
Hemiptera Learn more about Hemiptera

  • Morphological characteristics and control techniques of Hemiptera pest rice green bug

    Morphological characteristics and control techniques of Hemiptera pest rice green bug

    The insect rice green bug belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. All sweet orange producing areas in China have occurred. In addition to harming citrus, it also harms rice, corn, peanuts, cotton, legumes, cruciferous vegetables, rape, sesame, eggplant, chili, potatoes, peaches, plums, pears and apples.

    2020-11-09 Hemiptera order pest rice green bug harm morphological characteristics and control
  • Parsley peach aphid

    Parsley peach aphid

    Characteristic description and control methods of peach aphid Myzuspersicae (Sulzer), belonging to Hemiptera (originally Homoptera; but now moved to Hemiptera), Aphididae. Alias greasy insect, tobacco aphid, peach aphid, oil man. Peach aphid is a broad-eating pest with about 74 families and 28 host plants.

  • Control of species of litchi bugs

    Control of species of litchi bugs

    Litchi bugs, belonging to Hemiptera and Pentatomidae, is a major pest of longan in our region. The insect sucks the juices of tender shoots, flower ears and young fruits with adults and nymphs, and the damaged parts change color and dry up, resulting in falling flowers and fruits. When the worm is frightened, the smelly liquid touches the tender leaves, flowers and fruits.

    2020-11-08 Species litchi bugs control genus hemiptera order
  • What are the common insects?

    What are the common insects?

    What are the common insects?

  • The principle of killing poisonous fish

    The principle of killing poisonous fish

    It is a kind of insecticide to control pests and mites such as Lepidoptera, Homoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera and Coleoptera, but some people use it to poison fish. What is the principle of killing poisonous fish? How to use it to control insect pests? First, wipe out the original poisonous fish

    2020-11-11 Anti-sweep poison fish principle anti-sweep benefit yes a kind of prevention and control.
  • Are frogs insects?

    Are frogs insects?

    Frogs are not insects. Insects belong to the phylum Arthropoda, while frogs are amphibians of the phylum Chordata. Frogs feed on insects, and most of them are agricultural pests. It has been estimated that a frog can prey on 70 pests a day and kill them in a year.

    2020-11-11 Frog yes insect frog no insect. Belong to
  • Rice long-shouldered spinous bug and short-shouldered spinous bug

    Rice long-shouldered spinous bug and short-shouldered spinous bug

    The scientific names of Clketustrigonus (Thunberg) and Jing C.pugnator belong to Hemiptera and Pentatomidae. Distributed in the Yangtze River Basin, Jiangsu, Henan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces. Host rice, amaranth, thorn wide, lotus seed grass, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, grass grape, corn, soybean and so on. Damage characteristics, nymphs suck rice and other juices or damage grass and grape berries. Morphological characteristics: adult length 7.5-8.8mm

  • Northwest wheat bug

    Northwest wheat bug

    Scientific name AeliasibiricaReuter Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. Distribution from Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, * *, south to Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai. Host wheat, rice and other Gramineae plants. When the nymphs sucked the sap of the host leaves, the damaged wheat seedlings appeared withered heart or white spots on the leaves, then twisted into braids, and white ears and blighted grains appeared. Morphological characteristics the adult is 9-11mm long, yellowish brown, with black and white longitudinal stripes, the head is tilted downward, and the front end is pointed and divided. Small shield

  • Ganoderma lucidum pest: membrane beak flat bug

    Ganoderma lucidum pest: membrane beak flat bug

    Meziramembranacea (Fabr.) It belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. 1. Shape and personality adult body length 9-12 mm, black, head extending forward, apex forked. Antennae protuberant, 4 segments. The dorsal margin of the forechest was slightly overflowed, with 4 irregular protuberances in the anterior half, and a significant bend in the center of the posterior margin. The half-wing sheath reaches the last ventral segment and the reproductive segment is exposed. The membranous part is very large. The muzzle is short and brown, extending to the posterior edge of the open beak groove. Females are larger than males. Advanced age if

  • What kind of pesticides are used in the control of bugs?

    What kind of pesticides are used in the control of bugs?

    Pentatomus refers to the general name of insects belonging to the family Hemiptera, which have stinky glandular pores, can secrete stinky liquid and volatilize into a stench in the air, so they also have common names such as fart bugs, bedbugs, smelly eldest sisters, and so on. So, what kind of pesticide is used to control bugs? 1. Bugs

    2020-11-08 Bugs control use what pesticides bugs refers to belongs to
  • Lawn pest-wheat bug

    Lawn pest-wheat bug

    The wheat bug bug belongs to the family Hemiptera Pentatomidae. In recent years, due to the abnormal change of air temperature, the harm of wheat bug is becoming more and more serious, especially to dry ripe grass, shearing grass and other lawns. First, ecological habits and characteristics of nymphs are small, with incomplete wings, can not fly, can jump over a long distance. The body color ranges from reddish to black, with a yellow-and-white stripe on the back of the body. The adult is black, about 1 cm long and has white folded wings. Peeling off the dying lawn, you can see pests crawling everywhere. The wheat bugs like to be hot and angry.

