
Flos Lonicerae Learn more about Flos Lonicerae

  • Propagation method of Flos Lonicerae

    Propagation method of Flos Lonicerae

    Chimonanthus has a long flowering period, and its flowers are white or silver in color, especially in the shape of a shrimp body. It can be used as an ornamental flower in the courtyard. What is the breeding method of Flos Lonicerae? I. Propagation methods of Flos Lonicerae the main propagation methods of Flos Lonicerae are

    2020-11-08 Flos Lonicerae Propagation method its florescence length flower
  • [the difference between Flos Lonicerae and Forsythia suspensa] what is the difference between Flos Lonicerae and Forsythia suspensa

    [the difference between Flos Lonicerae and Forsythia suspensa] what is the difference between Flos Lonicerae and Forsythia suspensa

    [the difference between Flos Lonicerae and Forsythia suspensa] what is the difference between Flos Lonicerae and Forsythia suspensa

  • Occurrence and control of brown spot and powdery mildew of Flos Lonicerae

    Occurrence and control of brown spot and powdery mildew of Flos Lonicerae

    Honeysuckle, also known as Erhua, honeysuckle, is a shrub for many years. The dried flower seedling of Flos Lonicerae is a widely used antibacterial medicine raw material, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, activating meridians, reducing inflammation and detumescence. With the development and utilization of the medicinal value of honeysuckle, honeysuckle is planted more and more widely. However, the harm of Flos Lonicerae brown spot and powdery mildew also showed an increasing trend year by year. The occurrence and placement of these two diseases are described as follows: Flos Lonicerae brown spot is a leaf disease caused by subphyllococcosis, which is common and harmful.

  • What is Flos Lonicerae Brown spot? How to prevent and cure it?

    What is Flos Lonicerae Brown spot? How to prevent and cure it?

    What is Flos Lonicerae Brown spot? How to prevent and cure it? Please introduce Flos Lonicerae Brown spot: 1. Damage symptoms: the disease mainly harms the leaves, with small yellow-brown spots on the leaves at the initial stage, and several small spots fused together in the later stage, showing round or polygonal spots limited by leaf veins. When wet, the leaves are dorsal and unripe.

  • Flos Lonicerae, an improved variety of Flos Lonicerae

    Flos Lonicerae, an improved variety of Flos Lonicerae

    Honeysuckle, whose scientific name is honeysuckle, is a semi-evergreen perennial vine winding shrub. It is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine and is known as natural broad-spectrum antibiotics. In recent years, with the development of the application field of honeysuckle, the cultivation of honeysuckle has changed from extensive management to intensive management, from one crop of flowers to four crops of flowers per year, the yield has been greatly increased and the cultivation benefit is remarkable. At present, many places introduce or expand planting, but if we do not pay attention to the selection of varieties, things will be contrary to our wishes. In traditional Chinese medicine, honeysuckle is divided into honeysuckle, honeysuckle and honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is mainly produced in Xinmi, Henan Province.

  • Interplanting pattern of Flos Lonicerae and Medicinal Materials

    Interplanting pattern of Flos Lonicerae and Medicinal Materials

    The interplanting mode of honeysuckle and medicinal materials honeysuckle is a commonly used bulk traditional Chinese medicine with a wide range of uses and high value. It can be cultivated all over the country. However, due to the long growth cycle, the short-term benefit is not obvious, so it is well known that planting honeysuckle has good benefits and can become rich, but it is prohibitive. According to the growth characteristics of honeysuckle, the efficient interplanting mode of expanding and shrinking plants, reasonable close planting, interplanting medicinal materials and raising "flowers" with "medicine" has been adopted to achieve the goal of "planting flowers in that year and achieving results in that year". It provides for the large-scale and modern development of Flos Lonicerae.

  • How to cut Flos Lonicerae-Cuttage Propagation technique of Flos Lonicerae

    How to cut Flos Lonicerae-Cuttage Propagation technique of Flos Lonicerae

    According to the length of cuttings selected, cuttings can be divided into short-branch cuttings and long-branch cuttings. Short-wood cuttings are often used for mass propagation of seedlings, and long-branch cuttings are usually used for direct cutting to build gardens or to propagate semi-shaped seedlings. Honeysuckle has the methods of cutting, striping, ramet and seed propagation, but the cutting method is the most simple and convenient.

