
from 2007 Learn more about from 2007

  • China's agricultural insurance paid a total of 120 million times from 2007 to 2013.

    China's agricultural insurance paid a total of 120 million times from 2007 to 2013.

    Xinhua News Agency, Qingdao, October 26th (Reporter Feng Hua) in 2007 and 2013, China's agricultural insurance provided a total of 4.07 trillion yuan in risk protection and paid 75.9 billion yuan in reparations to 120 million households. This information is the third session of risk jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Securities Regulatory Commission.

    2016-03-20 2007 - 2013 China agricultural insurance cumulative indemnity 120 million
  • The global output of farmed shrimp exceeds that of captured shrimp.

    The global output of farmed shrimp exceeds that of captured shrimp.

    The global output of farmed shrimp exceeds that of captured shrimp.

  • New Management system and the Future of Chinese Agriculture

    New Management system and the Future of Chinese Agriculture

    Taking a comprehensive view of the world, household management has become the leading choice of agricultural management in most countries. Some countries have tried to replace household management with corporate agricultural management, but on the whole they have not achieved universal success. However, simply deny the public

    2016-03-20 New type management system and China agriculture future comprehensive view world
  • About the method of raising rabbits by lazy people

    About the method of raising rabbits by lazy people

    About the method of raising rabbits by lazy people

  • Heavenly King Butterfly Cymbidium

    Heavenly King Butterfly Cymbidium

    Hubei downhill in 2005, Jiangsu Huilan Exhibition Gold Award in 2007, is the boutique of Huilan outer butterflies. Hubei downhill in 2005, a total of 3 seedling grass that year. 2007 Jiangsu Orchid Exhibition Gold Award. The fragrance is good, the king of outer butterfly in Cymbidium. Chen Yilan Yuan is one of the treasures of the three major towns. In recent years, rare inscriptions from the mountain, Chen Yilan Yuan opened in 2007.

  • Wan Ding Chunlan

    Wan Ding Chunlan

    In February 2007, Dongxixi Township, Huoshan County, Anhui Province, Yangsanzhai Scenic spot went down the mountain. Alias Ihe, a Shannong Wang found it and sold it to Wang Yonghong. Yin Xuesen bought two seedlings from Wang and named them. When going down the mountain, three seedlings with an old ball, with an arrow and two flowers, are positive lotus petals with excellent fragrance. In the same year, he ascended in Lanhui, Anhui Province. This flower.

  • Moderate and mild occurrence of the second generation of rice borer in Suijiang County in 2007

    Moderate and mild occurrence of the second generation of rice borer in Suijiang County in 2007

    Rice borer, including Chilo suppressalis, Chilo suppressalis and Chilo suppressalis in our county. In the riverside area, there are three generations a year; in the second and half mountain areas, there are two generations a year. At present, the first generation in Jiangbian area has come to an end, and the second generation has begun to occur one after another. According to the observation at the Fengchi disease and pest monitoring station in our station, the second generation of borer moths started on June 10, 1 day earlier than last year, 2 days later than usual, and the peak day was June 18, 1 day later than last year, 8 days earlier than previous years, and a total of 234 moths were attracted by June 25. 94.9 were Chilo suppressalis, Chilo suppressalis and Chilo suppressalis.

  • Dr. Zhou Wenzong's Academic Achievements in Ecological Culture of Monopterus albus and Loach

    Dr. Zhou Wenzong's Academic Achievements in Ecological Culture of Monopterus albus and Loach

    Dr. Zhou Wenzong's Academic Achievements in Ecological Culture of Monopterus albus and Loach

  • China's agricultural insurance subsidy policy needs to be improved.

    China's agricultural insurance subsidy policy needs to be improved.

    With the leverage effect of the subsidy policy initiated by the central finance in 2007, China's agricultural insurance has developed rapidly, which has not only played an increasingly active role in domestic agricultural natural risk management, but also jumped to become the second largest agricultural insurance market in the world after the United States the following year.

