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  • What are the varieties of water chestnuts? Introduction of high quality water chestnut varieties

    What are the varieties of water chestnuts? Introduction of high quality water chestnut varieties

    In fact, water chestnut is what we call horseshoe in many areas, the meat is white, it tastes crisp, sweet and juicy, and it will be added to a variety of dishes as food ingredients in many places. Water chestnut is more known as Jiangnan ginseng in the north. What are the varieties of water chestnuts?

    2020-11-27 Water chestnut have what variety quality introduction water chestnut in fact is
  • Lily cultivated species

    Lily cultivated species

    1. Curly Dan is also called Tiger skin Lily. Its bulb is nearly oblate, about 3.5 cm high, 4-8 cm in diameter and weighing more than 250 grams. Scales broadly ovate, 2.5-3 cm long and 1.4-2.5 cm wide, white slightly yellowish. There is a lot of starch and a slight bitter taste. Aboveground stem 0.8-1.5 m high, purplish striped, white woolly. Leaves scattered, short round-lanceolate or lanceolate, nearly glabrous on both sides, apex with white hairs, margin with papillary protuberances, 5-7 veins, upper middle axils with beads. The flower is orange-red, blossoms downward, and the perianth rolls outward.

  • A powerful supporting role-- Serpentine Chrysanthemum

    A powerful supporting role-- Serpentine Chrysanthemum

    Snake chrysanthemum: perennial herb. The base of the stem is swollen and oblate. Flowers are red and purple. Flowering in summer and autumn. As most small heads gather into dense spikes, the florets bloom from top to bottom, like the rustling of a rattlesnake.

  • Varieties and classification of onions

    Varieties and classification of onions

    The main results are as follows: 1 the main types of onions can be classified into ① common onions (AlliumepaL.) each plant usually forms only one bulb. Seeds propagate, and a few varieties form aerial bulbs on inflorescences under special conditions. Common onions are generally divided into oblate balls in the shape of their bulbs.

  • The difference between sweet beans and Dutch beans

    The difference between sweet beans and Dutch beans

    Leaf difference: sweet bean leaves are oblong or ovoid; Dutch bean leaves are oval with small teeth on the lower edge. Flower differences: sweet bean flowers solitary or arranged in racemes, white or purplish red flowers; Dutch bean flowers white or purplish red, flowers arranged in racemes. Fruit difference: sweet bean pod long oval, Dutch bean pod long oval or oblate.

  • What is the pronunciation of water chestnut?

    What is the pronunciation of water chestnut?

    What is the pronunciation of water chestnut?

  • The market price of Tiannanxing

    The market price of Tiannanxing

    The market price of Tiannanxing

  • Apricot (apricot)

    Apricot (apricot)

    Plum genus of Rosaceae, perennial deciduous fruit trees, trees or shrubs, also known as common apricot. Scientific name PrunusarmeniacaL. Apricot is native to China. Apricot was cultivated 2600 years ago. The "Silk Road" spread to Iran, Armenia, Greece, Rome and other countries along the Mediterranean in the 2nd century BC, to Japan in the 10th century, and to Europe and America after the 18th century. In 1988, the world's total output of apricot was 2.112 million tons, mainly in Asia. The cultivation of apricot in China is most concentrated in the provinces of the Yellow River basin. Tree height 6

  • What is the latest pronunciation of water chestnut?

    What is the latest pronunciation of water chestnut?

    Water chestnut is a popular seasonal product, also known as horseshoe, water chestnut, black taro, bodhi chestnut, ground chestnut, horseshoe, spring onion, soil chestnut and so on. It is a perennial herb of Cyperaceae, which has the reputation of underground snow pear, and northerners call it Jiangnan ginseng.

    2020-11-10 The latest water chestnut pronunciation what is it yes the public like
  • Difference between pumpkin and pumpkin

    Difference between pumpkin and pumpkin

    There is no difference between pumpkin and pumpkin, just different names in different places. Pumpkin is the scientific name of melon, generally called pumpkin in the south, called melon in the north, although the origin is different, but the nutritional value of the two is not different, both contain rich protein,

    2020-11-09 pumpkin and of difference no
  • Shi Tong, the latest cactus to be found.

