
Grubs Learn more about Grubs

  • How to prevent and cure grubs by planting astragalus membranaceus?

    How to prevent and cure grubs by planting astragalus membranaceus?

    How to prevent and cure grubs by planting astragalus membranaceus?

  • What if potted flowers are harmed by grubs?

    What if potted flowers are harmed by grubs?

    What if potted flowers are harmed by grubs?

  • The latest occurrence causes and control methods of peanut grubs

    The latest occurrence causes and control methods of peanut grubs

    Peanut is the most important cash crop in China. With the continuous increase of peanut planting area, the yield increases year by year, but the peanut grub is becoming more and more serious. It will gnaw on peanuts in the growth and harvest of peanuts, resulting in wormholes in peanuts, which seriously affect the yield and products.

    2020-11-10 Latest peanuts grubs occurrence causes and control methods
  • What is a grub? How to control grubs?

    What is a grub? How to control grubs?

    What is a grub? How to control grubs? There are no netizens to help guide the common name Bombyx mori, Bombyx mori, which is the general name of the beetle larva, which mainly harms the underground roots and fruits. It bites off the roots and stems of the seedlings, causing the seedlings to die. If it is not prevented in time, it will result in lack of seedlings and broken ridges. Therefore, the farming network is arranged.

  • The latest control methods of blueberry grub

    The latest control methods of blueberry grub

    Grub is the main pest in the process of blueberry planting, which mainly occurs in the blueberry root system. Blueberries eaten by grubs turn yellow at first, and eventually wither and die, and cause root rot, causing great harm to blueberries. So blueberries should

    2020-11-10 The latest blueberries grubs control methods yes
  • Occurrence causes and control methods of peanut grub

    Occurrence causes and control methods of peanut grub

    Occurrence causes and control methods of peanut grub

  • Control of insect pest grubs on scallions

    Control of insect pest grubs on scallions

    Green onion, is a kind of onion, onion belongs to the lily family, is the stem and leaf of perennial herbaceous plant onion, the upper part is green onion leaf, the lower part is white onion. It can be divided into four types: common scallions, shallots, scallions and scallions. Zhangqiu in Shandong Province is the largest green onion growing in China.

    2020-11-08 Green onions insect pests grubs control green onions yes onions a kind of
  • It is a heinous underground pest, but foreigners have become the best delicacies in our country.

    It is a heinous underground pest, but foreigners have become the best delicacies in our country.

    In rural areas, farmers make a living by growing crops, and even if farming depends on heaven for food, they should not only pray for favorable weather, but also deal with some pests that destroy the growth of crops. Farmers always want to take these pests when they see them.

  • Control method of blueberry grub

    Control method of blueberry grub

    Control method of blueberry grub

  • Grub culture technique

    Grub culture technique

    Grubs can be cultured artificially. Artificial culture can start from the pupa stage, collect the pupa, move it into a wooden box or tile tank, wait for the emergence of the pupa, feed fresh leaves or roots, and feed a large amount of chicken manure in the larval stage, which is mixed with wet soil at the ratio of 1% to 3%.

    2020-11-11 Grubs breeding techniques grubs can be passed artificial cultured .
  • What kind of pesticides are used in peanuts?

    What kind of pesticides are used in peanuts?

    In soil preparation, phoxim mixed with a little water and spread with base fertilizer can control grubs; if there are more grubs, cyhalothrin can be added. When sowing seeds with phoxim or chlorpyrifos, imidacloprid, thiazide and other chemicals, it can be used to control the disease.

    2020-11-09 Flowers raw land lower use what pesticides in soil preparation when with Xin
  • Control of grub, the main insect pest of Polygonatum polygonatum

    Control of grub, the main insect pest of Polygonatum polygonatum

    Huang Jing, also known as tiger ginger, chicken head ginseng. It is the dried rhizome of Polygonatum polygonatum, Polygonatum polygonatum or Polygonatum polygonatum. According to the differences in the characters of original plants and medicinal materials, Rhizoma Polygonatum can be divided into three types: ginger, chicken head and rhubarb. The original plant of Rhizoma Polygonatum has many flowers.

