
impatience Learn more about impatience

  • How do you grow the latest impatience?

    How do you grow the latest impatience?

    Impatiens is the seed of Impatiens balsamina, it is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, some places also call it through bone grass, impatiens. This kind of medicine has the effects of antifertility, anticancer, antibacterial and anti-uterine smooth muscle, and is often used in the treatment of dysmenorrhea.

    2020-11-10 The latest impatient how kind yes Phoenix fairy flower family
  • The planting technique of impatient

    The planting technique of impatient

    The planting technique of impatient

  • How to grow a quick temper

    How to grow a quick temper

    How to grow a quick temper

  • The formation and breeding of Orchid Dragon Root do not try if you are impatient

    The formation and breeding of Orchid Dragon Root do not try if you are impatient

    Orchid seeds have high requirements for the environment, and few people use seeds to cultivate orchid seedlings. An orchid contains tens of thousands of seeds, and only a small number of orchid seedlings can be produced in the mountains, which shows the difficulty. If the subject.

  • Still waiting for the flowers to bloom? If you choose this kind of plant, it will blossom in about ten days.

    Still waiting for the flowers to bloom? If you choose this kind of plant, it will blossom in about ten days.

    In the process of growing flowers, waiting for them to produce beautiful flowers is undoubtedly the longest and most anxious, and it is even more impatient for some impatient flower growers. If you want to plant it, you don't have to wait long to get a flower reward. Choose this kind of plant.

  • It is better to get rid of poverty by formalism

    It is better to get rid of poverty by formalism

    It is better to get rid of poverty by formalism

  • What are the nicknames of impatiens?

    What are the nicknames of impatiens?

    Impatiens, alias henna, impatient, etc., Impatiens herbs. Because of its flower head, wing, tail and feet, it is also known as Goldilocks. The leaves of impatiens are colorful and colorful, and they are very popular with girls.

  • Illustration of the growth process of the latest impatiens

    Illustration of the growth process of the latest impatiens

    Impatiens, also known as henna, fingernail, peach red, impatient, impatiens through bone grass, etc., is a very common flower plant, can be planted in flower beds, can also be cultivated in pots, and many people are very curious about the growth process of impatiens, so I

    2020-11-10 The latest Phoenix fairy flower growth process diagram Phoenix fairy flower also known as
  • Self-made plant rooting water, how do you know if you don't try it?

    Self-made plant rooting water, how do you know if you don't try it?

    The low survival rate of plant cuttings is the worry of many flower friends, which is slow to take root and impatient to wait. Today, let's try to make some rooting water by ourselves to help our cutting plants take root faster. 1. Edible vinegar choose rice vinegar without salt.

  • How to judge the illness of pond fish

    How to judge the illness of pond fish

    Fish live in the water, and it is not easy to detect when they get sick. If you want to know whether farmed fish are sick, you should first understand the difference between diseased fish and healthy fish. Production can generally be judged from the following situations. 1. Judging from the eating situation, in the case of little change in the weather, water temperature and other environmental factors, if the food intake of fish suddenly decreases, or even stops eating, it may be the occurrence of fish disease. two。 Judging from the activity situation, if there are fish swimming alone on the surface of the water (in the water), moving slowly or floating on the shore, some fish are impatient and restless.

  • Silver carp

    Silver carp

    Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix) is also called silver carp and silver carp. The body is flattened on the side, bluish gray on the back, white on both sides and abdomen. The head is bigger. The eye position is very low. The scales are small. The median horny edge of the abdomen extends from below the pectoral fin to the anus. The pectoral fin does not exceed the base of the ventral fin. Each fin color is gray. Silver carp are impatient and good at jumping. Lives in the middle and upper layers of the water body. Silver carp is a typical filter-feeding fish, which mainly eats zooplankton at the fry stage, and gradually changes to phytoplankton when it is more than 1.5 cm long.

  • impatiens Nails, speranskia, goldenrod, golden flower. Acute seed peach

    impatiens   Nails, speranskia, goldenrod, golden flower.   Acute seed peach

    Scientific name:Impatiensbalsamina English name:GardenNalsam alias: nail grass garden balsam flower sprinkle golden flower acute child peach family name: Impatiensfamily name: Impatiensgenus adaptation area: native to China, India and Malaysia Islands, China in the south, widely cultivated. Ecological classification: Herbaceous plants and biennial flowers Ornamental classification: ornamental flowers Morphological characteristics: annual herbs, plant height 30-60cm. Stems fleshy

  • What about the walnut kernel worm?

    What about the walnut kernel worm?

    Every Mid-Autumn Festival, a large number of walnuts are on the market in various parts of our country. at that time, many people will buy some to go home and peel their shells to make all kinds of desserts, but walnut kernels are impatient and grow worms. What about walnut kernel worms? First, what about the walnut kernel worm? Walnut kernels are infested with worms.

    2020-11-08 Walnut kernel live insects how to do every time Mid-Autumn Festival our country
  • The maintenance of 12 succulent rolls must not be in a hurry.

    The maintenance of 12 succulent rolls must not be in a hurry.

    The most taboo thing about raising succulent plants is impatience! Beginners all have a hot heart and dream that succulent plants will grow into old stakes. Just like raising 12 volumes, I used to heat a pot of jade dew to death with a desk lamp! Because I don't feel it.

  • How to raise orchids to promote sprouting? Do you need to sprout with medicine?

    How to raise orchids to promote sprouting? Do you need to sprout with medicine?

    See that the orchids in the flower market have blossomed, but the orchids in their own home have not moved yet. Many impatient flower friends want to give birth. So do you need medicine to promote multiple sprouting of orchids? How to raise orchids to promote sprouting? With these two questions

  • This fruit is yellow inside and outside, vitamin An is 400 times as much as cherries and is known as the health queen.

    This fruit is yellow inside and outside, vitamin An is 400 times as much as cherries and is known as the health queen.

    With the arrival of May, many fruits in the countryside are about to be ripe and put on the market. I guess many friends are already impatient, waiting for delicious fruits to be sold and eaten as soon as they are on the market. And speaking of these delicious fruits, they went on sale in May.

  • The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of impatiens

    The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of impatiens

    Impatiens is also known as henna, impatient, because its flower heads, wings, tails and feet are like a Phoenix, so it is also known as Goldilocks, which is one of the more common flower plants in China. Its flowers and leaves can be mashed and daubed on the fingernails for dyeing, and it itself is also

    2020-11-10 The latest Phoenix fairy flower culture method and matters needing attention Phoenix
  • These flowers are good medicine for women's gynecological diseases and can also lower blood sugar. Remember to share after reading.

    These flowers are good medicine for women's gynecological diseases and can also lower blood sugar. Remember to share after reading.

    Impatiens, alias: henna, impatient, Phoenix through bone grass, Niuniu Miaomiao, Impatiens, Impatiens, Impatiens annual herbaceous flowers, the whole plant is divided into six parts: root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed. Because of its flower head, wings,.

  • Cultivation and Propagation of Cymbidium how to raise it

    Cultivation and Propagation of Cymbidium how to raise it

    Cultivation and Propagation of Cymbidium how to raise it

  • How to deal with the method of planting bonsai piles to teach you hand-by-hand

    How to deal with the method of planting bonsai piles to teach you hand-by-hand

    1 the new pile is a big day! Don't get me wrong, it is well known that the advantages of new piling are better than those of potted plants. Please don't bury it too deep. There is one of the rarest rules of death in the new pile. As the digging pit is worse than the surrounding soil, the water cannot be dispersed.
