
butachlor Learn more about butachlor

  • Matters needing attention in the use of butachlor

    Matters needing attention in the use of butachlor

    Matters needing attention in the use of butachlor

  • The difference between butachlor and Prochlor

    The difference between butachlor and Prochlor

    Butachlor and propachlor are common herbicides on the market, and many people do not know how to choose when weeding. Let's take a look at the difference between butachlor and propachlor. 1. Butachlor is introduced as a selective pre-bud herbicide.

    2020-11-08 Butachlor butachlor
  • Weeding is needed before ploughing, soil preparation and seedling planting in rice fields.

    Weeding is needed before ploughing, soil preparation and seedling planting in rice fields.

    In order to better complete the work of agricultural technology popularization, in addition to carefully summing up last year's work and arranging tasks for this year, in order to ensure the increase of crop production and income, on April 6, in the critical season, three scientists and technicians from Kaiyuan seed Management Station went to Longtan Village and Renshou Village in Dazhuang Township and Renshou to demonstrate science and technology.

    2020-11-08 Planting water rice fields ploughing soil preparation and before seedling need weeding for more
  • What are the circumstances in which rice is damaged by drugs?

    What are the circumstances in which rice is damaged by drugs?

    What are the circumstances in which rice is damaged by drugs? Please introduce the following symptoms of drug damage to rice for reference: Rice spots: common brown spots, yellow spots, withered spots, net spots and so on. For example, if butachlor is mistakenly sprayed in the early stage of rice growth, irregular brown spots will appear in rice seedlings. Rice malformation: introduction of drug damage.

  • How to weed in rice seedling field? What are the herbicides? Is it harmful to seedlings?

    How to weed in rice seedling field? What are the herbicides? Is it harmful to seedlings?

    The seedling field is also called the mother field, the bottom field, the foot field and the pond. It is a field for cultivating rice seedlings. So how to weed in rice seedling field? What are the herbicides? Is it harmful to seedlings? How to weed in rice seedling field? 1. Chemical weeding in seedling field is labor-saving, labor-saving and effective.

    2020-11-09 Rice rice fields how herbicides which right seedlings
  • All the herbicide mixtures on the market are here! It's worth collecting!

    All the herbicide mixtures on the market are here! It's worth collecting!

    Many farmers do not know much about the special herbicides in the corn field, or even what products they have. This article collects the herbicide formulations in the corn field on the market, and all the herbicide mixtures in the corn field are here! It's worth collecting! I. atrazine

    2020-11-09 City noodle place some corn field herbicide mixture formula
  • There are so many herbicides, do you know how to use them?

    There are so many herbicides, do you know how to use them?

    Most of the herbicides on the market are amide herbicides, and most of them are soil treatment agents, which are mainly applied before sprouting after sowing. The control effect of annual Gramineae weeds is good, but the control effect of broad-leaved weeds is poor. In general, the control effect of Acetochlor is higher than that of isopropyl.

    2020-11-09 Herbicide so much you all know the market.
  • Chemical weeding techniques in Rice Seedling Field

    Chemical weeding techniques in Rice Seedling Field

    Chemical weeding techniques in Rice Seedling Field

  • Introduction of herbicides commonly used in Aquatic vegetable Field

    Introduction of herbicides commonly used in Aquatic vegetable Field

    Reasonable control of the application time is generally sprayed after corn sowing, and the effect of herbicide spraying is the best when the ground is wet. Strictly control the amount of drug used in accordance with the instructions, reasonable dose, too much is easy to produce drug damage, too little can not achieve the desired effect. It is best to choose weather and wind when you avoid spraying in windy days.

  • On weeding of Pinellia ternata

    On weeding of Pinellia ternata

    Pinellia ternata is a dicotyledonous plant. In the cultivation process of this kind of medicinal materials, the problem of weeding is relatively thorny, and there is no clear and effective method at present, mainly artificial weeding, and no herbicide has been used for weeding experiment. It is said that an expert specializing in Pinellia ternata used butylamine to weed after sowing in dry and Pinellia ternata, but we do not know the specific concentration. You might as well use butachlor to start with a low concentration (100 times liquid) and test in a small range with a gradient ratio. After observation, it is determined that the herbicide has obvious killing effect on other weeds.

