
nostrils Learn more about nostrils

  • On the second day of the Beijing International Flower Show, we will broadcast the situation ahead to you in real time.

    On the second day of the Beijing International Flower Show, we will broadcast the situation ahead to you in real time.

    Rose fafa are neatly arranged, full posture, super high face value, fragrant fragrance, continue to attract a lot of small partners to come to our small booth, are crowded with wood... Rose fafa are neatly arranged, full posture...

  • Simple treatment of rhinitis in pigs with nasal congestion, sneezing, dyspnea and restlessness

    Simple treatment of rhinitis in pigs with nasal congestion, sneezing, dyspnea and restlessness

    Simple treatment of rhinitis in pigs with nasal congestion, sneezing, dyspnea and restlessness

  • Effective treatment of sheep mania fly larva disease

    Effective treatment of sheep mania fly larva disease

    The larval disease of sheep mad fly mainly harms sheep and goats. The disease mainly occurs during the period from early autumn to mid-autumn. After the illness, the sheep were restless, shaking their heads, running, bowing their heads and leaning on the ground with their noses, and some hid their heads under the bellies of other sheep. Treatment: ① early autumn adult flies fly to give birth to larvae, can use insecticidal ointment to smear sheep's nose and nostrils, once every 7 days, can prevent adult flies from producing larvae. ② sprayed sheep's nostrils with 60 ml of Lysol solution once a day for 7 days, and the effect was excellent.

  • What is pig runny nose? how to treat

    What is pig runny nose? how to treat

    Swine runny nose may be caused by swine rhinitis or swine flu. Pig rhinitis: often occurs in 2-5 months old pigs, symptoms are clear nose, snoring, breathing difficulties, sick pigs temperature will not rise, mental state is good, available kanamycin sulfate or streptomycin sulfate

    2020-11-08 pig runny nose yes what's going on how treatment abstract
  • Occurrence and integrated control of sheep nose fly

    Occurrence and integrated control of sheep nose fly

    Sheep nose fly is a disease caused by sheep nose fly larvae parasitic in the nasal cavity of sheep, which mainly harms sheep. The adults of sheep nose flies produce larvae directly, and the larvae change into adults by pupa. The adult sheep nose fly appears from May to September every year. After mating between male and female, the male fly dies and the female flies perch. After the larvae in the body develop, they fly and breed maggots and larvae in the nostrils of sheep. The first stage larvae attached to the nasal mucosa of sheep, and gradually migrated intranasally, until they degenerated into the second stage larvae in the nasal cavity and frontal sinus, and developed into mature third stage larvae in the spring of the second year.

  • How do geese divide males and females?

    How do geese divide males and females?

    There are two ways to distinguish between male and female geese. The first is to look at the figure, generally light and handsome, long and round, slender neck, broad buttocks, strong legs are the goose; the body is relatively large, a group of geese have a leading role, look more fierce, beak

    2020-11-11 Goose how divide male and female distinguish big goose can be used
  • What are the varieties of goldfish?

    What are the varieties of goldfish?

    What are the varieties of goldfish?

  • How do cloud spotted parrots divide male and female

    How do cloud spotted parrots divide male and female

    Cloud-spotted parrots have always been the darling of the pet world, so how can cloud-spotted parrots distinguish between male and female? Let's take a look at the method of distinguishing young birds: male: all around the wax film is pink. Female: there is a circle of white around the nostrils. 2. Middle-aged male and female

    2020-11-11 Cloud spot parrot how fen male and female cloud all the time
  • Dog nosebleed

    Dog nosebleed

    Secondary to trauma or other diseases. Unilateral or bilateral nostril bleeding can be seen clinically. Nosebleed is only a symptom, not a separate disease. The main treatment is to keep quiet and stop bleeding. [prescription 1] hemostat 50-400 mg 10% vitamin K3 injection 0.5-3ml usage: one intramuscular injection respectively. [prescription 2] 1Ru 1500 adrenaline hydrochloride solution proper usage: drop human nasal cavity. [prescription 3

  • Oral administration of cattle and sheep diseases

    Oral administration of cattle and sheep diseases

    Oral administration of cattle and sheep diseases

  • How to prevent and cure swine pox

    How to prevent and cure swine pox

    The disease is an acute and febrile infectious disease caused by swine pox virus. Acne rash occurs on the mucous membrane of some parts of the skin. When the weather is cloudy and rainy and cold, the pigsty is damp and filthy and pigs are malnourished, the epidemic is serious, and the morbidity and fatality rate are high. It often occurs in piglets of 4-6 weeks old. During the onset of the disease, the body temperature of the diseased pig increased by more than 41 ℃ and did not eat. The inflamed eyelids were stuck by secretions, the nostrils were runny or blocked, and erythema appeared in the sparse parts of the body, such as the nasal disc, eyelids, medial thigh, lower abdomen, etc.