  • The latest control methods of litchi bug

    The latest control methods of litchi bug

    Litchi bug is a fruit tree pest, also known as litchi stink bug, belongs to the family Hemiptera, mainly harming litchi and longan, but also other disease-free plants. The adult is about 25 mm long, shield-shaped and yellowish brown. China is distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong and Guangdong.

    2020-11-10 The latest litchi bug control method yes fruit tree
  • What are the hazards of bedbugs? How to wipe it out completely?

    What are the hazards of bedbugs? How to wipe it out completely?

    Bedbugs, also known as bedbugs, are insects of the family Hemiptera, which live in various crevices in human rooms and beds, and are mostly active at night. Where they crawl, they will leave an unpleasant stench, and they are agile and difficult to catch, so what are the hazards of bedbugs? How

    2020-11-11 Bedbugs of harm which how thoroughly eliminate destroy
  • The crown net bug of rhododendron

    The crown net bug of rhododendron

    Also known as pear net bug, pear net bug, flower belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. All over the country. With nymphs, adults harm rhododendron, rose, camellia, Michelia, jasmine, wax plum, wisteria and other potted flowers and trees. For the harmful adults and nymphs are clustered on the back of the leaves to suck juice, and the back of the injured leaves looks like a black sticky substance that has been splashed. This feature can be easily distinguished from other piercing pests. The whole injured leaf is yellowish yellow on the back, and many pale spots are formed on the front. When the damage is serious, the spots become patches, and even the whole leaf is chlorotic.

  • Charcoal production and control of Rhododendron crenatum

    Charcoal production and control of Rhododendron crenatum

    Stephanitis scott. Hemiptera is a family of insects, distributed very widely, azalea flowers are the main pests. Its host plants are Rhododendron and Pieris, which seriously affect the growth, reproduction and ornamental value of the two genera of flowers. 1. Harm symptoms Rhododendron crown net bug mainly damages the leaves of host plants with nymph and adult, absorbs juice, excretes feces, makes the back of the leaves appear rusty yellow, needle white spots appear on the front of the leaves, and seriously makes the whole leaves lose green and pale, affecting the plant.

  • At present, it is still necessary to prevent cotton blind stink bugs.

    At present, it is still necessary to prevent cotton blind stink bugs.

    This year's cotton pests are different from previous years. In most of cotton growth, the first and second generations of cotton bollworms have not had much impact on cotton. It can be said that cotton bollworms did not occur on a large scale. However, in the later stage of cotton growth, some cotton farmers only pay attention to the control of aphids, but do not pay attention to the control of other insect pests. In fact, the insect pests in the later stage of cotton is often another important factor that cotton can not be high-yielding. The main pest in the later stage of cotton growth is the blind Toona weevil, which belongs to Hemiptera cotton pest, and its fecundity is very strong.

  • Tea wing bug and hemp skin bug

    Tea wing bug and hemp skin bug

    Tea-wing bugs and hemipterous bugs both belong to Hemiptera Pentatomidae, and they are also pests that do great harm to garden ornamental plants. Tea wing bug bug Halyomorphapicus alias stinky wood bugs, smelly elder sister, brown bugs host a wide range of food, harmful to Robinia pseudoacacia, elm, figs, cloves, pomegranate, paulownia, peach, begonia and other garden plants. Harmful adults and nymphs feed on tender leaves, stems and fruit juices, causing leaves to turn yellow and early.

  • Ganoderma lucidum membrane beak flat bug

    Ganoderma lucidum membrane beak flat bug

    The scientific name Meziramembranaceabranacea (Frab.) belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. The insect was first found in Linden Ganoderma lucidum in Baoxi Township, Longquan City in 1994. In recent years, the damage is very serious in Linden Ganoderma lucidum producing area, and the damage scope is expanding day by day, which greatly affects the yield and quality of Linden Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum is mainly distributed in Longquan, Zhejiang, Shaowu, Fujian, Nanning, Hainan Island, Taiwan and Japan. Damage characteristics of the membrane beak flat bug absorbs the juice from the hyphae and primordium of Ganoderma lucidum

  • Is the cicada an insect?

    Is the cicada an insect?

    Summer is hot, we can often hear cicadas under the trees, looking up can capture their figure. But many people don't know whether the cicada is an insect or an animal. Let's find out together. Are cicadas insects? cicadas are insects. Belonging to Insecta Hemiptera

    2020-11-11 Cicadas yes insects summer scorching we often can be in
  • The difference between silkworm and cicada

    The difference between silkworm and cicada

    The difference between silkworm and cicada
