
Rake Learn more about Rake

  • When do rake oranges mature?

    When do rake oranges mature?

    Rake orange is a delicious fruit, it looks like ugly orange, but its price is higher than ugly orange. So when will the rake mandarin mature? Rake citrus science is famous in the spring, and it will mature and appear on the market in December. The variety shows upright tree posture and strong growth potential. Budding stage

    2020-11-09 Rake mandarin when mature rake yes a very
  • [science and Technology Court] eye-opener (35) Yellow rake Gulin beef jerky longan 20160906

    [science and Technology Court] eye-opener (35) Yellow rake Gulin beef jerky longan 20160906

    [science and Technology Court] eye-opener (35) Yellow rake Gulin beef jerky longan 20160906

  • What kind of fermentation bed do pigs choose? Different fermentation bed benefits vary greatly!

    What kind of fermentation bed do pigs choose? Different fermentation bed benefits vary greatly!

    The first generation of the old contact fermentation bed pig mixed, generally dare not use, a lot of problems; the second generation is a non-contact fermentation bed, it is more stable, bedding sources are more extensive, the corresponding bedding costs are lower; the third generation fermentation bed technology is unique

    2020-11-11 fermentation bed pig breeding selection which different of yield difference large
  • Soil improvement techniques for soybean cultivation

    Soil improvement techniques for soybean cultivation

    1. Soil conditions for high soybean yield Soil conditions are the basis for high soybean yield. Soil moisture status, nutrient status and some physical properties of soil are important factors affecting soybean yield. Soybean seeds require more water for germination than cereal crops. The young roots of soybean are soft and have a large moisture content. Suitable soil moisture conditions can promote the young roots to extend to depth. The main root of the plant can reach about 1 meter, and the lateral root can extend parallel to about 0.5 meters. When soil moisture is insufficient, it will affect its vertical and horizontal expansion growth.

  • Field management scheme of winter wheat returning to green period

    Field management scheme of winter wheat returning to green period

    Field management scheme of winter wheat returning to green period

  • Spring Management measures of Winter Wheat in Northern Xinjiang

    Spring Management measures of Winter Wheat in Northern Xinjiang

    Return to the green period to manage the spring rake in time after the beginning of spring (from the end of March to early April), with a depth of 5 cm. It is better to use a rake or oblique rake. Returning to green fertilizer should be applied on the eve or early stage of wheat turning green, and should be applied more in weak seedlings, little or no in strong seedlings, and not in prosperous seedlings. Before winter, the total number of stems per mu is less than 400000 seedlings, and the wheat fields with weak wheat seedlings are late.

  • How to plant lawn

    How to plant lawn

    First of all, it is necessary to remove the rubbish on the site, and rake the land after clearing the rubbish. When raking the land, remove weeds and debris, and apply base fertilizer, which is mainly organic fertilizer. Then spread the lawn seeds evenly on the soil, water them immediately after sowing, and then water them every day.

    2020-11-09 How to plant the lawn first of all to put the field the ground the garbage
  • Land selection and preparation of Honeysuckle

    Land selection and preparation of Honeysuckle

    The main results are as follows: (1) the sandy loam which is close to the water source, convenient for irrigation, loose, fertile and well drained should be selected as the seedling land. After selecting the land, turn the soil more than 30 cm deep, rake it into pieces and flatten it, and apply rotten stable manure or compost 1500kg to 2000kg as base fertilizer every 667 square meters. Then shallow plough and rake once, the width of the bed is 100cm and 200cm, and the height is 20cm. It is used as a nursery bed for cutting and sowing seedlings. (2) the planting land can make use of barren slope, land edge, ditch edge and house in front of the house.

  • Trench your lawn calls you home to graze.

    Trench your lawn calls you home to graze.

    Family Flower cultivation teacher Xiaoye teaches you all kinds of flower cultivation knowledge! In any garden design, green turf looks extremely beautiful and indispensable, but the lawn needs careful maintenance and maintenance to keep it.

  • How to treat the drug damage caused by metsulfuron to rice?

    How to treat the drug damage caused by metsulfuron to rice?

    Remedial measures: after planting (throwing) seedlings in the herbicide field, the field inspection should be strengthened, and immediate measures should be taken to reduce the loss when herbicide damage occurs. 1 replanting (throwing) seedlings: after diagnosis, it was confirmed that the drug damage of the seedlings was serious, more than 80% of the seedlings were yellowed, and some of them withered, it was necessary to raise the seedlings to be replanted (thrown) immediately. Method of operation: first clear the field water, gently rake once and then discharge the turbid water, and then rake flat, transplant (throw seedlings). In recent years, the sowing and transplanting (throwing) seedling season is 7-15 days earlier than the traditional season. It is found that the drug damage is the most compensatory.

