
Ground cypress Learn more about Ground cypress

  • Maintenance method of Sabina vulgaris bonsai

    Maintenance method of Sabina vulgaris bonsai

    Ground cypress, also known as cypress, climbing cypress. Belongs to the cypress family, the genus Sabina. Evergrape shrubs. Because of its twisted dry diameter, fine branches and strong adaptability. Easy to shape and other features are loved by the majority of bonsai lovers. The branches and leaves of the cypress are green and meandering, suitable for viewing in all seasons.

  • How much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it?

    How much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it?

    Sabina vulgaris, also known as cypress, evergreen shrubs. The back of the leaf is blue-green, and the leaf base grows downward. Cones globose, bluish. It contains 2-3 seeds. So how much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it? From Changsha Garden Base

    2020-11-09 Paving cypress bonsai price more less money how pruning seedlings
  • The production method of Sabina vulgaris bonsai (with cypress bonsai modeling and maintenance)

    The production method of Sabina vulgaris bonsai (with cypress bonsai modeling and maintenance)

    Ground cypress, also known as cypress, climbing cypress. Because of its short shape, it has become the main variety of bonsai. So, how to make cypress bonsai?

  • How much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it?

    How much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it?

    Sabina vulgaris, also known as cypress, evergreen shrubs. The back of the leaf is blue-green, and the leaf base grows downward. Cones globose, bluish. It contains 2-3 seeds. So how much is the price of cypress bonsai? How do you trim it? How much is a seedling? How to maintain it? Learn from Changsha Garden Base

  • Bonsai material-Sabina bonsai

    Bonsai material-Sabina bonsai

    Ground cypress generally has no upright trunk, dense branches and leaves, distinct layers, small green leaves, evergreen four seasons, elegant posture, long life, easy to shape. Sabina vulgaris has strong adaptability and can grow well in the south and north, so it is a good material for making bonsai. 1. Tree-shaped ground cypress branches are thin and long, and soft, suitable for cliff type, curved dry type, horizontal dry type and a variety of birds, animals and other animal forms. Cypress modeling should be more flat binding, less pruning, flat binding material can be made of wire or brown wire, after the general outline is finished, according to the needs of modeling, should

  • Enjoy the three Gorges landscape bonsai: cherish the encounter in this life

    Enjoy the three Gorges landscape bonsai: cherish the encounter in this life

    [bonsai people's feelings] Wen | Fujian Xiamen @ Zhou Yingzhi fate, is a song, is a kind of beauty, it shallowly moistens the soft heart. An encounter, a mood, warm the wet season, explain the sad feelings; a song.

  • Planting methods and cultivation management techniques of Sabina vulgaris

    Planting methods and cultivation management techniques of Sabina vulgaris

    Sabina vulgaris is a genus of Sabina vulgaris, alias: Sabina vulgaris and Platycladus orientalis are native to the south of Northeast China, North China, Japan, Korea and other places, and are cultivated in the south of North China and East China. In the same genus, the leaves of Sabina vulgaris are all scaly leaves, and the leaves at the end of the branches are yellow; PUBG has no upright trunk, and the plants are spread in place, mostly phosphorus leaves.

  • How to raise cypress

    How to raise cypress

    Sabina vulgaris is a kind of plant often used for potted plants, so how to raise it? Let's have a look! First, the basic introduction of Sabina vulgaris is a small evergreen shrub of the family Cypress and Cypress, with dense and soft branches and creeping ground. The bark is reddish brown and flakes off

    2020-11-08 Cypress how raise cypress is a kind of often used often used for
  • Causes and countermeasures of leaf yellowing of Sabina vulgaris

    Causes and countermeasures of leaf yellowing of Sabina vulgaris

    There are several main reasons for the occurrence of leaf yellow phenomenon in improper management.

  • The latest course of cultivation techniques of Sabina vulgaris

    The latest course of cultivation techniques of Sabina vulgaris

    Sabina vulgaris is a genus of Sabina vulgaris, alias: Sabina vulgaris and Platycladus orientalis are native to the south of Northeast China, North China, Japan, Korea and other places, and are cultivated in the south of North China and East China. The leaves of the same genus are all scaly leaves, and the end leaves of the branches are yellow; the ground dragon racket is not upright.