  • Types and Application of herbicides after Maize Seedling

    Types and Application of herbicides after Maize Seedling

    Types and Application of herbicides after Maize Seedling

  • Use rape without a trace before sowing.

    Use rape without a trace before sowing.

    20% grams of water-free agent is a contact-killing herbicide. Spraying Ke after no-tillage direct seeding or transplanting rape during harvest and stubble of rice and cotton can improve soil fertility, improve soil structure, increase permeability, preserve fertilizer and water, and save labor and cost compared with ploughing and planting rape, especially in rural areas.

  • What are the herbicides in paddy fields

    What are the herbicides in paddy fields

    In the process of rice planting and growth, it is inevitable to be disturbed by all kinds of weeds, so it is necessary to eat and spray related herbicides. What kind of herbicides are there in the rice field? How do I use it? Introduction of herbicides and application methods in paddy fields: 1. Pyrimidine sulfuron and pyrimidine

    2020-11-08 Water rice fields herbicides which are in rice planting growth
  • Key points of cultivation techniques of Upland Rice

    Key points of cultivation techniques of Upland Rice

    Upland rice, usually cultivated directly in dry land, is especially suitable for planting in low-lying land, does not need water layer in life, and depends entirely on natural rainfall or rice cultivation supplemented by appropriate irrigation when drought occurs to a certain extent. Its planting management is similar to that of wheat. The key points of upland rice cultivation techniques are as follows: one is to sow to protect the whole seedling, the second is to control weeds in the field, and the third is that various cultivation techniques must be matched. First, the selection of varieties. In order to obtain higher yield of upland rice, varieties suitable for dry cultivation must be selected. The requirement is that the growth period of ⑴ should be moderate.

  • What to do if the rice is damaged by medicine?

    What to do if the rice is damaged by medicine?

    Rice is an important food crop in our country, which is planted by almost every family, especially in the north, where the planting area is the widest, and during the period of planting rice, there will be all kinds of drug damage, so how to deal with the drug damage to rice? What if the rice is harmed by drugs? 1. Fertilization remediation

    2020-11-08 Rice suffering from drug damage how to do rice yes our country important
  • Types and application methods of the latest post-seedling herbicides in corn

    Types and application methods of the latest post-seedling herbicides in corn

    It is rainy in summer, and weeds are common in corn field. the main weeds are Magnolia mandshurica, barnyardgrass, Setaria angustifolia, Euphorbia angustifolia, Portulaca oleracea, amaranth, aconite and so on. Corn is most harmed by weeds at seedling stage, and chemical control saves time and effort, but corn fields are on the market.

    2020-11-10 The latest corn seedlings herbicides types and methods of use
  • What should I pay attention to when growing peppermint?

    What should I pay attention to when growing peppermint?

    What should I pay attention to when growing peppermint? Please give guidance to plant mint need to pay attention to the following points for reference: 1, garden selection and soil preparation and fertilization mint cultivation should choose land with fertile soil, flat terrain, good light, convenient transportation, combined with deep ploughing before sowing, apply high-quality farm manure 1500,200 per mu.

  • Rice dry farming technology

    Rice dry farming technology

    Rice dry farming technology

  • Weed control formula for direct seeding upland rice

    Weed control formula for direct seeding upland rice

    Upland rice refers to the selection of high-quality rice varieties with strong drought tolerance and dry direct seeding under the condition of dry field. The whole growth period is dominated by natural rainfall. In addition, planting weeding in the whole process is also the key. Here is the editor to share the herbicidal formula for direct seeding upland rice.

    2020-11-08 Direct seeding upland rice weeding formula yes in upland fields
  • How should herbicide damage be remedied?

    How should herbicide damage be remedied?

    How to weed the rape field? Please advise on the control of weeds in rape fields, and pay close attention to the popularization of chemical weeding techniques on the basis of vigorously implementing crop rotation of oil wheat, oil vegetables, oil beans and strengthening field management. Chemical stubble killing before sowing during the empty stubble period after rice harvest and rape sowing, glyphosate and 100 were used.
