
Tobacco seedlings Learn more about Tobacco seedlings

  • Harmful symptoms and control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Harmful symptoms and control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Tobacco mosaic disease is common in all tobacco areas in the world, and it occurs in both northern and southern tobacco areas in China, especially in southern tobacco areas. the incidence of tobacco mosaic disease in the field is generally 520% from seedling stage to harvest stage, and the incidence of individual fields can be as high as 90% 100%. The loss of early onset can reach 50%, or even loss of harvest.

  • Analysis on Management of Water and Fertilizer in Tobacco Field

    Analysis on Management of Water and Fertilizer in Tobacco Field

    Compared with most other crops, tobacco leaves are special in that they are harvested as leaves. Tobacco leaves grow gradually by absorbing nutrients and water from soil. Therefore, water and fertilizer management is very important in order to cultivate good quality tobacco leaves. Scientific fertilization ensures yield and quality...

  • Cultivation techniques of flue-cured tobacco

    Cultivation techniques of flue-cured tobacco

    Flue-cured tobacco is the largest type of tobacco cultivated in China and in the world. it is not only the main raw material of cigarette industry, but also used as the raw material of tobacco industry. So what are the cultivation techniques of flue-cured tobacco? 1. Direct seeding cultivation of flue-cured tobacco can save seedling cultivation.

    2020-11-09 Flue-cured tobacco cultivation techniques flue-cured tobacco yes China also in the world
  • Tobacco growing techniques: how long has tobacco been grown? Tobacco seedbed management

    Tobacco growing techniques: how long has tobacco been grown? Tobacco seedbed management

    Tobacco is widely grown in our country. Do you want to grow tobacco? Want to know how tobacco is grown? Tobacco seedling: tobacco seeds are very small, from sowing to seedling growth period, easily affected by environmental damage, so seedlings should be set up

    2019-01-30 tobacco planting technique time in how long seedbed period management
  • How to raise seedlings and how to manage tobacco?

    How to raise seedlings and how to manage tobacco?

    How to raise seedlings and how to manage tobacco? Seedling transplanting is a tobacco cultivation method widely used all over the world. In the cultivation of tobacco in China, except for a small number of yellow flower tobacco and sun-cured tobacco, the vast number of tobacco areas are seedlings and transplanting. The basic requirement of raising seedlings is to produce strong seedlings with sufficient quantity and suitable size in time. General requirements for spring smoke.

  • How to raise tobacco seedlings without soil?

    How to raise tobacco seedlings without soil?

    How to raise tobacco seedlings without soil? With the gradual application of soilless cultivation technology in production, tobacco soilless seedling technology-direct seeding nutrient solution floating seedling (soilless seedling for short) has been widely popularized in flue-cured tobacco production. Practice has proved that the new technology of soilless tobacco seedling can improve the quality of tobacco seedlings, shorten the seedling period and prolong tobacco.

  • How should tobacco be managed in summer?

    How should tobacco be managed in summer?

    How should tobacco be managed in summer? Summer tobacco can be managed as follows: first, promote the seedlings to check and replenish the seedlings in time, pull out the weak seedlings and those bitten or bitten by underground pests, and replant new seedlings. When replanting, apply a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer or compound fertilizer in the hole, pour enough water, and apply poison bait in the hole. For the weak growth of tobacco seedlings.

  • Tobacco growing technology

    Tobacco growing technology

    First, tobacco seeds should be sunned at 1520℃ for 23 days before germination; second, the best transplanting period in Huanghuai tobacco area should be completed before Qingming to grain rain. Planting density should be controlled at 12001300 plants per mu, and plastic film should be used to plant tobacco. Third, tobacco ripeness

    2020-11-09 tobacco planting technology first seed in germination before
  • Introduction to the method of sowing and breeding of flower tobacco

    Introduction to the method of sowing and breeding of flower tobacco

    Flower tobacco has a long flowering period and bright colors, so it has a certain ornamental value. Because the flowering period of flower tobacco is generally from June to September, it is also an excellent flower in summer garden. Generally speaking, flower tobacco can be propagated by sowing, so how should it be operated?

