
globose Learn more about globose

  • Succulent Plants--Woven Ball

    Succulent Plants--Woven Ball

    Buwen ball, also known as Huang Yu, Obertha, belongs to Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia plants. Native to Cape Province, South Africa. Plants globose, 8-12 cm in diam. 8, regular. The skin is greenish-green with reddish brown crisscross stripes and top stripes.

  • Taxus (Taxus)

    Taxus (Taxus)

    Latin name: Taxus L. English name: Yew Introduction: tree, bark split into thin strips off. Branchlets alternate irregularly. Leaves spirally arranged, base twisted into two rows, strip, lanceolate strip or strip-lanceolate, upper midvein raised, below two pale yellow or grayish green stomatal bands, no resin channel. dioecious, cones solitary in leaf axils; male cones globose, pedicellate, stamens 6-14, peltate, anthers 4-9, radially arranged; female cones subsessile, receptacle discoid. Seeds nutlike, mature in current year, unripe

  • What are the common varieties of holly? What are the characteristics? Is it expensive?

    What are the common varieties of holly? What are the characteristics? Is it expensive?

    Holly evergreen, dense branches and leaves, tree neat, is the most widely used evergreen plants in landscaping, landscape around the world is an indispensable beautiful modeling tree species. Holly transplant survival rate is high, recovery speed is fast, is the most used in landscaping

    2020-11-27 holly all have what common varieties characteristics price expensive
  • What kind of plant is Ophiopogon japonicus

    What kind of plant is Ophiopogon japonicus

    Ophiopogon is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Liliaceae, with thick roots, oval or spindle-shaped roots in the middle or near the end, short stems, basal clumps of leaves, grasses, bracts lanceolate, apex acuminate, seeds globose, flowering May-August.

    2020-11-09 Ophiopogon what is it plant yes lily family along step grass genus
  • What is a banyan tree?

    What is a banyan tree?

    What is a banyan tree?

  • What is the latest banyan tree?

    What is the latest banyan tree?

    The banyan tree is a large tree plant of the banyan genus of the mulberry family, also known as the thinking tree. it is said that more than 2000 years ago, Buddha Sakyamuni was cultivated into the right fruit under the banyan tree. In India, both Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism regard the banyan tree as a sacred tree.

    2020-11-10 The latest banyan tree what is it tree yes mulberry banyan
  • Harm and Control of Common miscellaneous bacteria in Edible Fungi

    Harm and Control of Common miscellaneous bacteria in Edible Fungi

    First, Alternaria. Also known as Neurospora. The asexual stage belongs to Trichoderma, Chlamydomonaceae; the sexual stage is a kind of ascomycetes. Pleurotus ostreatus is harmful to Alternaria crassa and Alternaria alternata. Hyphae white, lax, branched and septate. The conidiophores are bifurcated. Conidia series, globose to ovoid, orange or pink. Vesicles fascicled or scattered, subglobose or ovate. The ascus is cylindrical and contains 8 ascospores. Alternaria is widely distributed and can be spread in air, soil, rotten plants, grains and so on. The culture material is too wet and

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Rhizoma Polygonatum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Rhizoma Polygonatum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Rhizoma Polygonatum

  • Lily


    [source] it is the dried fleshy scale of LiliumlancifoliumThunb, L.browniiF.E.BrownexMiellez or L.browniiF.E.BrownexMiellezvar.viridulumBaker of Lilium in Liliaceae. The former is called "Longya Lily" and the latter two are called "Su Lily". [original plant] 1. Codonopsis lanceolata is a perennial herb with a bulb nearly broadly globose.

  • How much do you know about the eight functions and functions of commonly used "ingredients" onions?

    How much do you know about the eight functions and functions of commonly used

    Onion, also known as ball onion, onion, jade onion, onion, Dutch onion, onion, is one of the most commonly used side dishes and is widely planted. Onions in addition to delicious side dishes, but also have eight major functions and functions, you know! 1. Onion growth environment and morphology 1. onion

    2020-11-09 Commonly used "ingredients " onion eight efficacy and effect
  • Succulent plant-- White Dragon Ball

    Succulent plant-- White Dragon Ball

    White dragon ball, cactus family, mastoid ball genus, strong thorn perennial succulent plant. It is a succulent plant with clumps of plants. Stem globose to rod-shaped, grayish green, ball top covered with white woolly; verrucous process short and thick, axillary white woolly and long.

  • Propagation, cultivation and use of grape hyacinth

    Propagation, cultivation and use of grape hyacinth

    [alias] grape lily, blue kettle flower, grape musk orchid. Liliaceae, Liliaceae. [morphology] perennial herbs, bulb globose, skin white. Leaves basal, linear, slightly fleshy, dark green, margin often rolled inward, 1030 cm long and 0.6 cm wide. The scape is drawn from the foliage

  • Stone pepper

    Stone pepper

    Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei and other places in China. Morphological characteristics up to 1m, branchlets green. Simple leaves alternate, elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 2- 6 cm long, entire or very dentate. Flowers 1 to several leaf axils and branch tips, yellow, ca. 2.5cm in diameter. Capsule globose, flowering summer. Growth habits like to be born in low-altitude calcareous soil, not cold-resistant.

