
Kidney bean planting technology

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seed selection: select seeds that are big and full, free from diseases and insect pests and damaged. Land preparation: ploughing ahead of time to improve soil fertility and apply sufficient bottom fertilizer. Sowing: from late April to early May, the sowing depth is 10-15cm. Close planting: grasp the principle of sparse sowing in fertile land and close planting in thin land, sowing per mu

Seed selection: select seeds that are big and full, free from diseases and insect pests and damaged. Land preparation: ploughing ahead of time to improve soil fertility and apply sufficient bottom fertilizer. Sowing: from late April to early May, the sowing depth is 10-15cm. Close planting: grasp the principle of sparse sowing in fertile land and close planting in thin land, and the sowing amount per mu is generally 8-10kg. Management: set seedlings, timely weeding, soil cultivation, ridge management, pole insertion, fight and top picking, and actively prevent diseases and insect pests. Harvest: harvest one batch at maturity.

Kidney bean scientific name kidney bean (commonly known as two kidney beans or four kidney beans), legume family vegetable bean genus. Kidney beans are native to Mexico and Argentina in America, but they were introduced and cultivated in China at the end of the 16th century. Kidney bean is rich in nutrition and high in protein, which is both vegetable and grain, and is an important agricultural and sideline product for export.

I. selection of improved varieties

Improved varieties are the key to improve the yield, quality and commodity value of kidney bean. Large white kidney bean and big flowered kidney bean are the main varieties in the area above 2000 meters above sea level. Seed selection should be carried out before sowing, and seeds with large, full, high uniformity, consistent glossiness, free from diseases and insect pests and damage should be selected. Before sowing, sow in the sun for one or two days to promote neat germination and prevent rotten seeds sown at low temperatures in early spring.

Second, fine land preparation

The fields where kidney beans are planted should be ploughed ahead of time and sunburned to improve soil fertility. First of all, choose acidic or slightly acidic soil with deep soil layer, medium fertility, low groundwater level, good drainage, sunny ventilation and relatively high content of organic matter. Apply sufficient base fertilizer, spread farm manure 1500-2000 tons per mu before soil preparation, and use 25 tons of compound fertilizer per mu before sowing, but avoid contact with seeds. Planting fields should keep deep ploughing and broken ridges, and ditches, ponds and sowing should be planted on the same day to reduce water evaporation.

Third, sow seeds at the right time

Large white kidney beans should not be replanted, but should be planted with corn or potatoes every other year. The best sowing time of kidney bean is from April 20 to May 5, that is, from Grain Rain to the Beginning of Summer. Planting in liquid tide land and deep sowing in deep ponds should be used in order to maintain soil moisture and ensure one-time whole seedlings. The sowing depth is 10-15cm and the cover soil is about 6cm.

IV. Reasonable close planting

Kidney bean ridge cultivation, kidney bean like wet but afraid of waterlogging, ridge cultivation can increase the ground temperature, conducive to drainage and moisture drainage, and maintain soil permeability. The net species of kidney beans were ridged with row spacing of 2. 5-2. 5 feet, pond spacing of 2000-2500 ponds, 5-6 kilograms per mu and 3-4 seeds per pond. 1500 ponds per mu of high-class fields, with planting specifications of 90 × 50 mu, 1600-1800 ponds per mu of middle and lower fields, and 90 × 40 tons of planting specifications. The sowing rate per mu is generally 8-10kg, and the net seed is generally sown in a single row in the pond. Reasonable close planting should grasp the principle of sparse sowing in fertile land and close planting in thin land. Fertile land makes use of soil fertility to achieve high yield by plant advantage, and thin land uses the advantage of population to increase yield.

V. Field management

1. Fixed inter-seedling seedlings: 2-3 true leaves appear in the seedlings, and keep foot-shaped seedlings, weak seedlings and deformed seedlings according to the requirements. Leave 2-3 seedlings in each pond.

2, pre-vine management: timely weeding, soil cultivation, ridge management, pole insertion, which is conducive to ventilation and light, full pods, and improve product quality.

3. Set up the frame and adjust the plant in time: when the seedling is 30 years high, you should insert the support, and draw the vine on the pole, one bamboo or wood support in each pond, the length is more than 2m, to prevent wind damage, insert it unstable once, and insert it again after the rain.

4. Topping and heart-picking: kidney bean has many side branches, luxuriant stems and leaves, crowded with each other, affecting ventilation and light, often leading to falling flowers and fruits, so too many side branches should be removed properly. Kidney beans have many flowers but few pods. In order to concentrate nutrients on the lower flowers, part of the stalk at the tip of the pedicel should be removed as early as possible to make the grain hypertrophy. Most of the pods of large white kidney beans can not mature after August, so the tip of the main and lateral vines of the plant should be removed to form a dwarf shrub-like shape, reduce the height, increase the number of flowering and pods, concentrate nutrients on the pods and mature earlier.

5. disease control: there are mainly powdery mildew, anthracnose and mosaic disease. Bordeaux solution and Shiliu mixture are used to control the disease.

6. pest control: there are mainly ground tiger, jumping beetle, leaf borer, bean pod borer. Land tigers can be caught and killed manually in agricultural operations such as ploughing and sowing, and other insect pests can be controlled by botanical pesticides such as pyrethrum.

VI. Timely harvest

The mature pods of kidney beans take more than a month to mature, which is not consistent sooner or later. In addition, in the rainy season, if the pods are not harvested in time, they are easy to rot and deteriorate or blacken the skin of the beans, affecting their commodity prices, so they should be harvested in batches, and the pods should be put in a cool place to dry, do not be exposed to the sun, and threshing before sale, so that the seeds have good color and plumpness, and can effectively improve their commodity grade.

7. Seed selection and retention

As the saying goes, "seeds are selected year after year, and the yield is getting higher and higher." There is a great disparity in individual yield of kidney bean, so early-maturing and high-yielding single plant is selected in the field. The selection criteria are as follows: first, there are many pods, especially in the lower part, and the second is that the average seeds per pod are more plump, and the quality is better on the basis of plant selection.