  • The growth habits of Flos Lonicerae

    The growth habits of Flos Lonicerae

    The growth habits of Flos Lonicerae

  • The Culture method of Flos Lonicerae

    The Culture method of Flos Lonicerae

    The Culture method of Flos Lonicerae

  • Rapid cultivation of Flos Lonicerae

    Rapid cultivation of Flos Lonicerae

    As a raw material for pharmaceuticals, drinks and beauty cosmetics, honeysuckle has been in short supply in the domestic and international markets. Most areas of our country are suitable for its cultivation. At present, shrub-covered cultivation is mostly adopted in various places. In order to develop in the direction of three-dimensional cultivation, make full use of space, increase light, improve its yield and quality, and provide new tree species for road ornamental greening, it is urgent to cultivate and develop Flos Lonicerae. For this reason, we have carried out a series of studies on the culture techniques of Flos Lonicerae in Pingyi County, the hometown of Honeysuckle.

  • The efficacy and function of Flos Lonicerae

    The efficacy and function of Flos Lonicerae

    The efficacy and function of Flos Lonicerae

  • The latest breeding method of Flos Lonicerae

    The latest breeding method of Flos Lonicerae

    Honeysuckle is the scientific name honeysuckle, because the honeysuckle blossoms are white at first and then turn yellow, so it is named honeysuckle. There are two ways of reproduction in honeysuckle planting, namely, seed propagation and cutting propagation. Seed propagation collection of Flos Lonicerae seeds at maturity in autumn

    2020-11-10 The latest honeysuckle flower reproduction method scientific name
  • Cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

    Cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

    Cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

  • Propagation methods of Flos Lonicerae

    Propagation methods of Flos Lonicerae

    Propagation methods of Flos Lonicerae

  • Pest control: diseases and insect pests of Flos Lonicerae and their control

    Pest control: diseases and insect pests of Flos Lonicerae and their control

    Anthracnose often occurs in summer, which can be perfused with 500-1000-fold dilution of diexamethasone powder. Rust, spray with 200 / 250 times of diazepam sodium (50kg / 100g washing powder can be added to 50kg liquid as stain). Insect pests include aphids, longicorn beetles, etc., aphids can be sprayed with 4000 times of imidacloprid, and longicorn beetles can be sprayed and killed. However, it should be noted that the use of toxic pesticides is strictly prohibited in the budding stage of Flos Lonicerae.

  • Storage and fresh-keeping of Flos Lonicerae

    Storage and fresh-keeping of Flos Lonicerae

    [scientific name] LonicerajaponicaThunb. [other middle names] Flos Lonicerae, Erhua, Hairpin, Honeysuckle, Old Man, Honeysuckle, Honeysuckle has strong adaptability and good vertical greening effect. It can grow well in strong sun and thin shade, and can survive the winter smoothly in most areas of northern China. [pre-harvest management] planting density is per

  • Standardized cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

    Standardized cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

    Standardized cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

  • Fertilization techniques for High yield of Flos Lonicerae

    Fertilization techniques for High yield of Flos Lonicerae

    Fertilization techniques for High yield of Flos Lonicerae

  • Cultivation and management methods of donkey foot grass (Rabdosia angustifolia, Flos Lonicerae)

    Cultivation and management methods of donkey foot grass (Rabdosia angustifolia, Flos Lonicerae)

    Donkey hoof grass scientific name: calthapalustris alias: horseshoe leaf, horseshoe grass, standing gold flower, marsh marigold morphological characteristics: perennial herb, plant height 20-40 cm. Stem erect, sparsely unbranched. Basal leaves 3-7, herbaceous, long stalked

  • Reproductive Management of Flos Lonicerae

    Reproductive Management of Flos Lonicerae

    The propagation method of Flos Lonicerae can be propagated by cutting, sowing, striping and ramet, mainly by cutting and sowing. 1. Cuttage propagation is generally carried out in summer. The environment of high temperature and humidity can make the cuttings take root quickly and have a high survival rate. Select 1 ~ 2-year-old strong branches, cut into 15~20cm long cuttings, retain the upper half of the leaves, remove the lower half of the leaves, and insert them into the seedbed. Watering thoroughly after planting, keeping the soil moist, it can take root after 2-3 weeks, and blossom in summer after transplanting the following year. two。 Sowing and reproduction are usually carried out in the first ten days of April.
