
degree. Learn more about degree.

  • Quick check table of suitable temperature for common melons, fruits and vegetables

    Quick check table of suitable temperature for common melons, fruits and vegetables

    Many vegetable farmers have been growing vegetables for many years, but they are still confused about the habits of vegetables, especially the temperature they adapt to. There are also some farmers who grow a crop all the year round.

  • Feed formula and feeding method of brocade carp

    Feed formula and feeding method of brocade carp

    Feed formula and feeding method of brocade carp

  • These 20 kinds of rose, blossom like cabbage, taste like perfume, almost poisoned!

    These 20 kinds of rose, blossom like cabbage, taste like perfume, almost poisoned!

    This year's Ouyue is really very popular. So many varieties must have stirred up trouble in their eyes. Today, Huahua has summed up 20 kinds of Ouyue with large flowers, bright colors and fragrant taste, which have been sent out for your reference.

  • What is the relationship between the culture of the four major domestic fish and meteorological conditions

    What is the relationship between the culture of the four major domestic fish and meteorological conditions

    Fish live in water, but it is also closely related to meteorological conditions. Temperature fish is a variable temperature animal, the water temperature is the body temperature, the water temperature directly affects the metabolic activity of life, the optimum temperature range is 10 to 33 degrees Celsius, the optimum temperature is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, the optimum temperature is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, and the dormancy begins below 10 degrees Celsius. Slow growth, increased appetite at 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, fast growth, the fastest growth at 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, and slow growth above 30 degrees Celsius, so bait intake should be paid attention to.

  • How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in Cucumber planting

  • Eggplant seedlings can resist several degrees below zero.

    Eggplant seedlings can resist several degrees below zero.

    Eggplant seedlings are high-temperature-loving plants that cannot survive a few degrees below zero. Generally speaking, the suitable temperature for seed germination is 25-30 degrees, and the development period of seedlings is 25-30 degrees during the day and 15-20 degrees at night. If the temperature is less than 15 degrees, the eggplant seedlings will grow slowly, and the eggplant seedlings will not survive below 0 degrees.

    2020-11-09 Eggplant Miaoneng resistance sub-zero several degrees eggplant seedling yes hi high temperature
  • There are 20 kinds of rose flowers in large collections and colorful flowers, and there is always one that appeals to you.

    There are 20 kinds of rose flowers in large collections and colorful flowers, and there is always one that appeals to you.

    This year's Ouyue is really very popular. So many varieties must have stirred up chaos in their eyes. Today, Huahua summed up 20 kinds of Ouyue with large shape, bright color and fragrant taste, which were sent out for your reference.

  • Clivia temperature in how many degrees appropriate, there are what maintenance requirements

    Clivia temperature in how many degrees appropriate, there are what maintenance requirements

    Clivia temperature in how many degrees appropriate, there are what maintenance requirements

  • How to manage the temperature in the latest cucumber planting

    How to manage the temperature in the latest cucumber planting

    The planting area of cucumber in our country is very large. When planting cucumber, we should do a good job of management to ensure the growth of cucumber. We need to pay attention to all aspects, especially the temperature control of planting cucumbers in winter shed. Temperature is crucial to the growth of cucumber.

    2020-11-10 The latest cucumber planting yes temperature how management in
  • Which brand of brocade carp feed is good?

    Which brand of brocade carp feed is good?

    Which brand of brocade carp feed is good?

  • Climate and the North Line of National Orchid Distribution

    Climate and the North Line of National Orchid Distribution

    Climate and the North Line of National Orchid Distribution

  • Pistachio, also known as pistachio, is one of the four major nut trees in the world. Nuts are highly nutritious food.

    Pistachio, also known as pistachio, is one of the four major nut trees in the world. Nuts are highly nutritious food.

    Pistachio tree (Pistacia vera) is also called pistachio, a small deciduous tree. The tree is about 10 meters high, with odd-pinnate leaves, long age and slow growth. it takes at least six years for seedlings to bear fruit from the first year of seed planting.

