
land selection Learn more about land selection

  • How to select the seeds of raw land? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to select the seeds of raw land? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    The place of birth, also known as Rehmannia glutinosa, is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, benefiting yin and fluid, and has many benefits to the human body. So how to select the seeds of the general birth place? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who have ideas about planting land can read the following article to understand! one

    2020-11-27 Place of birth seed how selection seedling method have which place of birth
  • Lily land selection and preparation

    Lily land selection and preparation

    It is advisable to select sandy loam with good drainage and deep soil layer. In hilly areas, it is advisable to select gentle slope land with slope below 5 degrees. Avoid doing things on the edge. Lily continuous cropping diseases and insect pests serious, yield reduced. After land selection, soil chemical treatment is carried out in combination with soil ploughing to mitigate pests and diseases. killing underground pests with 2.5-5 kg of methylhexachlorone or 2-2.5 kg of carbofuran per mu. Spray soil with 50% carbendazim WP 1kg mixed with 500kg water per mu for sterilization. Deep ploughing, local conditions, apply sufficient base fertilizer. hundred

  • Selection of nursery land for cultivation of orange rootstock seedlings with sugar

    Selection of nursery land for cultivation of orange rootstock seedlings with sugar

    Nursery land should choose places with convenient transportation, good water supply and good power supply, which are slightly farther away from the orange orchard or separated by natural barriers, so as to reduce dangerous diseases and insect infections. It is required that the terrain is flat, the slope does not exceed 5 degrees, and there is no air and water pollution nearby. The soil is deep.

    2020-11-08 Species sugar orange rootstock seedling nursery selection
  • Land selection and preparation of Honeysuckle

    Land selection and preparation of Honeysuckle

    The main results are as follows: (1) the sandy loam which is close to the water source, convenient for irrigation, loose, fertile and well drained should be selected as the seedling land. After selecting the land, turn the soil more than 30 cm deep, rake it into pieces and flatten it, and apply rotten stable manure or compost 1500kg to 2000kg as base fertilizer every 667 square meters. Then shallow plough and rake once, the width of the bed is 100cm and 200cm, and the height is 20cm. It is used as a nursery bed for cutting and sowing seedlings. (2) the planting land can make use of barren slope, land edge, ditch edge and house in front of the house.

  • How to cultivate Maize

    How to cultivate Maize

    1. Land selection 1. Irrigated corn should choose plots with flat terrain, good structure, good air permeability and high soil fertility. 2. Film-mulched corn can choose dry flat land, mountain root land, horizontal terrace, Eryin land, mild saline-alkali wetland, alpine mandian, one water land, and do not choose steep slope.

  • Look at the land to select fertilizer crops can grow well alkaline land is suitable for the selection of these fertilizers

    Look at the land to select fertilizer crops can grow well alkaline land is suitable for the selection of these fertilizers

    Soil salinization is the most common phenomenon in farmland, which is related to improper application of soil fertilizer, too little organic fertilizer, shallow plough layer and other factors.

  • How to select land and build a garden for mandarin

    How to select land and build a garden for mandarin

    How to select land and build a garden for mandarin

  • Selection, preparation and transplanting of Angelica sinensis

    Selection, preparation and transplanting of Angelica sinensis

    (1) the land selection, land preparation and seedling cultivation should choose cool, fat and wet raw wasteland or mature land, and the loose and fertile sandy loam soil should be better, and the cultivation land should be fallow land or second wasteland with deep soil layer. In the middle of July, shrubs and weeds were cut down, spread on the ground and burned, then the land was turned more than 25 centimeters deep and matured in the sun, and then, before planting, 37500 kg of rotten barnyard manure per hectare was applied and turned into the soil as base fertilizer. Shallow ploughing once before sowing to make a high border 1.3 meters wide, with a width of 30 centimeters and a height of about 25 centimeters.

  • Kidney bean planting technology

    Kidney bean planting technology

    Seed selection: select seeds that are big and full, free from diseases and insect pests and damaged. Land preparation: ploughing ahead of time to improve soil fertility and apply sufficient bottom fertilizer. Sowing: from late April to early May, the sowing depth is 10-15cm. Close planting: grasp the principle of sparse sowing in fertile land and close planting in thin land, sowing per mu

    2020-11-08 Kidney bean planting technology summary seed selection grain size fullness
  • How to grow saffron? There are skills in selecting land for sowing, and actively prevent diseases and insect pests in the later stage.

    How to grow saffron? There are skills in selecting land for sowing, and actively prevent diseases and insect pests in the later stage.

