
occur Learn more about occur

  • What is the difference between cotton Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt?

    What is the difference between cotton Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt?

    What is the difference between cotton Verticillium wilt and Verticillium wilt? Please introduce the difference between cotton Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt as follows: cotton wilt can occur in the whole growth and development period of cotton, but it occurs more seriously in the seedling stage, and it will also occur in the adult plant stage if favorable conditions are encountered. Ralstonia solanacearum: leaf process.

  • Over-warning floods occurred in 118 rivers across the country

    Over-warning floods occurred in 118 rivers across the country

    Over-warning floods occurred in 118 rivers across the country

  • National General Administration of Prevention and Control: large-scale spring flood may occur in spring 2016

    National General Administration of Prevention and Control: large-scale spring flood may occur in spring 2016

    Spring floods are expected to occur in some parts of China in the spring of 2016, the office of the State Flood Control and drought Relief headquarters announced on the 21st. The report shows that the El Nino event, which has lasted since May 2014, developed from the equatorial central Pacific to the eastern Pacific in May this year.

    2015-12-26 The country the General Administration of Prevention 2016 spring may occur large wide range spring flood
  • Pests and control methods of rhododendron

    Pests and control methods of rhododendron

    The main pests of rhododendron are red spider, rhododendron net bug and aphid. Red spiders can be controlled by pruning or avermectin spraying; rhododendron bugs can be controlled by removing diseased leaves or spraying imidacloprid; aphids can be controlled by washing, armyworm board or spraying imidacloprid.

  • Chickens should pay attention to the identification of these respiratory diseases

    Chickens should pay attention to the identification of these respiratory diseases

    No matter which respiratory disease occurs, it is difficult to determine which respiratory disease occurs from the clinical symptoms and the performance of chickens, which brings some difficulties to the diagnosis. In order to help you make a preliminary diagnosis on the spot, various respiratory diseases and common diseases with symptoms of respiratory diseases are introduced as follows: chicken chronic respiratory disease is a respiratory disease caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Mycoplasma is widely found in chickens, it can be said that in various breeds of commercial laying hens.

  • Sunshine disease occurred in high temperature grapes.

    Sunshine disease occurred in high temperature grapes.

    Courtyard grape pruning is usually carried out in the growing period, which can help to adjust the relationship between growth and fruit, control shoot growth, improve yield and quality, and obviously improve the ornamental effect of grape. Its summer pruning can take the following 8 measures: wipe buds: when buds grow to 2 cm to 3 cm, erase weak buds, branched mouth buds and.

  • Why is bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur in tomato?

    Why is bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur in tomato?

    Bacterial pith necrosis is an important disease in tomato cultivation, which seriously affects the yield and quality of tomato. Sometimes even lead to the whole shed out of production, why bacterial pulp necrosis easy to occur? Let's take a look at it together. 1. Environmental causes

    2020-11-09 why tomato bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur
  • Diseases and pests and Emergency measures in the production of Edible Fungi

    Diseases and pests and Emergency measures in the production of Edible Fungi

    In the winter of 2007, infectious diseases, physiological diseases and insect pests of edible fungi occurred seriously. the susceptible varieties also spread from Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinus edodes, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Coprinus comatus to Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotus ostreatus, Flammulina velutipes and so on. after brief classification and arrangement, the author summarizes the main diseases and pests and their treatment measures, in order to be helpful to cultivation. Infectious disease Pleurotus ostreatus: mostly occurs in Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotus ostreatus and other varieties. It shows that the cap of young mushroom turns yellow and gradually expands, until the mushroom is mature, the color is aggravated, and some are slightly lightened, yellow.

  • How to prevent and cure the disease and insect of Achyranthes bidentata

    How to prevent and cure the disease and insect of Achyranthes bidentata

    The disease during the growth period of Achyranthes bidentata is mainly white rust, which is characterized by damage to the aboveground parts of the plant, yellowish green patches on the leaf surface, outstanding blister protuberances on the back, 1 mm in diameter, and white and glossy sticky powder after the epidermis is ruptured. The diseased leaves turn yellow and brown when blister spots occur for a long time. Occurs in the petiole bud and other parts, resulting in light yellow spots, and then into white blister spots, the diseased stem is often swollen and twisted. The incidence rule of white rust is that the pathogen is mainly oospore.

  • Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus ostreatus

    In recent years, a serious new disease occurred in Pleurotus ostreatus production. Most of the disease occurred after the first harvest, and a few occurred after the second or third harvest. At the beginning of the disease, a small number of white dots grow on the surface of Pleurotus ostreatus culture material, which are tumor-shaped, very similar to the undifferentiated Pleurotus ostreatus fruit body primordium, gradually grow into a piece, and later become brown. The disease is highly infectious. Once it occurs, it no longer produces mushrooms normally. The cultivation personnel call this disease "white lump disease". According to relevant information, this disease has occurred in Japanese mushroom logs, called "big button

  • Occurrence and Control of Leaf spot of Carnation (Carnation)

    Occurrence and Control of Leaf spot of Carnation (Carnation)

    Carnation, also known as carnation and carnation, is easily infected with leaf spot disease, affecting its growth and development and reducing the yield and quality of fresh cut flowers.

  • Four diseases most likely to occur in growing vegetables in winter

    Four diseases most likely to occur in growing vegetables in winter

    Four diseases most likely to occur in growing vegetables in winter

  • With the change of seasons, infectious pig diseases occur frequently, let's see how to diagnose several common diseases!

    With the change of seasons, infectious pig diseases occur frequently, let's see how to diagnose several common diseases!

    In late spring and early summer, the seasons change, the climate is changeable, all kinds of epidemic diseases are high, and pigs are easy to be infected with epidemic diseases. A group of diagnosis and treatment methods of infectious pig diseases are specially arranged for farmers' reference. 1. In pig production, we often encounter the following typical dysentery.

    2020-11-11 Season change contagion pig disease multiple look breeding talent
  • Prevention and control of edible fungus diseases, main fungal diseases and control of Zingiberaceae flowers

    Prevention and control of edible fungus diseases, main fungal diseases and control of Zingiberaceae flowers

    Main fungal Diseases of Zingiberaceae Flowers and their Control

  • Poplar bark rot

    Poplar bark rot

    Distribution and harm of poplar skin rot, that is, poplar rot. Poplar cultivation areas occur in China, but they are mainly distributed in Northeast, Northwest, North China and other areas. It is a common and frequently-occurring disease of poplars in parks, green spaces, street trees and nurseries, which often causes a large number of street trees to die, especially the newly transplanted poplars. The disease.

  • Multiple measures for comprehensive control of cotton diseases with symptoms

    Multiple measures for comprehensive control of cotton diseases with symptoms

    Identification of the symptoms of Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt of cotton Fusarium wilt can occur in the whole growth and development period of cotton, but it occurs more seriously in the seedling stage, and it will also occur in the adult stage if favorable conditions are encountered. Ralstonia solanacearum type: the leaf suddenly loses water, the leaf droops and wilts, the leaf color is dark green, the leaf becomes soft and thin, the whole plant is green and dry and dies, but the leaf generally does not fall off and the petiole is curved. Yellowing type: it can occur at both seedling stage and adult stage. Most of the yellowing type occurs from the edge of the leaf, the local or whole leaf turns yellow, and finally the leaf dies or falls off, and the petiole

  • Why does grape downy mildew occur? What are the prevention and control techniques?

    Why does grape downy mildew occur? What are the prevention and control techniques?

    Grape downy mildew is a specific parasitic disease, which is one of the important diseases harmful to grape production. It is distributed in the main grape producing areas in the world. So why does grape downy mildew occur? What are the prevention and control techniques? First, why does grape downy mildew occur? As long as it is

    2020-11-09 Why will happen grape frost mildew prevention technology have
  • Prediction of moderate occurrence of pests in Hebei Province in the first half of the year

    Prediction of moderate occurrence of pests in Hebei Province in the first half of the year

    Prediction of moderate occurrence of pests in Hebei Province in the first half of the year

  • Summer high temperature and drought how to prevent grape fruit shrinkage disease?

    Summer high temperature and drought how to prevent grape fruit shrinkage disease?

    Summer high temperature and drought how to prevent grape fruit shrinkage disease? Please give guidance to the method that summer high temperature often occurs at the same time in summer, which is easy to cause rapid increase of leaf transpiration. Leaves not only get water from roots through stems, but also compete for water from fruits for transpiration. It will produce when the berries lose water and the fruit temperature rises.

  • Matters needing attention in soilless cultivation of flowers, occurrence trend and control of flower diseases and insect pests in July

    Matters needing attention in soilless cultivation of flowers, occurrence trend and control of flower diseases and insect pests in July

    Occurrence trend and Control of Flower Diseases and insect pests in July
