
membrane Learn more about membrane

  • What effect does calcium play on crops?

    What effect does calcium play on crops?

    What role does calcium play in the growth and development of crops? What is the effect of calcium in crops? What happens to calcium deficiency in crops? The following farming help planting network is briefly introduced for netizens' reference. Calcium is an important mineral element in root and one of the essential nutrient elements for plant growth and development.

  • How to graft ginseng banyan, ginseng banyan grafting method diagram / wound healing tear off the grafting membrane

    How to graft ginseng banyan, ginseng banyan grafting method diagram / wound healing tear off the grafting membrane

    As an ornamental plant, ginseng banyan is the first choice of many flower friends. In indoor culture, grafting transformation is often needed in order to improve the ornamental value of ginseng banyan. So how can ginseng banyan be grafted? According to the inquiry, there are generally two grafting methods of ginseng banyan, branch grafting and wedge grafting.

  • What kind of creature is paramecium? What is its structure and function?

    What kind of creature is paramecium? What is its structure and function?

    Friends who have studied biology believe that paramecium is no stranger to paramecium, although there is only one cell, but its growth ability is also very strong. Let's take a look at what paramecium is. What is its structural function piece? What kind of creature is paramecium

    2020-11-11 Paramecium what is it biology its structure function yes how
  • Excision of third eyelid polyp in dogs

    Excision of third eyelid polyp in dogs

    Dog third eyelid polyp is also known as "cherry eye". Due to glandular hypertrophy and other reasons, inflammation occurs when the nictitating membrane is flipped from the inside to the outside of the eye, which increases eye secretions and presents symptoms of conjunctivitis. Hypertrophy of superficial nictitating membrane glands is common in clinic. it can occur in one or both eyes. It is a common eye disease in pet surgery. The routine treatment with eye drops, eye ointment and antibiotics often has no effect. The effect of surgical resection is satisfactory and there is no recurrence. In clinical work, surgical resection was performed in more than 20 cases of the disease.

  • Asking for help: ring membrane compression ratio of meat duck pellets

    Asking for help: ring membrane compression ratio of meat duck pellets

    Asking for help: ring membrane compression ratio of meat duck pellets

  • Ganoderma lucidum pest: membrane beak flat bug

    Ganoderma lucidum pest: membrane beak flat bug

    Meziramembranacea (Fabr.) It belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. 1. Shape and personality adult body length 9-12 mm, black, head extending forward, apex forked. Antennae protuberant, 4 segments. The dorsal margin of the forechest was slightly overflowed, with 4 irregular protuberances in the anterior half, and a significant bend in the center of the posterior margin. The half-wing sheath reaches the last ventral segment and the reproductive segment is exposed. The membranous part is very large. The muzzle is short and brown, extending to the posterior edge of the open beak groove. Females are larger than males. Advanced age if

  • Fungus membrane--the enemy of high yield of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Fungus membrane--the enemy of high yield of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Covering soil culture is an important measure to obtain high yield of Pleurotus ostreatus. However, before fruiting or after harvesting the first crop of mushrooms, a water-tight and air-tight bacterial membrane is often formed on the surface of the covering soil by vigorous aerial hyphae, which affects fruiting. This kind of bacterial film will consume a lot of nutrients, resulting in yield reduction of Pleurotus ostreatus, which must be prevented in production. The reasons for the formation of bacterial film are as follows: firstly, when the bag material of bag cultivation is not sufficient, it will be covered with soil, resulting in the second vegetative growth of mycelium on the ground surface and the formation of bacterial film; secondly, the formula of cultivation material is unreasonable, and the nitrogen content is blocked.

  • What is the planting benefit of rambutan in 2019? How to remove the membrane?

    What is the planting benefit of rambutan in 2019? How to remove the membrane?

    Rambutan is a kind of fruit that looks like litchi, its flesh is crystal clear and sweet, the most important reason is high edible value, so it is very popular. At present, rambutan is sold on the market, and the price is small, what is the planting benefit of rambutan in 2019? How to put the film

    2020-11-09 2019 Red hair Dan planting benefit how film
  • How to control blight when raising rice seedlings

    How to control blight when raising rice seedlings

    How to control blight when raising rice seedlings? Although the rice dry nursery seedling bed is not easy to rot rice seedlings, it is most likely to die of blight disease, which is 20%, 30% and more than 50%, respectively. The following measures can be taken to effectively control the disease. 1. Adjust the acid of the soil: neutral and alkaline soil, sowing.

