
molybdenum fertilizer Learn more about molybdenum fertilizer

  • How to apply molybdenum fertilizer?

    How to apply molybdenum fertilizer?

    What are the commonly used molybdenum fertilizers? How to use molybdenum fertilizer? How to use molybdenum fertilizer? The following farming help planting network is briefly introduced for netizens' reference. At present, the most commonly used variety of molybdenum fertilizer in China is ammonium molybdate, as well as sodium molybdate, molybdenum trioxide and so on. Because molybdenum fertilizer is expensive and easy to be used unevenly.

  • What are the main characteristics and application methods of molybdenum fertilizer, silicon fertilizer and sulfur fertilizer?

    What are the main characteristics and application methods of molybdenum fertilizer, silicon fertilizer and sulfur fertilizer?

    With the development of modern precision agriculture, precision fertilization has developed rapidly and will become an important fertilization model. What are the main characteristics and application methods of molybdenum fertilizer, silicon fertilizer and sulfur fertilizer? What are the main characteristics and application methods of molybdenum fertilizer? 1. Molybdenum

    2020-11-09 Molybdenum fertilizer silicon fertilizer sulfur fertilizer main characteristic and application
  • When to apply boron and molybdenum fertilizer to peanuts

    When to apply boron and molybdenum fertilizer to peanuts

    Peanuts need to apply a variety of chemical fertilizers in the process of planting, so when will peanuts apply boron and molybdenum fertilizer? Let's have a look! When will peanuts be fertilized with boron and molybdenum? Peanuts need to be fertilized with boron and molybdenum during the period of flowering and needling, because when peanuts blossom and needle, the soil

    2020-11-08 Peanuts when boron molybdenum fertilizer flowers born planted
  • Technology of applying molybdenum fertilizer to soybean

    Technology of applying molybdenum fertilizer to soybean

    Molybdenum is a necessary trace element for nitrogen metabolism in crops, especially in the process of fixing atmospheric nitrogen by nitrogen-fixing bacteria, so the effect of applying molybdenum fertilizer to legume crops is stable. About 300000 mu of soybeans are planted in Xiao County all the year round. According to the laboratory test of Suzhou soil and Fertilizer Station, 95% of the soil in Xiao County is molybdenum deficiency. Xiao County soil Fertilizer Station in view of this situation.

  • Why the soybean root nodule is few and small?

    Why the soybean root nodule is few and small?

    There are nodules on the root of soybean, which can be used for symbiotic nitrogen fixation, which is an important source of nitrogen for legume crops. But in actual production, sometimes the root nodules of soybean are few and small, what is the cause of this? Expert: when you encounter particularly serious symptoms, you should first think that it may be caused by the lack of trace element molybdenum. Because molybdenum is an essential trace element for nitrogen fixation in root nodules of legume crops, the absolute content of general crops is 1/1000000, while the molybdenum requirement of soybean is dozens of times higher than that of other crops. The main function of molybdenum is to promote the shape of soybean nodules.

  • Effect of Zinc, Manganese and Molybdenum Fertilizer on Sesame

    Effect of Zinc, Manganese and Molybdenum Fertilizer on Sesame

    Effect of Zinc, Manganese and Molybdenum Fertilizer on Sesame

  • How to use Trace element Fertilizer correctly in growing vegetables

    How to use Trace element Fertilizer correctly in growing vegetables

    How to use Trace element Fertilizer correctly in growing vegetables

  • Talking about the Application of Chemical Fertilizer to Orchid

    Talking about the Application of Chemical Fertilizer to Orchid

    Talking about the Application of Chemical Fertilizer to Orchid

  • How to add micro-fertilizer to soybeans?

    How to add micro-fertilizer to soybeans?

    How to add micro-fertilizer to soybeans? Please introduce that normal growth of soybean requires some trace elements, of which molybdenum, boron, zinc, manganese and so on are more important. Molybdenum is a component of nitrogenase in soybean nodules and an indispensable component in the normal life activities of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Boron is also very important in the life activities of soybean.

  • Five points for attention in applying trace element fertilizer

    Five points for attention in applying trace element fertilizer

    The production of green food also requires restrictions on the use of fertilizers. So what are the fertilizers allowed to be used? one。 Farm fertilizer. Refers to fertilizer that contains a large amount of biological matter, animal and plant residues, excreta, biological waste and other substances. 1. Compost. With all kinds of straw, fallen leaves, human and animal faeces.

