
eczema Learn more about eczema

  • Can honeysuckle cure eczema and its effect

    Can honeysuckle cure eczema and its effect

    Can honeysuckle cure eczema and its effect

  • Prevention and treatment of bovine eczema

    Prevention and treatment of bovine eczema

    Prevention and treatment of bovine eczema

  • Women spray dichlorvos to treat eczema pesticide poisoning, doctors remind: be careful to use folk cubes or folk prescriptions

    Women spray dichlorvos to treat eczema pesticide poisoning, doctors remind: be careful to use folk cubes or folk prescriptions

    Wuwan Media Wuhan Evening News, December 29 (Reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Jin Yuxin) suffering from eczema for many years, tried various methods can not break the root, a few days ago.

  • How much is the market price of moxa leaf per jin? Can you cure eczema? Which is better, dried moxa leaves or fresh Artemisia argyi?

    How much is the market price of moxa leaf per jin? Can you cure eczema? Which is better, dried moxa leaves or fresh Artemisia argyi?

    Moxa leaves, also known as Artemisia argyi and Artemisia argyi, are the leaves of the Compositae plant. They are widely used as medicinal materials because of their high medicinal value. At present, many people like to use them for moxibustion and gout treatment. How much is the market price of Artemisia argyi? Can you cure eczema? Dried moxa leaves and fresh

    2020-11-09 Moxa leaf market price more less money one jin can be cured eczema
  • Eczema, a common surgical disease in dogs

    Eczema, a common surgical disease in dogs

    [etiology] first, it is often stimulated by various factors, such as dampness, insect stings and dirt. Second, the conditions of feeding and management are also closely related to the occurrence of disease, especially the unsaturated fatty acids in fish are closely related to the occurrence of eczema. Excessive intake of carbohydrates is more likely to develop eczema. There are also more diseases in the seasons with higher temperature and humidity. In China, the disease occurs most frequently in summer and autumn, especially from May to September. [diagnostic points] eczema is good

  • Four kinds of soup to help you treat dampness. Remember to collect and wipe out your eczema.

    Four kinds of soup to help you treat dampness. Remember to collect and wipe out your eczema.

    Lily mulberry juice: it is made with lily, green fruit, mulberry, jujube and sugar, which can clear away heat and moisten the lungs, remove dampness and relieve itching. It is mainly used to treat eczema caused by damp-heat. Plantain leaf drink: it is plantain, Coix, winter.

  • Can heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine Qianliguang treat eczema? How to treat it? What are the side effects? Do you understand all the six functions and functions?!

    Can heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine Qianliguang treat eczema? How to treat it? What are the side effects? Do you understand all the six functions and functions?!

    As the saying goes, if you know Qianliguang, you will not have sores all your life, so it can be seen that Qianliguang has a good effect on scabies. Not only that, Qianliguang also has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, relieving itching and so on, so it is widely used as medicinal materials. At present, it has been planted in Shaanxi, Guangxi, Sichuan and other places in China.

    2020-11-09 Heat-clearing detoxification herbs thousands of miles light energy treatment eczema Mo how
  • Treatment of high incidence of eczema in pigs in summer

    Treatment of high incidence of eczema in pigs in summer

    Eczema is a skin disease with high incidence in pigs in summer. the main symptoms of acute and chronic eczema are erythema, papules and itching, and a few are accompanied by pustular exudation, erosion and scab, especially to suckling piglets. According to the practice in production, the treatment with mirabilite has a special effect. Methods: according to the size and area of the pig, take 50 grams of mirabilite, add 200 grams of cold boiled water, rub the affected part 4 times a day after dissolving, or wet the affected area with a clean towel.

  • Special effect of mirabilite in the treatment of porcine eczema

    Special effect of mirabilite in the treatment of porcine eczema

    Eczema is a skin disease with high incidence in pigs in autumn. the main symptoms of acute and chronic eczema are erythema, papules and itching, and a few are accompanied by pustular exudation, erosion and scab, especially to suckling piglets. Through the practice in production, the treatment with mirabilite has a special effect. Methods: according to the size and area of the pig, take mirabilite 50ml 200g, add cold boiled water 200ml, rub the affected part 5 times a day, or dip the affected area with a clean towel for half an hour a day.

  • Pay attention to prevent pig eczema in hot weather

    Pay attention to prevent pig eczema in hot weather

    The ear root, chest, lower abdomen and the inside of the four seas of diseased pigs have flat papules of chestnut, rice and even peas, some are red, some form small water or small pustules, some form bran-like black crusts, and the diseased pigs have loss of appetite, indigestion and mental depression, which seriously affect their growth and development. There are many causes of pig eczema, such as unhygienic, dark and damp pig houses, unclean pig skin, insect bites, chemical irritation and chronic digestive tract diseases.