  • The steps of establishing orange seedling nursery with growing sugar

    The steps of establishing orange seedling nursery with growing sugar

    1. The nursery of sugar orange should choose the flat land with convenient transportation, far away from the disease and insect epidemic area (more than 3000 meters away from the old orange orchard and citrus Huanglong disease garden), leeward to the sun, sufficient water source, open terrain, deep tillage layer and low groundwater table. Flat land, gentle slope or irrigation

    2020-11-08 Seed sugar orange nursery field establishment step land selection
  • Is the blood red?

    Is the blood red?

    Red amaranth has purple tender leaves, contains more iron, calcium and other minerals, and contains more carotene and vitamin C. It is one of the main green leafy vegetables popular in summer. So, is red amaranth red skin vegetable? 1. Is the blood skin vegetable red amaranth

    2020-11-08 red amaranth purple.
  • How do you grow fennel seeds?

    How do you grow fennel seeds?

    The stems and tender leaves of fennel can be used as vegetables, and the seasoning cumin is the dry ripe fruit of plant fennel. So, how to grow fennel seeds? 1. There are two ways of sowing ①: winter sowing (egg wrapping) and spring sowing. To sow the seeds with salt before last winter.

    2020-11-08 Fennel seed how fennel fragrant stem and tender leaves can be used as
  • How to plant pearl sorghum for high yield

    How to plant pearl sorghum for high yield

    How can pearl sorghum be planted with high yield? Please guide pearl sorghum to be planted with reference to the following methods: 1. Soil preparation: one plough and one rake for ripe land, two ploughs and two rakes for wasteland (raw land), rake the soil into pieces during the day to meet the requirements of growing corn, paddy fields or plots with too much water should not be planted. 2. Apply sufficient base fertilizer: in.

  • Prevention and control of ginseng infestation

    Prevention and control of ginseng infestation

    The insect is known as the golden needle worm, also known as the iron filament, the golden tooth rake, the yellow caterpillar and so on, and its adult is also called the kowtow worm. It belongs to Coleoptera, Conchidae. The harm to ginseng is the most serious. The general soil begins to move after thawing, mainly harming the underground part of ginseng rhizome by larvae, generally from ginseng root to 10 cm layer on the surface.

  • Sowing and raising seedlings of Robinia pseudoacacia in mountainous area

    Sowing and raising seedlings of Robinia pseudoacacia in mountainous area

    Robinia pseudoacacia is one of the main tree species for afforestation in mountainous areas. it is not only an important source of wood such as pillars, sleepers, cars and boats, agricultural tools, but also a good source of honey. First, nursery site selection and land preparation. The nursery land should choose the sandy loam land with flat terrain, good drainage, deep and fertile soil layer, and irrigation conditions. After the nursery land is selected, ploughing should be carried out in autumn, with a depth of 30 cm. The top of the early spring rake fine rake flat, while picking out the grass roots and stones. Combined with land preparation, 3000-5000 kg of rotten barnyard manure per mu.

  • Selected questions and answers on pollution-free and high-yield cultivation techniques of onion!

    Selected questions and answers on pollution-free and high-yield cultivation techniques of onion!

    Selected questions and answers on pollution-free and high-yield cultivation techniques of onion!

  • Key techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Key techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Soybean narrow row close planting cultivation is an advanced cultivation technology with large application area and rapid development in the world. Heilongjiang Province began in the early 1990s and was identified as a key research project of the provincial party committee in 1995. First, to select suitable varieties and do a good job in seed treatment, we must choose dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties with lodging resistance and high yield-increasing potential. At present, the more suitable varieties for production are Hefeng 25, Hefeng 35, Suinong 14, Beifeng 14 and Beifeng 1.

  • Production Technology of aa Potato

    Production Technology of aa Potato

    1. Conditions of origin 1. Environmental conditions: the atmosphere, soil and other conditions of the green food production base are monitored by the environmental monitoring department designated by the provincial green food administrative department and meet the environmental standards of the green food producing area. 2. Soil conditions: select light loam or sandy soil with deep soil layer, loose structure and good drainage, and the PH value is 5.6-7.0. It is appropriate to flood the hills in Hirakawa, and avoid low-lying plots. Choose wheat and bean stubble to turn the land in autumn, and pay special attention to avoid the plots that used too long residual pesticides last year, so it is not suitable for continuous cropping

  • Spring seeding technique

    Spring seeding technique

    Spring see oranges, commonly known as rake oranges, its meat is crisp and tender, dregs, sweet, few seeds or seedless, and high yield. So, what is the planting technique of spring seeding? First, the site for the construction of a garden should be located on a plot with deep soil layer and medium fertility.

    2020-11-09 See you in spring planting technology spring that is citrus commonly known as rake