  • High-yield and High-efficiency cultivation techniques of flue-cured Tobacco and Japonica Rice in Xiajiang County, Jiangxi Province

    High-yield and High-efficiency cultivation techniques of flue-cured Tobacco and Japonica Rice in Xiajiang County, Jiangxi Province

    The high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation techniques of "flue-cured tobacco-japonica rice" in Xiajiang County, Jiangxi Province, in recent years' planting structure adjustment and demonstration work practice of "Indica to Japonica", combined with the advantages of local high-quality tobacco characteristic industry, opened in 2014.

  • How to raise flower tobacco

    How to raise flower tobacco

    Flower tobacco scientific name: nicotianaalata alias: American flower tobacco, long flower tobacco, large flower tobacco morphological characteristics:-annual herbs, plant height 60-90 cm, the whole plant is densely covered with glandular hairs. Stems erect, leaves alternate, lanceolate or long elliptic. Lax raceme terminal, Corolla salverform

  • The planting method of tobacco

    The planting method of tobacco

    The planting method of tobacco

  • How to grow tobacco to withstand drought?

    How to grow tobacco to withstand drought?

    How to grow tobacco to withstand drought? Tobacco has higher requirements for water in the growing period, and the yield and quality of tobacco leaves will be significantly affected by drought stress. China is a country with shortage of water resources, and the temporal and spatial distribution of water resources is uneven. In recent years, some tobacco-growing areas in China have suffered from severe drought.

  • How to cultivate strong seedlings? how to cultivate strong seedlings of tobacco?

    How to cultivate strong seedlings? how to cultivate strong seedlings of tobacco?

    Before accelerating germination, tobacco seeds should be exposed to 15-20 ℃ sunlight for 2-3 days to improve their germination energy and germination rate. To cultivate strong seedlings: first, adopt the new technology of raising seedlings with double-layer film paper tube, the diameter of the paper tube is not less than 4 cm, the height is 6-7 cm, each flat.

  • The latest planting methods of tobacco

    The latest planting methods of tobacco

    At present, tobacco is grown in many places in our country, although many people know that attraction is harmful to health, but the demand for cigarettes in the market is still very high. And tobacco cultivation in many places is still a national poverty alleviation project. So how to grow tobacco?

    2020-11-10 The latest tobacco planting methods at present our country a lot of
  • What pesticides are used for tobacco anthracnose

    What pesticides are used for tobacco anthracnose

    Tobacco anthracnose is caused by infection with a fungus of the genus Hypogloeosporium. The disease can occur in all growth stages of tobacco, but it is common and serious in seedling stage. The leaves of seedlings are densely covered with disease spots, and the whole tobacco seedlings are often destroyed when the disease is serious. So tobacco anthrax

    2020-11-08 tobacco anthracnose what pesticide by genus
  • How to treat the disease of tobacco seedlings?

    How to treat the disease of tobacco seedlings?

    China is a big country in tobacco production and marketing in the world, and it is widely cultivated in the north and south provinces. In the process of cultivation, the cultivation of strong seedlings is a key part of the work, if not managed properly, diseases may occur. So, how to treat the disease of tobacco seedlings? It depends on what happens to the tobacco seedlings.

    2020-11-08 Tobacco seedlings emergence disease how cure we the country the world tobacco
  • Planting techniques of flue-cured tobacco

    Planting techniques of flue-cured tobacco

    Tobacco is a warm-loving plant, and the humidity in the field should be kept at about 70% to 80% in the middle of growth. Red loam is the best planting site. Sowing is usually around the middle of February every year, and heat preservation is done at the same time. Planting is the best.

    2020-11-09 Flue-cured tobacco planting technology tobacco is a kind of like warm sexual
  • What should we pay attention to when planting tobacco with plastic film mulching?

    What should we pay attention to when planting tobacco with plastic film mulching?

    What should we pay attention to when planting tobacco with plastic film mulching? Ridging and fertilizing the land. In the areas where tobacco-rice rotation is to be finished in mid-March, we must seize the favorable weather and set up ridges and fertilizers before February. After ridging, apply herbicide, and then apply hole fertilizer to break the topsoil in order to cover the film. Cover the film. The soil surface.

  • How to use diachlor in tobacco fields?

    How to use diachlor in tobacco fields?

    How to use diachlor in tobacco fields? Please give guidance to tobacco with small seeds and slow seedling growth, which are often harmed by weeds, such as Setaria mandshurica, Artemisia angustifolia, barnyard barnyard, sophora, sedge, pig calamity, plume, plantain, dandelion and so on. The control of weeds in tobacco field can.
