
madness Learn more about madness

  • What is mad cow disease? Is it contagious? What are the ways of transmission? How to prevent it?

    What is mad cow disease? Is it contagious? What are the ways of transmission? How to prevent it?

    Disease is an extremely complex process, in many cases, from health to disease is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. So do you know what mad cow disease is? Is it contagious? What are the ways of transmission? How to prevent it? What is mad cow disease? Mad cow disease

    2020-11-11 What yes mad cow disease will infect human the route of transmission
  • How to treat jujube mad disease?

    How to treat jujube mad disease?

    Jujube tree is very common in daily life, many farmers will plant a jujube tree in front of the door. Jujube trees have a very long history in China, with a written history of more than 3,000 years. In "Poetry Wind July", jujube trees are peeled in August and rice is harvested in October. The birth of jujube

    2020-11-08 Jujube crazy disease how cure jujube in daily life
  • The latest control measures of jujube mad disease in jujube trees

    The latest control measures of jujube mad disease in jujube trees

    Jujube mad disease, also known as broom disease, fire dragon disease, is a destructive comparison of jujube trees, the disease is the first symptoms from the branches and leaves, spreading in the whole plant, so what are the specific symptoms of jujube madness? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look. I. jujube

    2020-11-10 The latest jujube tree jujube madness disease control measures jujube mad disease
  • Symptom characteristics and control measures of jujube leprosy

    Symptom characteristics and control measures of jujube leprosy

    Jujube leprosy symptoms and control measures Jujube leprosy, also known as "jujube cancer disease", witches disease, broom disease, is a destructive infectious disease on jujube, jujube once infected with the disease, generally 2~6 years after the disease can be the whole plant death.

  • Control measures of Jujube Mad Disease in Jujube trees

    Control measures of Jujube Mad Disease in Jujube trees

    Control measures of Jujube Mad Disease in Jujube trees

  • Control method of jujube blight in spring with dense twigs which are long and difficult to shed

    Control method of jujube blight in spring with dense twigs which are long and difficult to shed

    Control method of jujube blight in spring with dense twigs which are long and difficult to shed

  • How does jujube madness come into being?

    How does jujube madness come into being?

    Jujube mad disease is a destructive disease of jujube. After infection, the jujube tree showed the following abnormal phenomena: 1. The flower organ was anti-ancestral, the pedicel lengthened 3-6 times as much as the normal flower, and the sepals, petals, stamens and pistil grew abnormally, forming light green leaflets. For the diseased trees with strong potential, there will be dwarf twigs in the axils of leaflet leaves, forming clumps of branches. 2. Developing branches, positive and accessory buds and fruiting mother branches germinate and grow many times a year, continuously producing small yellow-green branches and leaves, forming dense branches and clumps, which are not easy to fall off in winter. 3. The whole branch is dormant.

  • Prevention and control of jujube mad disease

    Prevention and control of jujube mad disease

    Jujube mad disease is a destructive disease of jujube. After infection, the jujube tree showed the following abnormal phenomena: 1. The flower organ was anti-ancestral, the pedicel lengthened 3-6 times as much as the normal flower, and the sepals, petals, stamens and pistil grew abnormally, forming light green leaflets. For the diseased trees with strong potential, there will be dwarf twigs in the axils of leaflet leaves, forming clumps of branches. 2. Developing branches, positive and accessory buds and fruiting mother branches germinate and grow many times a year, continuously producing small yellow-green branches and leaves, forming dense branches and clumps, which are not easy to fall off in winter. 3. There are a large number of hidden buds in the dormant state on the whole branch.

  • Identification and Control of Jujube Mad Disease

    Identification and Control of Jujube Mad Disease

    Jujube mad disease, commonly known as "male jujube tree", is a destructive disease of jujube tree. In serious cases, it can cause a large number of jujube trees to die and even destroy the garden. 1. Symptom recognition (1) the initial symptoms appeared after flowering, which were characterized by degeneration of floral organs and abnormal germination of buds, narrow leaves, clustered branches and leaves, and spatulate veins, yellowing and curling. (2) the diseased tree leaves had obvious pathological changes after anthesis, first the mesophyll turned yellow, gradually the whole leaf yellowed, the edge curled up, and became hard and brittle in the later stage. (3) positive buds and positive buds on one-year-old developing branches of diseased plants

  • Prevention and Control of Jujube Witching Disease

    Prevention and Control of Jujube Witching Disease

    Many of them have been questioned about the number of people who have been killed each year. What's going on? How should we prevent it? In response to these questions, the reporter interviewed Feng Yibin, a researcher at Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Experts say the disease is gone again.

