
Planting method of Edible Lily

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Land selection and preparation: edible lilies should be planted in the land with deep and fertile soil, good drainage and irrigation and sunny land, and should not be planted repeatedly, apply base fertilizer before planting, and then plough the soil deeply. Seed selection: choose the seed ball with white color, no dots, no bitterness and large scales

Land selection and preparation: edible lilies should be planted in the land with deep and fertile soil, good drainage and irrigation and sunny land, and should not be planted repeatedly, apply base fertilizer before planting, and then plough the soil deeply. Seed selection: choose the seed ball with white color, no dots, no bitterness and large scales. Sowing and heart picking: suitable for sowing from September to October. After sowing, cover with straw or leaves to moisturize, avoid stagnant water, hit the top and pick off the head in time. Field management: covering plastic film after sowing and topdressing at the right time.

I. Land selection and land preparation

The main results are as follows: 1. Edible lilies can be planted in the land with sunny, high terrain, good drainage and irrigation conditions and deep and fertile soil layer. Edible lilies should not be planted repeatedly, nor can they be rotated with onion and garlic crops. The first crop should be planted with legumes and Gramineae crops.

2. Before planting, 5000-6000 jin of mature organic fertilizer and 50 jin of calcium superphosphate can be applied per mu as base fertilizer, and 50% of sub-farmers can be used for soil disinfection, and then deep ploughing soil 25-30cm. When ploughing, the basic fertilizer and soil should be fully mixed evenly, which is beneficial to improve soil physical and chemical properties and create favorable conditions for root growth and bulb expansion of edible lily.

Second, select the bulb

The main results are as follows: 1. The reproduction coefficient of edible lily is relatively low, and the amount of species used is very large. The quality of planting edible lily is the best. This variety has large scales, such as dragon teeth, white and delicate, no bitterness, high price and good market.

2. When introducing edible lily species, we need to choose bulbs with white color, no hemp, no bitterness and large scales. generally, we can choose 50-60g middle bulbs, and the amount of bulbs per mu is about 300-400 jin.

Third, sowing at the right time and picking the heart

The main results are as follows: 1. The suitable sowing time of edible lily is from late September to early October, and the seedlings do not begin to emerge until the first ten days of March of the second year after sowing. The sowing specification in hilly and mountainous areas is 40cm × 30cm, and the population density is more than 6000 plants per mu. After sowing, rice straw or leaves should be used to keep the land dry and dry, and there should be no stagnant water in the field.

2. Coring can be carried out when the plant has more than 60 leaves and the daily average temperature is less than 23 ℃. The yield of coring in the suitable period is higher than that in late coring, and the more leaves retained in the suitable period, the greater the yield will be. When the seedlings grow to 30-35cm, it is necessary to topping and topping in time, which is beneficial to promote the concentrated transfer of nutrients to the bulb.

IV. Field management and fertilization

Plastic film should be covered in time after sowing. Plastic film mulching is needed for 30-40 days in early spring, which can shorten the emergence period of 7-15 days and increase the yield by about 12%. In order to avoid the early withering of green leaves and prolong the life of the leaves, when the bulb expands and slows down in late June, apply foliar fertilizer once with the mixture of 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.3% Rue 0.5% urea. Foliar fertilizer can be sprayed with 20 jin of high-grade compound fertilizer and 100 jin of water per mu to avoid plant premature senescence.

V. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

1. Within 1-2 days after sowing, 50-80g diachlor can be sprayed per mu to prevent the growth of weeds. The main diseases and insect pests during the growth of edible lilies are aphids, ground tigers, virus diseases and so on.

2. At the initial stage of the onset of virus disease, 300 times of antiviral agent No. 1 or 1000 times of 1.5% Zhiyiling emulsion can be sprayed every 10 days for 2-3 times. 40% omethoate can be used to control aphids after emergence. In late April, phoxim can be sprinkled into the soil per mu to control underground pests.