  • Prevention and treatment of black dolphin pasteurellosis

    Prevention and treatment of black dolphin pasteurellosis

    Prevention and treatment of black dolphin pasteurellosis

  • Fishbone stuck in the throat? Stop foolishly drinking with jealousy. Stick some fish bones in your nose and sneak out.

    Fishbone stuck in the throat? Stop foolishly drinking with jealousy. Stick some fish bones in your nose and sneak out.

    Fishbone stuck to the throat is a problem that many of our friends will face now, stuck to the throat is not terrible, terrible is random, such as drinking vinegar. The editor read a lot of examples of people who were sent to hospital for drinking vinegar indiscriminately. In fact, if it is true.

  • How many key points have you mastered in the prevention and treatment of porcine infectious rhinitis?

    How many key points have you mastered in the prevention and treatment of porcine infectious rhinitis?

    How many key points have you mastered in the prevention and treatment of porcine infectious rhinitis?

  • How to give the chicken eyes and nose drops

    How to give the chicken eyes and nose drops

    Eye: for the chick to gently hold the chicken with the left hand, so that it does not move, take some eye bottles in the right hand, gently drop to the left and right eyes, wait for the chicken to do a blink action, and then release the liquid completely into the eyes after absorption, otherwise let go early, the liquid is only on the surface of the eyeball, did not enter the eye, the chicken is very easy to shake its head, so the liquid is thrown out, did not achieve the purpose of immunity. When an adult chicken is immunized, just open the door of the chicken cage and hold the chicken neck. (the chicken only has its head and neck outside the cage and its body is in the cage.) the method of nodding eyes is the same as that of chicks. Nasal dripping: nasal dripping is also a chicken.

  • Harmfulness of sheep rhinomiasis and its control

    Harmfulness of sheep rhinomiasis and its control

    Sheep rhinomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by Drosophila nasi parasitic in the nasal cavity and cranial sinus of sheep. In recent years, in the sheep flocks fed by farmers in our area, due to the lack of attention to the prevention and control of rhinosomiasis, the infection rate of rhinomiasis increased rapidly, which affected the normal growth and development of sheep and seriously affected the fattening effect of sheep. Through systematic investigation and observation of prevention and treatment of sheep rhinomiasis in farmers and farms, the author has achieved good results. The report is as follows: 1.

  • Prevent pigs from locking throat wind in early winter

    Prevent pigs from locking throat wind in early winter

    Pigs of different ages, genders and breeds can be infected. Although the disease can occur all the year round, it is common in the early winter when the climate is changeable. It is often mixed with classical swine fever virus and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae or secondary infection. Pigs with the most acute diseases can die within hours and there is no time to treat them. The main symptoms of acute diseased pigs are septicemia and acute pleuropneumonia. Body temperature rose to 41 ℃, lethargy, loss of appetite, cough and asthma, dyspnea, nostril serous secretions, conjunctival purulent secretions. Diarrhea after initial constipation. Later stage

  • What if budgerigar has diarrhea?

    What if budgerigar has diarrhea?

    What if budgerigar has diarrhea?

  • Hydroponic plants unexpectedly glow and the boss makes money and makes money (photo)

    Hydroponic plants unexpectedly glow and the boss makes money and makes money (photo)

    Hydroponic plants unexpectedly glow and the boss makes money and makes money (photo)

  • How do domestic starlings breed?

    How do domestic starlings breed?

    After the starling is in estrus, the female begins to build a nest. At this time, nesting materials such as straw should be provided. Female birds lay 4-6 eggs per litter, one per day or at intervals of 2-3 days. After laying all the eggs, the female begins to hatch her eggs. During the incubation period, the female does not leave except for diet and defecation.

    2020-11-11 Domestic starling how breeding estrus mating female bird