  • Alcohol made from sweet potato

    Alcohol made from sweet potato

    Alcohol, also known as ethanol, is an important chemical raw material, which can produce a variety of organic reagents and solvents, as well as dyes, paints, medicines, spices, synthetic materials, detergents and so on. 1. Technological process: koji-making mother-cooking gelatinization-saccharification fermentation-distillation 2. Key points of technological operation: ① koji making: most of the saccharifying agents used in this process are cultured in solid medium. 5%-10% grain bran or fine rice husk was added to wheat bran as medium, and Aspergillus Niger or Aspergillus flavus was cultured as saccharifying agent.

  • Meteorological elements needed for jujube growth

    Meteorological elements needed for jujube growth

    Sprouting period: the daily average temperature begins to sprout when the daily average temperature reaches 14 degrees Celsius, and the leaves spread out at 17 degrees Celsius. Flowering period: the daily average temperature reaches 19mur20 degrees Celsius, and the flower begins to blossom from 20ml to 22:00. In full bloom, the temperature is 22 Mel 27 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity is 60% MUR 70%. A large number of "scorched flowers" and young fruits will fall off when the relative temperature is less than 25%. Fruit ripening period: the optimum temperature for fruit development is 25 Murray 27 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity is about 75%. The optimum temperature during fruit ripening period 1

  • How to cultivate muskmelon by using small arch shed

    How to cultivate muskmelon by using small arch shed

    Variety selection: select varieties with a growing period of less than 100 days, early flowering, easy to sit melon, early maturity and strong disease resistance, such as Elizabeth, Zhongtian No.1 and so on. Cultivate strong seedlings: the seedlings are generally carried out in the greenhouse or on the hotbed, and the seedling time is in the middle and late February. Seed

    2020-11-08 Utilization small arch shed how cultivation foreign melon variety selection
  • Planting conditions of pumpkin

    Planting conditions of pumpkin

    Planting conditions of pumpkin

  • Orchid cultivation master: master three orchid cultivation skills that novices must learn without difficulty

    Orchid cultivation master: master three orchid cultivation skills that novices must learn without difficulty

    When I was a child, I often heard adults say, "when you do something, you have to have a degree in your heart." when the little gardener was learning to raise orchids from his seniors, he said the same thing. He said that orchids should have three degrees in their hearts.

  • How to hatch chicks?

    How to hatch chicks?

    Five conditions for hatching: (1) temperature: temperature is an important condition for embryonic development. The embryo can still develop at a temperature of 32-40 degrees. Shi Wen wants to be high in the front, flat in the middle and low in the back. The temperature was 38-38.5 degrees in the early stage, 38-38.5 degrees in the 8-14 days, 37.5-38 degrees in the 15-21 days, 37-37.5 degrees in the later stage. If multiple batches of breeding eggs are hatched in the machine, the temperature can be kept at a constant temperature of 37.8 degrees for 15-21 days.

  • Temperature Management of muskmelon planting

    Temperature Management of muskmelon planting

    Melons, also known as cantaloupe, Bailan melon, taste sweet, more moisture, very popular, for muskmelon planting temperature management is very important. So, what is the temperature management of melon planting? Let's get to know it together. 1. Planting period of muskmelon

    2020-11-09 Melon planting temperature management melon also known as cantaloupe
  • Monosodium glutamate from sweet potato

    Monosodium glutamate from sweet potato

    The chemical name of monosodium glutamate is sodium glutamate, also known as sodium glutamate. It is an advanced condiment that can not only improve cooking flavor, but also promote appetite and help digestion. Monosodium glutamate can be produced with sweet potato starch with low production cost. 1. Technological process: preparation of starch hydrolyzed sugar-fermentation-glutamic acid extraction and neutralization-concentrated crystallization-dry sieving-finished product 2. Key points of process: preparation of starch hydrolyzed sugar by ①: sweet potato starch was watered into powder with a concentration of 16 Baume degrees.