  • Beware of pig eczema in summer

    Beware of pig eczema in summer

    Porcine eczema, also known as porcine eczema, is mainly caused by pigs living in a humid environment for a long time. The disease is generally the most serious in the high temperature season in summer and autumn. Symptoms: most of the sexual patients had a sudden onset, and the skin on both sides of the jaw, abdomen and perineum of the pig became red, with nodules such as broad bean, itching and restlessness, blisters and papules when the condition was aggravated, and often accompanied by yellow exudate, scabs and scales after rupture. Acute pigs are not treated in time and often become chronic. The skin of pigs is thick and itchy, and they often wipe walls or trees to stop itching, resulting in hair loss all over the body.

  • Prevention of pig eczema in rainy season

    Prevention of pig eczema in rainy season

    Porcine eczema, also known as porcine eczema, is mainly caused by pigs living in a humid environment for a long time, especially in high temperature season. First, symptoms of the disease. Most of the acute affected pigs had a sudden onset, with redness of the submandibular, abdominal and perineal skin, and large nodules of broad bean and itching at the same time. Later, blisters and papules appeared on the skin of the affected pigs with the aggravation of the disease. Blisters and papules are often accompanied by yellow exudate, and finally form scabs or turn into scales and so on. If the acute disease of pigs is not cured.

  • Common skin problems. I've tried so many methods over and over again, that's all.

    Common skin problems. I've tried so many methods over and over again, that's all.

    Muggy and humid weather is very conducive to the spread of fungi, extremely prone to a variety of skin problems, especially the southern friends living in Meiyudo are more likely to suffer from eczema, rash, suffering every day, itching ah! Itching all over! The more you grasp.

  • How to prevent and cure pig leprosy

    How to prevent and cure pig leprosy

    In veterinary clinical practice, it is often encountered that the skin of some 2-4-month-old piglets are covered with brown crusts, showing symptoms such as mental dullness, loss of appetite, itching and growth stagnation. People used to call it "pig mangy". Piglet leprosy is mainly caused by the following causes: piglets lack nicotinic amine in B vitamins. Nicotinamide is an indispensable component of coenzyme in animal metabolism. The results show that certain amino acids, such as tryptophan, can be transformed in animals.

  • The efficacy and function of the leaves of Duck foot

    The efficacy and function of the leaves of Duck foot

    The efficacy and function of the leaves of Duck foot

  • Prevention and treatment of Bovine dampness

    Prevention and treatment of Bovine dampness

    Bovine eczema, also known as eczema, is caused by cattle living in a humid environment for a long time. The disease can occur all the year round, and the incidence increases when the weather is hot in summer. (1) symptoms. The initial symptoms of the disease are redness of the skin on both sides of the lower jaw, abdomen and perineum, and the appearance of hard nodules the size of broad beans, which makes the cattle itchy and restless, followed by papules, blisters, yellow exudates, scabs and scales after blister rupture. For a long time, it will make the cow thin and weak until it dies. (2) anticipation

  • The latest course of cultivation techniques and methods of catechu

    The latest course of cultivation techniques and methods of catechu

    Catechu is a very traditional Chinese medicine in China, which is mainly distributed in Yunnan Province. It is mainly used in branches and trunks, and has various tasks such as stopping bleeding and promoting muscle, clearing lung and resolving phlegm and so on. Mainly used for fall injury, eczema, eczema and so on, its medicinal value is very high.

    2020-11-10 The latest catechu cultivation techniques methods tutorials yes
  • The efficacy and function of Scutellaria barbata

    The efficacy and function of Scutellaria barbata

    Scutellaria barbata has many functions, mainly for the treatment of edema, eczema and other symptoms. It also has many pharmacological effects, can have an effect on the nervous system, in addition, it also has an effect on blood pressure and respiration, of course, it is also more widely used in clinical medicine.

  • Drug value of Pelargonium

    Drug value of Pelargonium

    [historical clinical records] have been used to treat cholera and bone injuries, as well as exorcism. [efficacy] hemostasis, vasoconstriction, asthma, liver detoxification, gallstones, kidney detoxification, kidney stones, diuresis, muscle soreness, oily skin, aging skin activation, herpes, skin pallor, weight loss, promote scarring, eczema, sunburn, ringworm, menstruation, breast congestion inflammation, reduce depression, drive away demons, replenish body, deodorize, antibacterial, sterilize, quit smoking and alcohol. [precautions] for some

  • Understand the planting technology of Cnidium monnieri

    Understand the planting technology of Cnidium monnieri

    Understand the planting technology of Cnidium monnieri
