
Answers to 10 questions about the latest course of wheat cultivation techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Q: what is the vernalization of wheat? Answer: after the wheat seed germinates, its growth point not only requires certain comprehensive conditions, but also must go through a period of influence with low temperature as the dominant factor, and then it can heading and fruiting, otherwise it will be unfruitful for life.

Q: What is vernalization of wheat?

A: After wheat germinates from seeds, its growth point must pass through a period of influence dominated by low temperature, and then it can head and bear fruit, otherwise it will not bear fruit for life. This phenomenon is called the vernalization phenomenon of wheat; this period of low temperature influence is called the vernalization stage of wheat; this characteristic is also called the temperature sensitivity of wheat.

Q: What is the sign that wheat has passed the vernalization stage?

A: In addition to comprehensive conditions, low temperature plays a leading role in wheat vernalization stage. The organs receiving low temperature response at vernalization stage are the growth points of germinating seed embryos or green seedling stems. If conditions are right, it can begin with seed germination, but generally speaking, the growth cone elongation period is the sign that wheat has passed the vernalization stage, and the two-edge period is the sign that wheat has passed the vernalization stage.

Q: How many wheat varieties are classified according to their temperature susceptibility?

A: According to the degree and duration of low temperature required by wheat vernalization stage, wheat can be divided into the following three types, namely winter varieties, semi-winter varieties and spring varieties.

Q: What is a winter variety?

A: The suitable temperature for passing the vernalization stage is 0~3℃, and the time required is more than 30 days. This kind of variety is creeping at seedling stage, cold tolerance is strong, and it is extremely sensitive to temperature response. The seeds without vernalization treatment generally cannot head in spring sowing.

Q: What is a semi-winter variety?

A: The suitable temperature for passing through the vernalization stage is 0~7℃, and the time required is 15~35 days. This kind of variety seedling stage half creeping, cold resistance is stronger, spring sowing generally can not heading or delay heading, heading is extremely irregular.

Q: What is a spring variety?

A: The suitable temperature for passing through the vernalization stage is 0~12℃, and the time required is 5~15 days. These varieties are erect in seedling stage, cold tolerance is poor, insensitive to temperature response, seeds are not vernalized, spring sowing can be normal heading and fruiting.

Q: What are the mistakes that are easy to make in the selection of wheat varieties?

A: One of the mistakes: one-sided innovation. We know that regular new crop varieties generally refer to varieties that have been examined (recognized) by the provincial crop variety examination and approval committee through regional trials, production trials, and excellent performance in terms of yield, quality, resistance, etc. However, in the market, some units and individuals, driven by interests, often publicize new strains that have just been bred and have not undergone regional trials and production trials to farmers in the name of new varieties, and some even promote eliminated strains in the name of new varieties. As a result, some farmers reduce production or lose harvest after introduction.

Mistake 2: blind pursuit of large panicle varieties without looking at the adaptation range. We know that large-spike wheat has larger grains and better seed appearance, and generally has higher yield potential, but it does not mean that planting large-spike wheat varieties will definitely obtain high yield. Because every wheat variety has a certain geographical adaptability, good varieties from other places may not be suitable for local cultivation. Under normal circumstances, planting varieties beyond the region generally cannot guarantee the expected yield level, and most of them cannot obtain high yield. Scientific practice is: according to market demand, according to local conditions, select varieties with good commodity quality, outstanding excellent characters, and suitable for local ecological conditions and soil fertility.

Misunderstanding 3: Do not look at soil fertility conditions, one-sided pursuit of high-fertilizer varieties. Each variety has its own adaptive soil fertility level, high fertilizer and water varieties can only play its yield potential when planted in high fertilizer and water plots, if planted in medium and low yield fields, there will often be premature aging, drying, not full seeds, low pollen yield and low yield. Similarly, medium or dry land varieties planted in high fertility plots tend to lodge and yield does not decrease due to their limited yield potential.

Misunderstanding 4: listen to advertising, blindly chasing wind. Farmer friends in some places often listen to advertising propaganda, pursue new, strange, special, expensive and high varieties, blindly think that the newer the better, the more strange the better, the more expensive the better, the higher the yield the better, these views are all wrong. Scientific approach should be: according to your own land planting stubble, fertility level, fertilization level and other scientific selection of varieties, only in this way to obtain high yield. That is to say, scientific selection of varieties is the first key to high yield in scientific farming. When selecting varieties, we should adopt the method of matching high-yield varieties with stable yield varieties, new varieties with old varieties. For new varieties that have never been planted, we should not listen to advertising propaganda. In the first year, we can buy a small amount for trial planting, and after success, we can buy a large amount for use in the second year, so as to avoid economic losses caused by poor seed adaptability.

Q: What are the main wheat varieties and their utilization opinions this year?

A: At present, the main wheat varieties in our city are mainly concentrated in three series of warm wheat, new wheat and Zhoumai. The warm wheat varieties include: Wenmai No.6, No.4, No.8, No.10 and No.19; the new wheat series includes: Xinmai No.9, No.11, No.13 and No.18; and the Zhoumai series includes: Zhoumai No.16 and No.18. Yumai 18 and its superior lines, Yanshi 4110, Luomai 4, Xuannong 5, Aikang 58, Jimai 20, Zhongmai 1, Xinong 979, etc. With the introduction and breeding of new varieties, new high-yield and high-quality varieties should be adopted in time.

According to recent wheat production practice, wheat varieties utilization opinions are as follows:

① Plain irrigation area

Early-crop wheat: Yumai 49 (986 line), Yumai 69 (Xinmai 9) and their superior lines, Xinmai 18 were mainly planted with Yumai 41, Zhoumai 16, Xinmai 13 and Kaimai 13. Mid-late wheat: Zhengzhou 9023, Yumai 18 (including 99 lines), Yumai 34 and Yanshi 4110 are mainly planted, and Zhengnong 16, Yumai 70 (Neixiang 188), Pumai 9 and Zhongmai 1 are planted together.

② Dry farming area

Early-crop wheat: Yumai 41 (Wenmai 4) and Yumai 49 are mainly planted, Xinmai 9 and Luohan 2 are planted together. Mid-late wheat: Zhengzhou 9023 and Yumai 18 are mainly used, and Yumai 70, Yanshi 4110, Yumai 34 and Yumai 47 are planted together.

③ High-quality strong gluten wheat planting:

Jimai 20, Xinong 979 and Gaomai 8901 are selected for early cropping and high quality wheat, and it is best to plant them in high water and fertilizer plots; Zhengmai 9023 and Yumai 47 are selected for middle and late cropping and high quality wheat, Zhengnong 16 is appropriately expanded and Zhengmai 005 is demonstrated.

Q: When is the appropriate sowing time for different varieties?

A: Semi-winter varieties Yumai 41, Yumai 49, Yumai 69, Xinmai 18, Zhoumai 16 and other varieties, the most suitable sowing time is October 5-10, we should strive to complete sowing before October 18. Yumai 18, Yanshi 4110, Yumai 70, Yumai 34, Yumai 47, Xinmai 11, Pumai 9, Zhengnong 16, etc. Zhengmai 9023, Yanzhan 1, etc., which developed rapidly in early stage, should be sown after October 14 to avoid winter and spring freezing injury.

Q: How to control the sowing quantity of different varieties?

A: Semi-winter varieties, high-yield fields with a yield of about 450 kg per mu, sown on October 10-15, the planting amount per mu should be 7-8 kg; plots with a yield of 350-400 kg per mu, the planting amount per mu should be controlled at 8-9 kg; plots with "thousand pounds" production capacity, the planting amount per mu should be controlled at 6-7 kg. On the basis of soil fertility and sowing date mentioned above, the sowing quantity of weak spring varieties is the same as that of semi-winter varieties, and the upper limit is taken. For sowing after October 15, the sowing amount per mu shall be increased by 1 kg for every 4 days delayed.