
oversummer Learn more about oversummer

  • On the technique of Phalaenopsis oversummer

    On the technique of Phalaenopsis oversummer

    1. Measures: the oversummer of Phalaenopsis is mainly a cooling problem, and the following measures should be taken: ① plus double-layer shading net to reduce light, which can achieve a good cooling effect (2 ℃ ~ 4 ℃). ② ground sprinkling and irrigation. The temperature is very high in summer, but the temperature of the water just pumped out of the well is very low, about 16 ℃. Therefore, the method of sprinkling or irrigation can play an obvious cooling effect. The cooling rate of ③ foliar spraying is the fastest, but the duration is the shortest. ④ ventilation. Every 5 on the wall

  • On the oversummer technique of Phalaenopsis

    On the oversummer technique of Phalaenopsis

    1. Measures: the oversummer of Phalaenopsis is mainly a cooling problem, and the following measures should be taken: ① plus double-layer shading net to reduce light, which can achieve a good cooling effect (2 ℃ ~ 4 ℃). ② ground sprinkling and irrigation. The temperature is very high in summer, but the temperature of the water just pumped out of the well is very low, about 16 ℃. Therefore, the method of sprinkling or irrigation can play an obvious cooling effect. The cooling rate of ③ foliar spraying is the fastest, but the duration is the shortest. ④ ventilation. Every 5 meters away from the ground height 70cm on the wall

  • Three methods of oversummer management of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Three methods of oversummer management of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Spring sowing Pleurotus ostreatus and late winter sowing Pleurotus ostreatus, often harvest 1-2 stubble mushrooms, encounter high temperature can not continue to produce mushrooms. In order to make Pleurotus ostreatus safely oversummer and preserve nutrients, Pleurotus ostreatus continues to produce mushrooms in autumn, and summer management can be carried out. The mycelium block (bag) air-drying method is simple and convenient. Air-dry the mycelium block (bag) without mushroom or only 1 or 2 stubble mushrooms (the bag without mushroom need not be opened) and place it in a cool and ventilated place. If you put it outdoors, add mulch to prevent rain, moisture and mildew. After the temperature drops in September, soak the mycelium (bag) in the pool to make

  • Common problems of flowers and plants in preventing cold and oversummer

    Common problems of flowers and plants in preventing cold and oversummer

    Common problems of flowers and plants in preventing cold and oversummer

  • The key technology of Lentinus edodes tube safe oversummer

    The key technology of Lentinus edodes tube safe oversummer

    First, choose a suitable place for summer. Can choose the bungalow of civil structure, auditorium, warehouse, also can build shady shed outdoors to spend the summer. Indoor requirements clean, cool, air convection, no direct sunlight, outdoor shady shed over the summer requirements of each border and around the open ditch, cover the film to protect against rain on rainy days. Second, the scientific placement of bacteria.

  • The latest course of oversummer cultivation techniques of Tomato

    The latest course of oversummer cultivation techniques of Tomato

    Tomato is a very popular vegetable, which can not only be eaten raw, but also make dishes. Tomatoes can generally be planted in spring, summer and autumn. However, when we plant tomatoes in summer, we should do a good job in summer cultivation.

    2020-11-10 The latest tomato summer cultivation techniques methods tutorials
  • How is wheat downy mildew transmitted?

    How is wheat downy mildew transmitted?

    How is wheat downy mildew transmitted? Wheat downy mildew is a fungal disease. The pathogen oversummered in the host diseased tissue with oospores. The oospores germinate and produce sporangia when the conditions are suitable. Oospores and sporangia spread by running water, germinate and produce zoospores, which invade from coleoptile to hyphae, and hyphae penetrate into host larvae.

  • Prevention and treatment of Impatiens Ring Disease

    Prevention and treatment of Impatiens Ring Disease

    The disease occurs on the symptomatic lobe. Produce large round spots with dark brown periphery. There are obvious concentric wheel lines on the surface of the lesion. In the later stage, the middle part of the lesion turned grayish brown and scattered with small black spots. AscochytaphaseolorumSaccardo, a half-known pathogen. In the route of transmission, the pathogens overwintered and oversummer on the diseased remains by conidia and ascomycetes. Conidia can be transmitted by wind and rain. Later, conidia were produced on the disease spot and continued to spread, causing re-infection.

