
What are the seed planting methods of Platycodon grandiflorum? How much is the income per mu? What are the effects and effects?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Platycodon grandiflorum, alias Baodang flower, bell clang flower, monk hat flower, is a perennial herb, dark blue or dark purple-white flowers, can be used as ornamental flowers; its root can be used as medicine, has the functions of relieving cough and expectoration, expelling lung, expelling pus and so on. So what are the seed planting methods of Platycodon grandiflorum? How much is the income per mu? What are the effects and effects

Platycodon grandiflorum, alias Baodang flower, bell clang flower, monk hat flower, is a perennial herb, dark blue or dark purple-white flowers, can be used as ornamental flowers; its root can be used as medicine, has the functions of relieving cough and expectoration, expelling lung, expelling pus and so on. So what are the seed planting methods of Platycodon grandiflorum? How much is the income per mu? What are the effects and effects?

I. planting method of Platycodon grandiflorum

1. Reproductive technology

Platycodon grandiflorum is propagated, so high-yielding plants should be selected to keep seeds, and the inflorescences on lateral branches should be removed in late August, so that nutrients can be concentrated to supply the development of fruits in the upper and middle parts, so as to promote the fullness of seeds and improve seed quality. When the capsule turns yellow, cut off the whole plant, put it in a ventilated and dry place, ripen, then dry and thresh, ready for use. Direct seeding is usually used, and it can also be raised and transplanted. The yield of direct seeding is higher than that of transplanting, and the forked root is less and the quality is good. It can be sown in autumn, winter or spring, and autumn sowing is the best.

2. Seed selection

Platycodon grandiflorum seeds should be more than 2 years old non-aging seeds (seeds accumulated for one year, the germination rate should be reduced by more than 70%), and germination tests should be carried out before planting to ensure that the seed germination rate is more than 70%.

The specific method of germination test is as follows: take a small amount of seeds, soak them in warm water of 40-50 ℃ for 8-12 hours, remove the seeds, drain water, put them on a cloth, mix them with wet sand, accelerate germination at a temperature of about 25 ℃, pay attention to turning and spraying water in time, and germinate in 4-6 days.

3. Sowing seeds

Platycodon grandiflorum can be sowed in spring or summer. Spring sowing is appropriate to soak the seeds with warm scalding, which can emerge early, put the seeds in warm water, then stir until the water is cool, soak for another 8 hours, cover the place where the seeds are wrapped in wet cloth, cover them with wet sacks, and rinse them with warm water every morning and evening for about 5 days. you can sow when the seeds germinate. Sowing the seeds evenly in the ditch, because the seeds are small, you can use fine sand and seeds to mix well before sowing, cover the soil or ash after sowing, and water and moisturize after sowing in arid areas. The seed consumption is 500,750g per mu. During seedling emergence, attention should be paid to loosening the soil and weeding. When the seedling height is about 2 cm, the seedlings should be kept strong according to the distance between the plants. If the seedlings are sparse or broken, the seedlings should be replenished on a cloudy day. After applying rare human and animal dung water, cover it after application, apply it again and cultivate the soil to prevent lodging. Cover it after giving it. In addition, we should often loosen the soil and weed, and water it in time early in the morning. It is generally harvested at the end of autumn or before sprouting in early spring.

Platycodon grandiflorum to prevent Platycodon grandiflorum beneficial root Platycodon grandiflorum with straight long strip, solid, less bifurcated root is better. Cultivated Platycodon grandiflorum often has many synthetic roots, some bifurcate and some trigeminal, and some of the main roots are less than thick and short, with lateral roots. Greatly affect the quality if more than one seedling has bifurcated roots, the more luxuriant the seedling, the more affected the growth of the main root. On the other hand, there are no bifurcated roots and branched roots. It seems that it is very simple to solve the problem of Platycodon grandiflorum bifurcation. As long as the cultivated Platycodon grandiflorum can achieve one plant and one seedling, there will be no bifurcated roots and branched roots. Therefore, superfluous signs should be removed at any time, especially in the spring of the second year, when returning to green, many seedlings are most likely to appear. At this time, special attention should be paid to getting rid of the superfluous signs and keeping one seedling at a time. At the same time, apply more phosphate fertilizer and less helium and potassium fertilizer to prevent the overgrowth of the aboveground part, topping if necessary, reduce nutrient consumption, and promote the normal growth of the root.

It takes about 25 days for dry sowing seeds to emerge, and about 10 days for budding seeds. After the seedlings are unearthed, the weeds should be removed in time, and the seedlings should be thinned at the right time if the seedlings are too dense, with 12 seedlings per 100 square centimeters, and one seedling should be kept at an interval of 5 cm (about 60,000 seedlings per mu). Weeding should be carried out at the right time in the later stage. In addition, Platycodon grandiflorum has a long flowering period, which consumes a lot of nutrients and affects root growth. Besides planting, it is necessary to improve root yield and quality by thinning flowers and fruits in time.