    2020-11-08 Polygonatum main pest grub control also known as tiger
  • Codonopsis pilosula pest: grub

    Codonopsis pilosula pest: grub

    It belongs to Coleoptera, Scarabidae. It is the larva of the beetle, which is mainly active in the soil and harms the root of Codonopsis pilosula. Grubs usually occur one generation a year, and larvae or adults survive the winter in the soil. When the temperature rises in the following spring, the grub gradually moves to the top of the soil. When the soil temperature is above 15 ℃, the grub feeds on the topsoil above 10cm. When the temperature rises and the soil is dry in summer, it goes down to the deep layer of the soil. In autumn, it returned to the topsoil layer, and after October, it dived into the soil layer below 30cm to spend the winter.

  • Control techniques of lawn beetles

    Control techniques of lawn beetles

    Maoming is located in the southwest of Guangdong Province with a warm and humid climate. There is a large area of lawn in the green space in the city, and the main varieties are Taiwan grass and big-leaf oil grass. These special geographical and plant conditions lead to the frequent occurrence of beetles in our city, and sometimes a large number of them, which do great harm to the plant growth and landscape of the public green space in our city. After years of practice, the occurrence and control techniques of turf beetles in our city are introduced as follows: first, the species and morphological characteristics of beetles: after years of observation, the damage on the lawn in this city is more serious.

  • Peony planting techniques: what are the pests in the roots of peony?

    Peony planting techniques: what are the pests in the roots of peony?

    What are the common insect pests in the roots of peony? What are the prevention and control methods? Please introduce the common pests in the roots of peony, such as grubs, ground tigers, termites and so on. Detailed control methods can be listed as follows: 1. Grubs: beetle larvae, milky white, cylindrical, wrinkled, harmful to peony roots. ...

  • Pest Control in Peanut growth

    Pest Control in Peanut growth

    1. The cause of iron deficiency in peanut peanut is one of the crops sensitive to iron. Although iron is not a component of chlorophyll, it is an indispensable condition for the synthesis of chlorophyll. It is a component of cytochrome oxidase and peroxidase related to respiration, and participates in the redox process in plants. Is.

  • Peanut underground pest threat what method not only insecticidal but also low pesticide residues?

    Peanut underground pest threat what method not only insecticidal but also low pesticide residues?

    Farmers who grow peanuts know that the biggest headache in the process of growing peanuts is the underground pest problem of peanuts. Poor treatment of underground pests will not only reduce the yield of peanuts but also affect the quality of peanuts. However, it is too good to control peanut pests.

  • What are the underground pests?

    What are the underground pests?

    What are the underground pests? What are the symptoms of harm? Please also ask netizens to help introduce that the commonly referred to underground pests live in the soil all their lives or at some stage in their lives, mainly nibbling on the underground parts of crops, seeds, seedlings or near-soil surface main stems, causing crop damage, wilting and growth retardation.

  • Several common diseases and insect pests and control methods of cultivating Ligustrum lucidum

    Several common diseases and insect pests and control methods of cultivating Ligustrum lucidum

    The advantages of easy cultivation, rapid growth and resistance to pruning and shaping of Ligustrum lucidum make it widely used in garden engineering in the north of China. Ligustrum lucidum has been planted in Hengshui City, Hebei Province for more than ten years. With the increase of application area and time, its diseases and insect pests are becoming more and more serious. According to years of observation and research, the author

  • Causes and Control measures of Root Rot of Oil Peony

    Causes and Control measures of Root Rot of Oil Peony

    How to prevent and cure root rot of oil peony? What are the specific prevention and control measures? In recent years, the root rot of oil peony has occurred seriously, especially in rainy years, which often causes the death of the whole plant or even the whole plant. The editor of Huinong Network summarizes the occurrence law and control of the root rot of oil peony.