    2020-11-08 species jujube jujube madness disease prevention recent days many readers consultation
  • Surgical treatment of jujube madness

    Surgical treatment of jujube madness

    First, the basis. The pathogen of jujube mad disease is mycoplast, which mainly lives in the phloem of jujube tree and is transmitted in the tree through sieve tube tissue. In winter, the mycoplastids were transferred from the aboveground to the roots over the winter, and returned to the branches with the sap flow in the following spring. Accordingly, surgical treatment can effectively eliminate mycoplastids. Method (1) main ring saw. Before the jujube leaves fall to sprout the following year, start from the trunk 40 cm from the ground, and saw the ring-shaped trench on the jujube trunk. It is required to saw through the cortex, but not to hurt the cambium. According to the severity of the disease

  • The latest preventive measures for mad top disease of corn

    The latest preventive measures for mad top disease of corn

    Maize mad top disease is not only a potential danger affecting corn production, but also a disease prone to occur during the whole corn planting period, which has a great impact on corn yield and often gives farmers a headache. The bottom is small.

    2020-11-10 The latest corn crazy top disease preventive measures
  • Control methods of jujube mad disease

    Control methods of jujube mad disease

    1. Symptoms Jujube Mad Disease, also known as witches' broom disease, broom disease, fire dragon disease, is a devastating disease. Fruit growers call it "mad jujube tree" or "male jujube tree". Both aboveground and underground parts of jujube trees can be infected. The aboveground infection was mainly characterized by floral organ degeneration, bud germination and abnormal growth, resulting in clusters of branches and leaves, extension of the hanging end of jujube, bright veins, yellowing or curling of tender leaves, and occasionally ear-shaped leaves. The disease in the underground part is mainly manifested as a cluster of roots and tillers. The whole flower organ of the diseased tree was degenerated into a vegetative organ, and the flower stalk was prolonged, which was 5-7 times longer than that of the healthy flower.

  • Occurrence and Control of Jujube Mad Disease

    Occurrence and Control of Jujube Mad Disease

    Jujube mania is a destructive disease, which should be prevented. It is very popular in jujube producing areas in China. Once the disease occurred, there were few results in the second year, even if the results lost their edible value, and the whole plant died 3-4 years later. The main results are as follows: 1. the main reason for the occurrence of jujube wind disease is the invasion of mycoplastids. Bacteroid plastids can be transmitted by grafting. Under natural conditions, the natural grafting of roots between plants can also spread, and some leafhoppers are also disseminators of mycoplastids. 2. Comprehensive control measures 1. Breeding and disease resistance

  • Cotton planting technology: how to prevent cotton madness in July and August?

    Cotton planting technology: how to prevent cotton madness in July and August?

    How to control cotton madness in July and August? July and August is the key period for cotton budding, flowering and sitting peach, and it is also the most ideal period for cotton growth. If the management is not good, it is bound to cause the cotton to grow wildly, the buds fall off, and the yield decreases. July is the first month of winter.

  • Ten key points for prevention and control of jujube mad disease

    Ten key points for prevention and control of jujube mad disease

    Jujube mad disease, also known as witches' broom disease, is a destructive disease of jujube trees. Infected jujube tree, flower degeneration deformity, branches and leaves small, clump, leaf wrinkle does not extend, resulting in a large number of plants stagnant or death, prevention and control should pay attention to the following ten points: 1. Do a good job in the quarantine of the producing areas of seedlings. For the development of new jujube orchards, such as local cultivation, the roots connected to the mother plant should be cut off as soon as possible. The introduced seedlings should be strictly quarantined, the root seedlings of the disease-free mother plants should be selected for propagation, and the disease-free rootstocks and scions should be grafted to ensure the quarantine of the producing area. two。 Pay attention to grafting and pruning

  • Prevention and control of persimmon mad disease

    Prevention and control of persimmon mad disease

    Symptoms: the diseased tree sprouted late in spring, grew slowly, the veins of the leaves were black, the xylem of the branches became dark brown, and the phloem tissue was seriously expanded, resulting in clumps of branches or upright overgrowth or withered branches and scorched shoots, with less fruit, and the fruit softened early and fell off. Serious sterility or death of the whole plant. Prevention and control methods: (1) choose.

  • When changing the pot soil for large-scale green plants, join this thing to grow madly, not rigid, not rotten roots.

    When changing the pot soil for large-scale green plants, join this thing to grow madly, not rigid, not rotten roots.

    In recent years, raising green flowers has become a fashion, which can not only decorate the home and beautify the environment, but also purify the air, while some flower friends will raise some relatively large green plants, such as happiness trees, sunflower trees, rich trees and so on. Raise plants.

  • After the master flower grower put this in the pot, the orchid grew madly and never took root again.

    After the master flower grower put this in the pot, the orchid grew madly and never took root again.

    With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people fall in love with growing flowers. Keeping a pot of flowers at home can not only beautify the room, but also purify the air and cultivate one's self. Orchids and gentleman orchids are common indoor potted flowers and plants.

  • Pour some water on the copper grass, and the whole basin begins to grow madly, and the leaves are big and green, which is good fat.

    Pour some water on the copper grass, and the whole basin begins to grow madly, and the leaves are big and green, which is good fat.

    Nowadays, more and more people grow flowers. As a part of life, potted flowers are indispensable. Growing flowers and growing vegetables is a pleasant way of life in itself. Of course, there are still many ways to raise potted flowers.
