves, petioles and fruits. It can be damaged from seedling stage to adult stage. True leaf infection, initially a bright green flooding spot, gradually light brown, disease spot limited by the vein of the leaf is polygonal, yellowish brown, when the humidity is high, the back of the leaf is overflowing with milky white turbid bead-like bacterial pus, and the disease is brittle and easy to perforate. The stem and petiole are infected.

  • Prevention and treatment of trauma in ornamental turtles

    Prevention and treatment of trauma in ornamental turtles

    [etiology] in the process of capture and feeding, the carapace, skin, limbs, mouth and other parts of the tortoise were bruised, injured and crushed. [symptoms] Local redness and swelling, tissue necrosis, pus. [prevention and treatment] for fresh wounds, stop bleeding first, oppress with gauze, apply Yunnan Baiyao in severe cases, then clean the wound, then scrub with disinfectant (93% hydrogen peroxide, 0.5% potassium permanganate) to prevent infection, and large wounds should be sutured and bandaged. For the old and suppurative trauma, enlarge the wound and remove the pus and necrotic material from the wound.

  • "Seven look" to check silkworm disease

    Look at development: healthy silkworms develop and grow neatly. If the body is enlarged, the development is too fast, and the age is obviously shortened, we should be on guard against the occurrence of silkworm pus. If the body is too thin and of different sizes, we should be on guard against short silkworm disease, chelating of golden caterpillars, exhaust gas poisoning and so on. Look at eating mulberry: there is a sound of eating mulberry, if the voice is low or silent, we should be on guard against silkworm disease. Pesticide poisoning. Silkworms will crawl and gradually stop eating and spit milk. Look at the behavior: the behavior of healthy silkworms is lively, alert and responsive. Unhealthy silkworms react abnormally. For example: ① crawling mania with purulent disease

  • Control of Violet bacterial Rot

    Control of Violet bacterial Rot

    Symptom-nbsp;  shape: the disease occurs at seedling stage and adult plant. When the seedlings fell ill, the main stem of the disease showed water-stained dark green soft rot, and then turned dark brown. The disease occurs in the adult stage, and the disease spot appears in the stem near the ground. The disease spot is irregular or surrounds the stem, dark brown, slightly sunken and cracking, resulting in plant death and pus in the disease.

  • What are the seed planting methods of Platycodon grandiflorum? How much is the income per mu? What are the effects and effects?

    What are the seed planting methods of Platycodon grandiflorum? How much is the income per mu? What are the effects and effects?

    Platycodon grandiflorum, alias Baodang flower, bell clang flower, monk hat flower, is a perennial herb, dark blue or dark purple-white flowers, can be used as ornamental flowers; its root can be used as medicine, has the functions of relieving cough and expectoration, expelling lung, expelling pus and so on. So what are the seed planting methods of Platycodon grandiflorum? How much is the income per mu? What are the effects and effects

  • Causes and prevention of infertility or litter loss in sows

    Causes and prevention of infertility or litter loss in sows

    Causes and prevention of infertility or litter loss in sows

  • What are the functions of Platycodon grandiflorum? what are the benefits of Platycodon grandiflorum?

    What are the functions of Platycodon grandiflorum? what are the benefits of Platycodon grandiflorum?

    What are the functions of Platycodon grandiflorum? what are the benefits of Platycodon grandiflorum?