4. Select the place

Platycodon grandiflorum is suitable to grow in loose soil, especially in sloping land and mountainous area, the topography of half-shade and half-yang is the best, and flat land cultivation should have good drainage conditions. Platycodon grandiflorum is not suitable for continuous cropping.

5. Land preparation

Platycodon grandiflorum has longer fleshy roots, so it is best to be cultivated on ridges. In early spring (mid-late April) sprinkle farm manure to plough and rake the land fine and level (30cm deep). When making ridges, first put a grid line 2 meters apart on the ground, open a ditch, and then separate the soil in the ditch to both sides to make a ridge bed with a width of 1.7 meters and a width of about 30 centimeters. In case of drought, it can be irrigated along the ditch in preparation for sowing.

6. Fertilization

Before sowing in the field, Platycodon grandiflorum can apply 2000-3000 kg of farm fertilizer, 40 kg of grain compound fertilizer and 30 kg of superphosphate per mu. In order to control grub, 1 kg of methyl enemy powder and farm fertilizer can be applied evenly before ploughing. In the later stage, clear manure water or urea can be used for topdressing and raising seedlings with urea 25 kg or clear dung water in July and August of the second year. Clear dung water can be applied about 2 tons per mu each time, and the concentration can be about 10%. If the concentration is high after topdressing, you should wash the seedlings with clean water in time.

Second, how much is the income per mu of Platycodon grandiflorum

Planting Platycodon grandiflorum needs to invest 10,000 jin of ring fertilizer or 100 jin of compound fertilizer per mu, discount 120 yuan, seed 2 kg, 160 yuan, labor about 300 yuan, a total of 580 yuan. The average annual output is more than 1000 kg, with a high yield of 1500 kg. According to the current purchase price of 4 yuan / kg, the mu income is 2800 yuan, plus 300kg foreign products. The processed medicinal material (the drying rate is 3:1) is 100kg, and the current purchase price is 10 yuan / kg, totaling 1000 yuan, as well as seed income. 20 kg seeds are produced per mu in the same year, and 40 yuan / kg is 800 yuan. The total income per mu is 4600 yuan. After deducting the cost, the income per mu is at least 3600 yuan.

What are the effects and effects of Platycodon grandiflorum

Purging the lungs, removing phlegm, promoting pharynx and expelling pus. Platycodon grandiflorum tastes bitter, pungent and flat. Return to the lung meridian. Efficacy of lung, pharynx, expectorant, pus. The author reviews the literature and thinks that Platycodon grandiflorum still has the functions of regulating qi, activating blood circulation, digesting food and calming the mind.

The function of Platycodon grandiflorum: 1. Cough sputum, chest tightness is not smooth. This product relieves bitterness, relieves lung qi and dispels phlegm. It can be used regardless of cold and heat. Wind-cold, with perilla, almonds, such as Xingsu San ("identification of febrile diseases"); wind-hot, with mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums, almonds, such as mulberry chrysanthemum drink ("differentiation of febrile diseases"); if phlegm stagnation chest ruffian, often used with Fructus Aurantii.

2. Sore throat and aphonia. This product can release the lungs and expel evil to open the pharynx. Where external evil invades the lungs, sore throat and loss of voice, it is often used with licorice and burdock, such as Platycodon grandiflorum decoction (synopsis of the Golden Chamber) and modified Ganju decoction (Medical mind). Treat sore throat, heat toxin Sheng, can be equipped with dry shoot, Ma Bo, Banlangen and so on to clear heat and detoxify pharynx.

3. Lung abscess vomiting pus. This character is scattered upward, which can benefit the lung qi and expel the pus and sputum obstructing the lungs. Treat lung carbuncle, cough and chest pain. Expectoration and fishy smell can be used with licorice, such as Platycodon grandiflorum decoction (synopsis of the Golden Chamber); clinically, it can be matched with Houttuynia cordata, wax gourd kernel and so on to enhance the effect of clearing lung and expelling pus.

Pharmacological action:

Platycodon grandiflorum saponins directly stimulate the oral cavity, throat and gastric mucosa, which reflexively increases the hypersecretion of bronchial mucosa so as to dilute sputum and is easy to be excreted. Platycodon grandiflorum has antitussive and anti-inflammatory and immune effects, its anti-inflammatory strength is similar to aspirin, and the water extract can enhance the phagocytosis of macrophages, enhance the bactericidal activity of neutrophils and increase the activity of lysozyme. It has preventive effect on stress ulcer. Platycodon grandiflorum crude saponins have sedative, analgesic, antipyretic effects, but also can reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, relax smooth muscle. Platycodon grandiflorum saponins have strong hemolytic effect, but oral administration can decompose and destroy in the digestive tract and lose the hemolytic effect.

Time: 2019-03-18 Click: