
Rapid cultivation of Flos Lonicerae

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, As a raw material for pharmaceuticals, drinks and beauty cosmetics, honeysuckle has been in short supply in the domestic and international markets. Most areas of our country are suitable for its cultivation. At present, shrub-covered cultivation is mostly adopted in various places. In order to develop in the direction of three-dimensional cultivation, make full use of space, increase light, improve its yield and quality, and provide new tree species for road ornamental greening, it is urgent to cultivate and develop Flos Lonicerae. For this reason, we have carried out a series of studies on the culture techniques of Flos Lonicerae in Pingyi County, the hometown of Honeysuckle.

As a raw material for pharmaceuticals, drinks and beauty cosmetics, honeysuckle has been in short supply in the domestic and international markets. Most areas of our country are suitable for its cultivation. At present, shrub-covered cultivation is mostly adopted in various places. In order to develop in the direction of three-dimensional cultivation, make full use of space, increase light, improve its yield and quality, and provide new tree species for road ornamental greening, it is urgent to cultivate and develop Flos Lonicerae. For this reason, we have conducted a series of studies on the culture techniques of Flos Lonicerae in Pingyi County, the hometown of Honeysuckle, and the relevant technical measures are summarized as follows:

1. Seed collection and treatment of honeysuckle rootstock honeysuckle is a good rootstock for grafting honeysuckle. The golden and silver wood berry fruit is fully ripe and red in the first and middle of October, which can be picked manually, retted for 10 days, squeezed by hand, washed with clean water for 3-4 times, drain the seed coat and impurities, and leave it in the shade to dry. There are two storage methods: one is conventional sand storage, cellar in the shade, the ratio of planting sand is 1: 2; the other is natural storage, the dried seeds are packed tightly in plastic film bags and placed in a cool place indoors. Through the experimental observation for several years, the two storage methods had no significant effect on the germination rate of seeds.

2. Seed germination of rootstock and sowing of honeysuckle seeds are small. When soaking seeds in March, they should be mixed with fine sand sifted. According to the amount of seeds, sunny beds should be dug and covered with plastic film to keep warm. When the seeds are exposed, seeds can be sown. Seed germination is not easy to grow too long, otherwise it is very easy to affect the emergence rate. The seedlings of honeysuckle were raised in arch shed and then transplanted. The width of the seedling bed is 0.8-1m, and the length can be determined according to the situation. Neutral sandy loam is better in border soil, while sticky soil is not conducive to seedling emergence. Before raising seedlings, apply sufficient base fertilizer (mainly soil fertilizer), sprinkle appropriate amount of phoxim granule agent and zinc mixed phosphorus, apply about 2kg per 667m2, rake fine and flat, use water Yin border, spread the seeds evenly into the border, cover with 1-2mm fine soil, it is appropriate to cover the seeds, then cover the plastic film arch shed, seedlings can emerge after 7 days, pay attention to spraying water and pulling up weeds, through seedling refining, when there are 3-4 true leaves can be transplanted.

3. Seedling transplanting and field management transplanting plant row spacing 40cm × 20cm. It is easy to choose afternoon and cloudy days for transplanting, watering thoroughly in time, watering once every other day, and loosening the soil in time. When the seedling height is about 20cm, urea should be topdressing 20-30kg per 667m2, and each topdressing should be combined with watering. During this period, attention should be paid to pest control, the main pests are beetles and inchworm, in addition, the lower side of the trunk should be erased in time to ensure that the trunk is upright and smooth. In the following year, the management of fertilizer and water should be increased, and the seedlings could be grafted when the seedling height was about 2m and the DBH was 1.5-2cm.

4. Selection of grafting varieties of Flos Lonicerae (1) the branches of Flos Lonicerae are short, the bouquets are concentrated and easy to manage. (2) the big hairy flower has long branches and large needles, so it is easy to cultivate "waterfall" tree type. (3) Wild branches are slender and dark red, some flowers are variant red, and some flowers are blue, and most of them are distributed in Yimeng Mountain. Three-dimensional cultivation mostly choose chicken claw flowers, road ornamental greening mostly choose large hairy flowers and wild species.

5. Grafting time and methods through the practical observation in the past few years, the whole growing season can be grafted, but moisturizing measures must be taken, such as plastic film bags, and grafting is the best when it is near sprouting in spring. The grafting height is generally 1.2ml 1.5m, and the grafting method is mostly multi-head skin grafting, and the survival rate can reach more than 98%.

6. after grafting, after the survival of grafting, making use of the characteristics of multiple growth of honeysuckle in one year, we should pick the heart many times in time to promote its rapid prototyping. Fertilization is mainly n fertilizer in the early stage and p and k fertilizer in the later stage, which is beneficial to branch maturity and safe overwintering. In May and June, pay attention to the control of aphids and inchworms. The control effect of pyrethroid pesticides is the best.