  • Key points of summer management of Lentinus edodes

    Key points of summer management of Lentinus edodes

    1. Box specifications: made of wooden nails or bamboo strips, locust strips and mountain vines, woven into a rectangular box basket of 50 × 35 × 10 cm, with a nail head or tie head facing outward and covered with plastic film inside. two。 Culture material preparation: mixed sawdust (cottonseed shell or manuscript stalk) 88%, wheat husk or rice bran 8%, corn meal 2%, sugar 1%, gypsum powder 1%, mixed.

  • Control measures of main Diseases of Wheat at Seedling stage

    Control measures of main Diseases of Wheat at Seedling stage

    Control measures of main Diseases of Wheat at Seedling stage

  • How to plant the latest angelica seeds?

    How to plant the latest angelica seeds?

    Angelica belongs to the umbrella family and belongs to perennial herbs. it is suitable for cold and cool climate and can be cultivated at an altitude of about 1500m to 3000m above sea level. it is not easy to oversummer, and the soil layer is deep, loose, well drained and fertile sand rich in humus.

    2020-11-10 The latest Angelica sinensis seeds how species angelica umbrella Kedang
  • The latest Control measures of main Diseases in Wheat Seedling stage

    The latest Control measures of main Diseases in Wheat Seedling stage

    The weather is getting cooler and it is the time to plant winter wheat, when sowing and breeding of winter wheat have begun all over the country, and the seedling stage of wheat is becoming more and more serious because of climate change and the influence of drinking water in cultivation management. So what are the diseases of wheat seedlings? Follow the editor

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat seedling stage major disease control measures weather
  • Disease and pest control of wheat

    Disease and pest control of wheat

    Wheat spiders [distribution and damage] there are two main species of wheat spiders, the wheat round spider [Penthaleusmajor (duges)] and the wheat long-legged spider [Petrobialatens (Mullen)]. The former belongs to the family Acaridae, the latter belongs to the family Tetranychidae. All wheat areas are distributed across the country, with wheat long-legged spiders in the north and spiders in the south.

  • How to manage Auricularia auricula in summer?

    How to manage Auricularia auricula in summer?

    How to manage Auricularia auricula in summer? Please introduce Auricularia auricula can refer to the following methods for management: 1. To make fungus tube for oversummer cultivation, the inoculation time of fungus tube should be 30-45 days later than that of conventional spring planting, that is, from late April to early May, when the temperature is 20 ℃ and 30 days, it is suitable for hair.

  • The method of rapid propagation of honeybee

    The method of rapid propagation of honeybee

    Bees generally collect honey during the day and make honey at night, and can also help fruit trees complete the task of pollination. Many beekeepers raise a large number of bees. So what are the ways to reproduce bees quickly? First, how can bees reproduce quickly? 1. Flying in the right amount: spring

    2020-11-11 Fast breeding bees methods generally during the day.
  • How to plant Auricularia auricula in summer?

    How to plant Auricularia auricula in summer?

    How to plant Auricularia auricula in summer? Please guide the substitute cultivation of Auricularia auricula and Auricularia auricula can be planted in spring and autumn, most of which are cultivated in spring. However, spring planting is generally at low temperature in the early stage, and it is difficult to develop bacteria. In the later stage, the temperature of the ear is high and there are many malformed ears. In order to solve this problem, oversummer cultivation with soil mulching was carried out. Feed 200.

  • The latest control measures of wheat trematodes

    The latest control measures of wheat trematodes

    Wheat midge is a worldwide pest, which is widely distributed in major wheat-growing countries in Asia, Europe and America. Domestic wheat trematodes are also widely distributed in the main wheat producing areas in China. There are two main species of wheat midges in China, namely, red midge and yellow midge.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat suction insects control measures
  • How to deal with the "rotten stick" of Lentinus edodes in high temperature

    How to deal with the

    How to deal with the "rotten stick" of Lentinus edodes in high temperature

  • How to keep honeybees from running away from honeybee diseases and enemy damage control

    How to keep honeybees from running away from honeybee diseases and enemy damage control

    When the honeybee population is too large or the queen is aging, the worker bee will build a queen hive, and the larvae hatched by the fertilized eggs laid in the queen will be fed to the royal jelly by the worker bee all the time. The natural grouping is usually led by the old queen bee.

    2020-11-08 Bees how raise can not run disease and enemy damage control
  • How to breed bees to breed queen bees

    How to breed bees to breed queen bees

    As the saying goes: a good king thousand pounds of honey. Although this was an exaggeration, it was enough to explain the role of the queen bee in the bee colony, but the good king was not easy to obtain. The following is a summary of some of the experiences of breeding kings in beekeeping management.

    2020-11-08 breeding bees how to breed good queen bee as the saying goes one had to