    Shi Tong, the latest cactus to be found.

    Cactus, a genus named in memory of Manuel Riley, who is responsible for collecting cactus plants by the United States Department of Agriculture, is native to southern Brazil and northern Uruguay. The taxis are small and elegant in shape and planted in the sun.

  • Introduction of high quality pumpkin varieties

    Introduction of high quality pumpkin varieties

    Pumpkin is a common vegetable variety, because of its good taste, high sweetness, rich nutrition, and can improve the immune function of the body, help digestion and play the role of anti-cancer, pumpkin has become a common vegetable of people's value. so high-quality pumpkin varieties are

    2020-11-27 Excellent quality pumpkin variety introduction yes a comparison
  • How to grow onions in "vegetable queen"?

    How to grow onions in

    Onion is a common ingredient in our daily life. it is delicious with all kinds of meat and has many effects. it is a healthy vegetable with good market prospects. So, how do you grow onions? Let's get to know it. I. the cultivated products of onions

    2020-11-09 "vegetable queen " onion how grow onion yes we
  • Distribution of producing areas of Ginkgo biloba

    Distribution of producing areas of Ginkgo biloba

    Distribution of producing areas of Ginkgo biloba

  • What is the latest origin of Polygonatum?

    What is the latest origin of Polygonatum?

    Polygonatum polygonatum is a plant of the genus Polygonatum of Liliaceae. GE Hong's "hug Puzi" records: people used to get the spirit of Kun earth and the essence of heaven and earth, hence the name. Perennial herbs. It can be up to 1 meter high. Rhizome horizontal, such as tender ginger, hypertrophic fleshy, yellowish white, slightly oblate.

    2020-11-10 The latest Polygonatum of origin have which yes lily
  • Where is the origin of water chestnuts?

    Where is the origin of water chestnuts?

    Where is the origin of water chestnuts?

  • Symptoms and Control of Botrytis cinerea

    Symptoms and Control of Botrytis cinerea

    Water chestnut, also known as horseshoe, Tianzhi, etc., belongs to the genus Water chestnut of Cyperaceae, a clustered aquatic herb. In recent years, Zhangzhou City vigorously promoted rice-water chestnut-vegetable rotation cultivation model, and achieved good benefits. Its underground stem spherical, skin red brown, white meat, crisp taste

    2020-11-08 Water chestnut corms gray mold disease symptoms and control water chestnut also known as
  • The distribution of the latest ginkgo trees

    The distribution of the latest ginkgo trees

    Ginkgo biloba, a deciduous tree of the genus Ginkgo biloba in the Ginkgo family, is the oldest relict of gymnosperms left over from the Quaternary glacial movement. It grows slowly and has a very long life. Under natural conditions, it takes more than 20 years from planting to bearing ginkgo fruits. It will take 40 years to bear a large number of fruits.

    2020-11-10 The latest ginkgo origin distribution for family genus
  • When does the "king of temperate fruits" apples usually go on sale? What varieties do you have? Is it cool or hot?

    When does the

    Apple is a plant of the genus Malus of the subfamily Malus of Rosaceae. The fruit of apple is rich in minerals and vitamins, which is one of the fruits that people often eat. When does it usually go on sale? What varieties do you have? Is it cool or hot? It is reported that apples are flat fruits.

    2020-11-09 "temperate zone the king of fruit " Apple usually what month on the market
  • Where is the latest water chestnut origin?

    Where is the latest water chestnut origin?

    Water chestnut, also known as horseshoe, chestnut, etc., is a perennial root herb belonging to the Cyperaceae family. It is purple-black in color, white in flesh, sweet and juicy in taste, crisp and delicious. It has the reputation of underground pear. In the north, it is called Jiangnan ginseng. It can be eaten raw as fruit or eaten raw.

    2020-11-10 The latest chufa origin where another name horseshoe