
Tianmen Learn more about Tianmen

  • The latest matters needing attention in planting Tianmen winter

    The latest matters needing attention in planting Tianmen winter

    The tuber of Tianmeng is a common traditional Chinese medicine with high medicinal value. It can be planted in spring and autumn. it is usually planted at the end of March in spring and between late September and early October in autumn. A lot of Tianmen winter

    2020-11-10 The latest Tianmen Winter planting points for attention
  • Matters needing attention in planting Tianmen Winter

    Matters needing attention in planting Tianmen Winter

    Matters needing attention in planting Tianmen Winter

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Tianmen winter

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Tianmen winter

    Tianmen winter, also known as three hundred sticks, Sidong, tiger tail root, asparagus, etc., are perennial herbs of the genus Liliaceae, which grow in shady wetlands on the edge of mountain forests, hilly shrubs or hillside grasses, distributed in Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Gansu.

    2020-11-10 The latest Tianmen winter planting technology methods tutorials
  • Introduction of matters needing attention for planting in Tianmen winter! How much is the price per jin?

    Introduction of matters needing attention for planting in Tianmen winter! How much is the price per jin?

    Asparagus is a perennial herb of asparagus family, its root tuber is spindle-shaped, generally dug in autumn and winter, and is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine after processing, which has the effect of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, clearing fire and relieving cough. So, what are the points for attention in planting Tianmen winter? Price

    2020-11-09 Tianmen winter planting points for attention introduction price yes more
  • How to grow asparagus and precautions

    How to grow asparagus and precautions

    When it comes to asparagus, I believe everyone is very familiar with it and it is especially common in our lives. Tianmen looks inconspicuous, but the effect is great, has a very high medicinal value, has a good effect on the treatment of some diseases, and is widely planted.

    2020-11-08 Tianmen winter how planting method and precautions
  • The Culture method of Tianmeng how to raise Tianmeng

    The Culture method of Tianmeng how to raise Tianmeng

    The Culture method of Tianmeng how to raise Tianmeng

  • How to raise asparagus

    How to raise asparagus

    Soil Asparagus has higher requirements for soil, so it is necessary to choose fertile, loose and breathable soil. This soil can be configured by itself. The required soil can be obtained by mixing rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. You can also buy special soil for Asparagus from flower shops.

  • Where can the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Tianmen winter be put?

    Where can the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Tianmen winter be put?

    Asparagus, also known as asparagus, is a perennial semi-vine green herb of Liliaceae. With fusiform roots, leaflike branches linear, clustered, flowers white or reddish, berries bright red. It is a kind of perennial herb, which is widely distributed in our country. Radix asparagus has a certain medicinal value.

  • Tianmen Lotus Butterfly Chunlan

    Tianmen Lotus Butterfly Chunlan

    Tianmen Lotus Butterfly: Xinchang Lanyou excavated from Zhoushan, named after Bochun, there is not much spread outside. The color of this flower is light and elegant, and the flower is graceful and graceful, just like a beautiful woman in a stream, with plain clothes and jade skin, fresh and natural, yet charming in elegance. The color of this flower is light and elegant, five-petal lotus type, emerald green, butterfly part white, with a light red line in the middle.

  • Why stems and leaves turn yellow easily in Tianmen winter

    Why stems and leaves turn yellow easily in Tianmen winter

    Tianmendong, (Latin name: Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour) Merr), alias: three hundred sticks, Wuzhu, Sidong, tiger tail root, asparagus, tomorrow winter. Tianmen winter roots spindle-shaped, leafy branches are generally made of every 3.

  • The planting method of Tianmeng

    The planting method of Tianmeng

    Tianmen winter evergreen, not only high ornamental value, but also has a certain medicinal value, so it is very suitable for family pot planting. Tianmen winter mostly uses sowing and ramet to breed young plants, when the seedlings grow to a certain extent, and then wait for the opportunity to transplant on the pot planting can be regarded as pot management. But

  • Cultivation techniques of asparagus

    Cultivation techniques of asparagus

    Cultivation techniques of asparagus

  • How to reproduce the planting techniques of Tianmen winter

    How to reproduce the planting techniques of Tianmen winter

    Tianmendong this kind of plant looks very much like asparagus. At first glance, you will really think that it is asparagus, but the result is not. What are the breeding methods and precautions for astronomical winter? What are the points for attention in the process of reproduction? Planting techniques of Tianmen winter: there are many varieties of Tianmen winter

  • The sowing of Tianmeng

    The sowing of Tianmeng

    Sowing time Tianmen winter sowing time can be in spring or autumn, each has its own advantages, autumn sowing, generally sowing in September-October, when sowing, the seed germination rate is relatively high, but the budding time is a little long, so have some patience to wait for it, in the meantime to carefully take care of it

  • The efficacy and function of Tianmen winter how to eat it

    The efficacy and function of Tianmen winter how to eat it

    The efficacy and function of Tianmen winter how to eat it

  • Cut leaves to harvest and keep fresh: Fox tail Tianmen winter

    Cut leaves to harvest and keep fresh: Fox tail Tianmen winter

    [other middle name] Wu bamboo, Myers asparagus, Meibo's dense flower asparagus [family] Liliaceae asparagus belongs to South Africa, this species is a horticultural variety. [plant character] Tianmeng is a perennial herb. The plant height is about 60 cm. Rhizome short, stem erect. The leafy branches are fine needle-shaped. [cut leaf harvesting] the harvest site is the leaf-like technique of the fox tail Tianmeng. In the process of cultivation, the leafy branches that turn dark green and grow well can be cut off at any time as needed. The operation can be carried out throughout the day.

  • Cultivation methods and precautions of asparagus

    Cultivation methods and precautions of asparagus

    Asparagus is named Asparagus. It is a perennial semi-tendril green herb of Liliaceae. With spindle-like tuberous roots. Leaves linear, clustered, white or reddish, berries bright red. Like warm and humid environment, like sunlight, resistance to semi-shade, afraid of direct light. Suitable for loose fertile, well-drained sandy loam

  • Asparagus root potted culture method

    Asparagus root potted culture method

    Asparagus root is a kind of green plant with low plant shape. It can be used for potted plants, but also for purifying air. It can also be used as medicine for curing diseases. It can be used for many purposes. Not only that, Asparagus is also relatively tenacious

  • Plants that look like nine-tailed foxes can stay green all year round if they are kept indoors

    Plants that look like nine-tailed foxes can stay green all year round if they are kept indoors

    Here is a plant that is evergreen, especially drought-tolerant, does not need constant care, and looks particularly lovely. It is Foxtail Asparagus, which looks particularly delicate. The plant type looks like a fox's tail, it was originally born...

  • I have enough time to stare at a little flower

    I have enough time to stare at a little flower

    African asparagus Asparagus densiflorus "Sprengeri" alias: African martial bamboo, evergreen asparagus semi-shrubs don't be frightened by the long and aloof name of "prickly African asparagus".