  • Garlic winter management method five points: broken film treatment is very critical!

    Garlic winter management method five points: broken film treatment is very critical!

    As long as it is into the kitchen cooking friends, will use garlic this seasoning. It is like an indispensable side dish in life, always foil in each dish, play the finishing touch. Garlic is also widely cultivated now, and its income is quite high. as the temperature

    2020-11-09 garlic winter management method five major points broken membrane treatment very
  • How to plant garlic seedlings in winter

    How to plant garlic seedlings in winter

    The climate is cold in winter, so you need to pay more attention to growing vegetables, so how to grow garlic seedlings in winter? First, prepare to select a suitable variety before sowing, prepare the soil before sowing, and apply base fertilizer. 1. Selection of fine varieties with high yield and good adaptability.

    2020-11-08 Winter how planting garlic seedlings winter climate cold if you want
  • Field management of garlic in winter

    Field management of garlic in winter

    Field management of garlic in winter

  • Start-up Project of Fish and vegetable Symbiosis in soilless Ecological Culture of Monopterus Albus Loach

    Start-up Project of Fish and vegetable Symbiosis in soilless Ecological Culture of Monopterus Albus Loach

    Start-up Project of Fish and vegetable Symbiosis in soilless Ecological Culture of Monopterus Albus Loach

  • Ganoderma lucidum membrane beak flat bug

    Ganoderma lucidum membrane beak flat bug

    The scientific name Meziramembranaceabranacea (Frab.) belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. The insect was first found in Linden Ganoderma lucidum in Baoxi Township, Longquan City in 1994. In recent years, the damage is very serious in Linden Ganoderma lucidum producing area, and the damage scope is expanding day by day, which greatly affects the yield and quality of Linden Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum is mainly distributed in Longquan, Zhejiang, Shaowu, Fujian, Nanning, Hainan Island, Taiwan and Japan. Damage characteristics of the membrane beak flat bug absorbs the juice from the hyphae and primordium of Ganoderma lucidum

  • Treatment of gastroenteritis in cattle with traditional Chinese medicine

    Treatment of gastroenteritis in cattle with traditional Chinese medicine

    Treatment of gastroenteritis in cattle with traditional Chinese medicine

  • How to grow celery

    How to grow celery

    How should celery be grown? What are the steps? 1, land preparation for border, should choose high-lying, convenient drainage and irrigation, loose, fertile sandy loam soil as seedling beds, ploughing and exposure, and apply enough rotten base fertilizer (to make the soil loose to apply more circle fertilizer), because the bud top soil strength is weak, seedling emergence is slow, must be sufficient.

  • Five years of striving to get rid of Poverty-- taking the Science and Technology Express to help Peasants get Rich

    Five years of striving to get rid of Poverty-- taking the Science and Technology Express to help Peasants get Rich

    Five years of striving to get rid of Poverty-- taking the Science and Technology Express to help Peasants get Rich

  • The function of black and white membrane

    The function of black and white membrane

    Black and white film can keep warm in winter. It is widely used in our country, including edible fungus greenhouse, livestock and poultry breeding house, silkworm greenhouse, vegetable greenhouse and so on. Other greenhouse films: 1. Blue agricultural film the greenhouse film of this color has good heat preservation performance and weak light transmittance.

    2020-11-09 Black and white film function black and white in winter have keep warm
  • The latest course of field management techniques of garlic in winter

    The latest course of field management techniques of garlic in winter

    Garlic is the most common side dish in our life, which is mostly used for seasoning and flavoring, and it is more popular, and the planting area is also relatively wide in our country. However, when the temperature is low in winter, the cultivation and management methods will be changed. So how to manage garlic in winter?

    2020-11-10 The latest winter garlic field management techniques methods tutorials
  • The latest field management of garlic in winter

    The latest field management of garlic in winter

    Garlic is a kind of side dish that many people like to eat. It is often used for seasoning and flavoring in our lives. It is very popular. The planting area of our country is also very extensive, and now after entering the winter, the management method of garlic will also change. Mainly for

    2020-11-10 The latest garlic winter field management is a lot