    Site selection: slightly alkaline soil with loose and fertile soil and good drainage, with gentle land or hillside land is the best. Base fertilizer: 30 days before planting, 3000-4000 kg of farm manure and 200,300kg of other fertilizers were applied per mu, and the land was deeply turned and fertilized, and then raked flat.

    2020-11-08 Tibetan safflower how plant select land sow have skill later stage
  • There are more sources of accumulated goods in the early stage of peanuts, and there is more pressure on peanut oil factories to buy, so the purchase price will be adjusted again.

    There are more sources of accumulated goods in the early stage of peanuts, and there is more pressure on peanut oil factories to buy, so the purchase price will be adjusted again.

    There are more sources of accumulated goods in the early stage of peanuts, and there is more pressure on peanut oil factories to buy, so the purchase price will be adjusted again.

  • Knowledge of Land selection and preparation of Angelica sinensis

    Knowledge of Land selection and preparation of Angelica sinensis

    Knowledge of Land selection and preparation of Angelica sinensis

  • The planting method and time of alpinia officinalis in Guangdong are mostly planted at the end of March and the first ten days of April.

    The planting method and time of alpinia officinalis in Guangdong are mostly planted at the end of March and the first ten days of April.

    Select ginger species: choose ginger species with uniform growth, moderate size and intact epidermis. Select land: select newly reclaimed land with high topography and loose soil. Planting season: generally from the end of March to the middle of April. Management: Shajiang is not cold-resistant and afraid of waterlogging, so special attention should be paid to drainage.

    2020-11-08 Guang Dongsha ginger planting ginger planting method and time mostly in
  • Land selection and preparation of Chinese wolfberry

    Land selection and preparation of Chinese wolfberry

    The main results are as follows: (1) the nursery land should choose the sandy soil with convenient irrigation, flat terrain, sufficient sunshine, deep soil layer and good drainage. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter in the year before sowing, 2500003000kg of barnyard manure was applied and irrigated with winter water for every 667 square meters of soil preparation. When the soil thawed 10cm in the following spring, the soil was raked fine, 120cm and 130cm high, leveling and smashing the border soil for sowing or cutting seedlings. (2) the planting land should choose light loam or sandy loam with convenient drainage and irrigation, and the salt content is 0.

  • How to plant lotus root in dry land

    How to plant lotus root in dry land

    How to plant lotus root in dry land

  • Planting techniques of raw land

    Planting techniques of raw land

    Planting techniques of raw land

  • Seed selection and cultivation techniques of rape

    Seed selection and cultivation techniques of rape

    Rape, also known as rape, sowthistle, Cruciferae, Brassica plants, native to China, its stem color is dark green, such as cabbage, is a variety of cruciferous cabbage, flowers are yellow. In agronomy, a number of species with oily seeds in plants are collectively referred to as rape. Current oil

    2020-11-08 Rape seed selection cultivation techniques rape also known as oil cabbage sowthistle
  • Planting method of Edible Lily

    Planting method of Edible Lily

    Land selection and preparation: edible lilies should be planted in the land with deep and fertile soil, good drainage and irrigation and sunny land, and should not be planted repeatedly, apply base fertilizer before planting, and then plough the soil deeply. Seed selection: choose the seed ball with white color, no dots, no bitterness and large scales

    2020-11-08 Food lilies planting methods abstracts land selection and soil preparation
  • Planting technology and time of alfalfa field management of alfalfa

    Planting technology and time of alfalfa field management of alfalfa

    The planting time is divided into spring sowing, summer sowing and autumn sowing, spring sowing is from the end of March to early April, summer sowing is from June to July, and autumn sowing is from the end of August to the beginning of September. Land selection: one or two types of land with good soil fertility and perfect water conservancy facilities should be selected for planting. Land preparation:

    2020-11-08 Alfalfa planting technology and time field management abstract
  • How to select and prepare land for planting licorice

    How to select and prepare land for planting licorice

    Licorice is usually planted in sandy soil with fertile soil, loose texture, good drainage and low salinity, which requires deep soil layer and low groundwater level. Licorice should be cultivated in North China, Northeast and Northwest China on the alluvial soil with high topography on the sand dunes or on both sides of the river. this kind of grass is more powdery, less fiber and sweet, and the alkali land should not be selected, otherwise, the cultivated main root of licorice is short and branched. The rhizome is thin and weak, the product is light and powder, and the sweetness is not strong. Choose sandy loam with deep soil layer, as long as it is ploughed about 30 cm.