  • Trace elements needed for soybean growth and their application

    Trace elements needed for soybean growth and their application

    The normal growth of soybean needs some trace elements, among which molybdenum, boron, zinc, manganese and so on are more important. Molybdenum is a component of nitrogenase in soybean nodules and an indispensable component in the normal life activities of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Boron is also very important in the life activities of soybeans, such as poor root development, poor nodule growth and loss of nitrogen fixation ability. Therefore, attention must also be paid to trace elements. Can the trace elements needed for soybeans be satisfied from the soil? It depends on the abundance and deficiency of trace elements in the soil and the state of the environment. Such as low-lying or non-drainage

  • Excessive application of phosphate fertilizer does many harm

    Excessive application of phosphate fertilizer does many harm

    1. Due to soil application. There is a close relationship between soil conditions and the efficiency of phosphate fertilizer. In the soil with low content of organic matter and available phosphorus, the application of phosphate fertilizer to most crops can increase the yield. Therefore, phosphate fertilizer should be mainly distributed in the soil with low organic matter content and phosphorus deficiency in order to give full play to the fertilizer effect. Such as red soil dry field, yellow mud field,.

  • What kind of micro-fertilizer can be applied to peanuts?

    What kind of micro-fertilizer can be applied to peanuts?

    What kind of micro-fertilizer can be applied to peanuts? Please introduce that trace elements play an irreplaceable role in the growth and development of peanut (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.). Scientific application of trace element fertilizer is an important measure for high quality and high yield of peanut. Iron fertilizer peanuts need to absorb 264 for every 1 ton of dry matter.

  • How to apply fertilizer efficiently

    How to apply fertilizer efficiently

    How to apply fertilizer efficiently

  • Six measures to make soybean high yield and high efficiency

    Six measures to make soybean high yield and high efficiency

    The combination of superior seed and good method. While planting existing high-yield and high-quality soybean varieties in the project area, new and excellent varieties such as Jidou 12, Handou 3, Ji Huang 13 and Japanese high-oil soybeans were introduced by means of introduction, demonstration and popularization according to local conditions. as a result, the coverage rate of superior varieties in the soybean project area has reached 100%, laying the foundation for the matching of superior varieties and good methods. Seed dressing with molybdenum fertilizer can improve the seed setting rate. In high soybean producing areas, 3 grams of ammonium molybdate and water were diluted into 2% solution and 1 kg soybean seeds per mu. According to multi-point tests, the use of molybdenum

  • Extra-root topdressing technology in soybean production

    Extra-root topdressing technology in soybean production

    In soybean production, paying attention to extra-root topdressing is an important measure to increase yield and income. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the characteristics of fertilizer requirements of soybean at different growth stages and supplement nutrition in time to meet the needs of soybean growth and development, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing production and income. Principles of fertilization: suitable for phosphorus and potassium, less nitrogen, micro-application of molybdenum. Because.

  • Beans, melons and fruits and flower ball vegetables how to effectively spray wet foliar fertilizer?

    Beans, melons and fruits and flower ball vegetables how to effectively spray wet foliar fertilizer?

    Foliar fertilizer is for the purpose of foliar absorption, the nutrients needed by crops are directly applied to foliar fertilizer, which is called foliar fertilizer. It has a wide range of applications, but most of them are used in melons and fruits, legumes and flower bulbs.

    2020-11-09 Beans melons fruits and flowers balls vegetables how
  • How to fertilize litchi?

    How to fertilize litchi?

    How to fertilize litchi? When and which fertilizers should be applied? Litchi fertilization can refer to the following methods: 1. Fertilization problems and principles for litchi orchard soil acidification is common, fertilizer and water conservation capacity is poor, magnesium, boron, calcium, molybdenum are generally lack, fertilizer application amount is not scientific, fertilizer ratio is unreasonable, foliar.

  • What is micro-fertilizer? How should I use it?

    What is micro-fertilizer? How should I use it?

    Micro-fertilizer refers to the fertilizer for plant trace elements, such as copper fertilizer, boron fertilizer, molybdenum fertilizer, manganese fertilizer, iron fertilizer, zinc fertilizer and so on, mainly some inorganic salts and oxides. Microfertilizers are used in a wide range of areas, from food crops to oil crops, cash crops, fruits,

    2020-11-08 Micro-fertilizer what is it how to use it refers to the supply of plants.
  • Application Technology of Trace element Fertilizer on Wheat

    Application Technology of Trace element Fertilizer on Wheat

    Application Technology of Trace element Fertilizer on Wheat