    2016-03-20 China agriculture insurance subsidies policies to be improved relying on
  • Sweet Potato Variety-Xiangshu 18

    Sweet Potato Variety-Xiangshu 18

    This variety was selected by Hunan crop Research Institute. It was approved by Hunan Province in 2007 (variety approval number: XPD014-2007), which is suitable for planting in Hunan Province. Characteristics: medium vine type, top leaf light green, leaf green, leaf vein green with light purple, leaf deep re-engraved, stem green, 10 branches per plant; tuber early, neatly concentrated, four or five tubers per plant, tuber spinning shape, red potato skin, yellowish-white potato meat, high commodity rate; good sprouting ability, strong stem and leaf regeneration ability, fertilizer and water tolerance

  • Zhonghuang 13, a new soybean product with the largest area and high yield

    Zhonghuang 13, a new soybean product with the largest area and high yield

    Zhonghuang 13, a new high-yield soybean variety supported by the National Academy Director Fund (basic scientific research fee of the Institute of Social Welfare), has become the largest new soybean variety in China, with a record land of 10.87 million mu in 2007. Zhonghuang 13 (Guoshengdou 2001009) was bred by Wang Lianzheng, a famous soybean breeder and researcher of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and was recommended as the main soybean variety by the Ministry of Agriculture for three consecutive years from 2005 to 2007. It takes Yudou No. 8 as the female parent and is made in China.

  • Super high yield, high resistance, high efficiency and early maturing soybean-Chaofeng 3

    Super high yield, high resistance, high efficiency and early maturing soybean-Chaofeng 3

    Chaofeng No. 3 soybean is a super high-yield, multi-resistance and high-benefit early-maturing variety selected by researchers in the Research Institute of Jilin Northern seed Company in the past 8 years. This variety overcomes the outstanding problems of high yield and poor harvest caused by large-scale application in the past, such as low yield, poor internal quality, not up to the national standard of high quality and easy to crack pods in dry years. It passed the provincial confirmation smoothly in March 2007. The growth period of Chaofeng 3 is 110d, and the active accumulated temperature is 2300 ℃ from sowing date to harvest.

  • Chinese soybean: an irreparable disaster

    Chinese soybean: an irreparable disaster

    It is not easy for China to feed itself: it has 21% of the world's population but only 9% of the world's arable land. China's most fertile land depends on irrigation and is therefore vulnerable to water pollution, floods or droughts. China's water resources are quite high.

    2016-03-20 China soybean a game difficult to make up for disaster shit
  • Mythical spring orchid

    Mythical spring orchid

    Myth: In 2001, Chen Jiang selected three seedlings of Longgen grass dug from Zhoushan from Xinchang Lannong. The leaves are firm and inclined, with slight snowflake crystal spots. The leaves are thick and waxy. The first flowering in 2007, and again in 2008, after two times of multiple flowers are correct and stable, 2 years have won praise Lanyou. Flower fragrance, short round, round...

  • Wheat prices rise sharply, causing global panic

    Wheat prices rise sharply, causing global panic

    Wheat prices rise sharply, causing global panic

  • How to grow big green jujube?

    How to grow big green jujube?

    How to grow big green jujube? Please introduce the characteristics of Daqingzao: late ripening, flowering from late August to late October, fruit ripening from mid-January to late February of the following year; large leaves, obvious foliage wrinkles; beautiful fruit appearance, large fruit, crisp sweet, good flavor; average single fruit weight 164.6 grams; high yield potential, comprehensive.

  • Solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is still the top priority.

    Solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is still the top priority.

    Solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is still the top priority.

  • General situation and Forecast of Rabbit skin Market in China

    General situation and Forecast of Rabbit skin Market in China

    General situation and Forecast of Rabbit skin Market in China

  • Effect of different density on yield of Potato cultivated in Open Field

    Effect of different density on yield of Potato cultivated in Open Field

    Potato is mainly cultivated as early-maturing vegetables in Tongren City. In order to explore the best density of virus-free potato cultivated in open field, the density experiment of virus-free potato was carried out in Tongren Agricultural Technology Station from 2006 to 2007. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 the general situation of the experimental site was selected in the responsible field of Yang Xiudong family of Hongdong Group, Mulong Village, Bazhuang Town, Tongren City, with an altitude of 260m. The texture of the experimental field was sandy soil with medium fertility and was used as the root of Houttuynia cordata. 1.2 the tested varieties are the first-class production species of "virus-free Mila", which are produced by

  • Luomai No. 8

    Luomai No. 8

    2008-6-3008 Luomai No. 8 was selected by Luohe Academy of Agricultural Sciences and passed the national examination and approval number: national examination and approval number: wheat 2007008 in 2007. The characteristic is semi-winter, the seedling is semi-creeping, and the jointing is quick. The leaf width is short, the tillering ability is strong, and the panicle rate is medium. The plant height is about 75 cm, the plant type is compact, the flag leaf is small, upthrust, and the light transmittance between plant rows is good. Spike fusiform, long awn, white shell, white grain. The grain is half-horny, uniform and full. The average number of ears per mu is 400000 ~ 470000 ears, with grains per ear.