    2020-11-10 Most Xinlong cypress cultivation techniques methods tutorials for
  • Causes and control measures of yellowing of bonsai leaves of Sabina vulgaris

    Causes and control measures of yellowing of bonsai leaves of Sabina vulgaris

    Sabina vulgaris, also known as Sabina vulgaris and Sabina vulgaris, is an evergreen shrub of Sabina vulgaris. The plant is low and has no erect trunk. The branches grow parallel to the ground or grow close to the ground. The trunk epidermis is smooth when young, but becomes rough for a period of time. Its branchlets grow densely, with spiny leaves and apex pointed.

  • Cutting techniques of Sabina vulgaris bonsai

    Cutting techniques of Sabina vulgaris bonsai

    Ground cypress, also known as cypress, climbing cypress. Belongs to the cypress family, the genus Sabina. Evergrape shrubs. Because of its twisted dry diameter, fine branches and strong adaptability. Easy to shape and other features are loved by the majority of bonsai lovers. Cuttage propagation of Sabina vulgaris is a kind of propagation method with high performance-to-price ratio, so it is often adopted.

  • Cypress trees were reborn in 2000

    Cypress trees were reborn in 2000

    The successful protective transplantation of "Wudi Bai" Nangoumen Water Control Project in Yan 'an City is a medium-sized water control project approved by the National Development and Reform Commission. The water conservancy project submerged area within the Shijiahe village grows a tree two thousand years old...

  • What if the roots of bamboo and cypress are rotten, stop watering, removing pots and changing soil / discovering diseases and insect pests and spraying with medicine

    What if the roots of bamboo and cypress are rotten, stop watering, removing pots and changing soil / discovering diseases and insect pests and spraying with medicine

    Non-bamboo non-cypress, is for bamboo and cypress, this is a beautiful foliage plant, its plant type is beautiful, the branches and leaves are green, it is very ornamental at home. However, in the process of breeding, because of improper maintenance, bamboo and cypress often have the symptom of rotting roots, so what should we do if the roots are rotten?

  • A pot of green cloud grass beside the desk is refreshing and refreshing.

    A pot of green cloud grass beside the desk is refreshing and refreshing.

    Cuiyuncao is a famous perennial plant of Selaginaceae, also known as dragon beard, bluegrass, sword cypress, blue cypress, cypress leaf, foot grass, green velvet grass, rotten skin snake. The main stem is trailing on the ground, about 1 m long, the branches are sparse, very soft, branched.

  • Would you like to leave the bonsai at home? Is the bonsai of Sabina vulgaris valuable the price of fine bonsai

    Would you like to leave the bonsai at home? Is the bonsai of Sabina vulgaris valuable the price of fine bonsai

    Sabina vulgaris is a small evergreen shrub, which also belongs to cypress, but this kind of cypress is not tall, usually about 70-80cm, so it is called Cypress. Its economic value is generally used as a bonsai. Is the cypress bonsai valuable? It's valuable. That cypress bonsai

    2019-04-03 Ground cypress bonsai put home all right valuable Modi cypress
  • Cultivation techniques of Sabina vulgaris

    Cultivation techniques of Sabina vulgaris

    Cultivation techniques of Sabina vulgaris

  • The latest method of making juniper bonsai

    The latest method of making juniper bonsai

    Pine and cypress bonsai, rugged old, cold and heat-resistant, cultivation does not choose soil, is a longevity tree species, much loved by people. However, it is difficult to dig and plant the old pine and cypress stakes, because its sap is in a waxy state, the bark is fragile and fragile, and the grease seal is rigid once it is damaged.

    2020-11-10 The latest cliff cypress bonsai production method pine and cypress rugged
  • Material selection and cultivation of real cypress bonsai

    Material selection and cultivation of real cypress bonsai

    Real cypress bonsai has always been famous in bonsai circles at home and abroad for its old stem, tight leaves and graceful posture, especially in Japanese bonsai exhibitions, which are made of century-old cypress, with white bones and red skin, such as swimming dragons, vigorous and simple, with Xianjia style, which can be called the top grade of bonsai. The true cypress of potted plants in Taiwan

  • Pots Selection and Upper Pots of Chinese Cupressus Bonsai

    Pots Selection and Upper Pots of Chinese Cupressus Bonsai

    The ground is covered with green cypress branches and leaves, winding and creeping, and suitable for viewing in all seasons. The best viewing effect is when the new branches and leaves sprout in spring. It is not advisable to keep it indoors for a long time during the growth period. The cypress is easy to shape and can be made into a horizontal symmetrical bonsai, which can be placed in the courtyard or reception room for appreciation.
