
Gaomai Learn more about Gaomai

  • Introduction of Wheat Variety Gaomai 6

    Introduction of Wheat Variety Gaomai 6

    The whole growth period of semi-winter wheat variety Gaomai 6 was 228 days, which was one day earlier than that of the control variety Zhoumai 18. The plant height is 77.1 cm, the plant type is compact, the stem is elastic and the lodging resistance is strong. The flag leaf is short and wide, upthrust, the spike layer is neat, and the ripe phase is good. Identification of disease resistance and high susceptibility to sheath blight

    2020-11-08 Gaomai 6 Wheat Variety introduction Bandong Sex
  • What are the best wheat varieties at present? Which areas are suitable for planting?

    What are the best wheat varieties at present? Which areas are suitable for planting?

    Wheat is the main crop in China, especially in the north, there are a lot of wheat. Those who have grown wheat know that there are many varieties of wheat, so what is the best variety of wheat at present? Which area is suitable for planting? Let's get to know it.

    2020-11-27 At present the best good wheat varieties have which are respectively suitable
  • Xinmai 18 (formerly known as Xinmai 9408)

    Xinmai 18 (formerly known as Xinmai 9408)

    Characteristics: semi-winter, middle maturity, maturity one day earlier than the control Yumai 49. The seedling is semi-erect, the leaf color is green and the tillering ability is strong. The plant height is 75 cm, the plant type is slightly loose, and the ear layer is thick. Ear spindle type, long awn, white shell, white grain, grain half-horny-horny. The average number of ears per mu is 380000 ears, the number of grains per ear is 35, and the weight of 1000 grains is 41 grams. The lodging resistance is strong and the cold resistance is good. Identification of inoculation resistance: high resistance to stripe rust, medium resistance to stem rust, moderate susceptibility to powdery mildew and sheath blight, high susceptibility to scab and leaf rust. 2003/2004

  • Answers to 10 questions about Wheat cultivation techniques

    Answers to 10 questions about Wheat cultivation techniques

    Answers to 10 questions about Wheat cultivation techniques

  • It is the key to lay a good foundation for high yield of winter and spring wheat.

    It is the key to lay a good foundation for high yield of winter and spring wheat.

    Henan Province is a major province of wheat production. in recent years, the state and province have issued a series of policies to benefit farmers to support the development of wheat production, so that the agricultural production conditions of our province have been greatly improved and the production level has been continuously improved. the total yield and per unit yield of wheat have reached an all-time high for five consecutive years. In 2007, the sown area of wheat reached 75.66 million mu.

  • Answers to 10 questions about the latest course of wheat cultivation techniques and methods

    Answers to 10 questions about the latest course of wheat cultivation techniques and methods

    Q: what is the vernalization of wheat? Answer: after the wheat seed germinates, its growth point not only requires certain comprehensive conditions, but also must go through a period of influence with low temperature as the dominant factor, and then it can heading and fruiting, otherwise it will be unfruitful for life.

    2020-11-10 The latest about wheat cultivation techniques methods tutorials 10 ask