  • The white rhododendron

    The white rhododendron

    It belongs to the Yunjin rhododendron subgroup of the evergreen scaleless rhododendron formation. Evergreen shrubs to small trees. Young branches stout, green, initially glaucous. Leaves thickly leathery, clustered branch apex; oblong or oblong-elliptic, 17 cm long and 6 cm wide; apex obtusely rounded, apiculate; leaves green, abaxially light green. Flowering from April to June; terminal raceme corymbose, rachis ca. 3 cm long. Glands; 10 flowers, integrated globose, up to 20 cm in diameter; Corolla funnelform-campanulate, 6-Mel 8-lobed, 3 Mel 5 cm long, petal head subrounded with emarginate, hairy at the base of the tube

  • Silver willow (Elaeagnus angustifolia)

    Silver willow (Elaeagnus angustifolia)

    Silver willow (Elaeagnus angustifolia): genus Elaeagnus of the family Elaeagnaceae of North America and Europe. Naturally distributed in the Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as southeastern and southern parts of European Russia, Crimea, Caucasus and Central Asia. Deciduous subtrees or large shrubs, buds, young branches, leaves, flowers, fruits are covered with silver-white scales, flowers yellowish white, fragrant, fruit stone, oval or globose. Like light, resistant to drought, salt and alkali and sand burial. It grows rapidly, the root system is shallow, the root has nodule and the vitality is strong. It is a good ornamental plant in garden.

  • oriental plane

    oriental plane

    Shape: 20-30m high, the crown was broad and bell-shaped; the dry skin was grayish brown to grayish white, flaking off. Young branches and young leaves densely brown stellate hairs. Leaves palmately 5-7-lobed, deeply divided to middle, lobes growing at broad, leaf base broadly cuneate or truncate, leaf margin dentate, palmately veined; stipules rounded. Inflorescences capitate, yellowish green. Most nuts are globose in whole leaves, 3-6 balls in a string, persistent style long, hairy, and fruit stalk long and drooping. Distribution: originated in Europe; also distributed in India and Asia minor. Habit: suitable for urban environment

  • Small leaf peach

    Small leaf peach

    Shrubs or small trees, 0.5-5 m tall; leaves, opposite, leathery, 1-3 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, glabrous, lateral veins inconspicuous, converging near leaf margin to form one vein. Cymes terminal or axillary, flowers white ca. 4 cm in diam.; calyx obconical; petals 4; stamens numerous; ovary inferior; berries globose. It is widely distributed from South China and Guizhou to Hubei and southern Anhui. Born in hills and thickets or on the edge of a forest. The fruit is edible or brewed.

  • Almond double kernel soft shell

    Almond double kernel soft shell

    Nuts globose, apex pointed, light brown; sweet kernel; shell thick, average 0.10 cm; nuclear weight 1.77 cents 1.83 grams, about 720 nuts per kilogram; kernel weight 0.98 cents 1.15 grams. The rate of producing benevolence is 55.7% Mui 63.0%, and the oil content is 55.4% Mui 56.0%. The rate of double benevolence is about 80%. The posture of the tree opens a little. The fruit of small short fruit branch is mainly, and the yield is higher. Strong resistance and wide adaptability. The fruit ripens in late August. Leaves dark green, broadly lanceolate, margin spreading. There is a single flower on the short fruit branch.

  • Calyx angustifolia

    Calyx angustifolia

    Celastrusorbiculatavar.punctatus Celastraceae, Genus Celastrus. Habits: semi-evergreen or deciduous shrubs, belonging to stem winding climbing plants, simple leaves alternate, leaves bright green and shiny. Flowers are small axillary Cymes, yellowish green. Capsule globose, orange-yellow, aril bright yellow. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from September to October. Adaptability: Yang and Yin tolerance, cold tolerance, drought resistance, fast growth. It is required to be fertile and moist.

  • Morphological characteristics of eight Immortals

    Morphological characteristics of eight Immortals

    Deciduous shrubs, 3m tall; branchlets smooth, old branches stout, with large leaf traces and lenticels. The leaves of the eight Immortals are large and opposite, light green, glossy, oval or Obovate, margin obtusely serrated. Inflorescences large, terminal, corymbose, globose, pedunculate. Each cluster of flowers is flattened with fertile bisexual flowers in the center; the outer margin is sterile flowers, each with four enlarged sepals, petal-shaped. The eight Immortals begin to bloom bluish white, gradually turn pink, and then turn purplish red, with beautiful colors. eight
