
Endophytic Learn more about Endophytic

  • Endophytic mycorrhiza: where does the endophytic mycorrhiza invade the plant? What is endophytic mycorrhiza?

    Endophytic mycorrhiza: where does the endophytic mycorrhiza invade the plant? What is endophytic mycorrhiza?

    Do you know what endophytic mycorrhizal fungi are? If you want to know about it, take a look at the following introduction. This is a good biological fertilizer. Let's take a look at it. Endophytic mycorrhizal fungi are one of the microorganisms, microbial fertilizer preparation is not fertilizer, but

    2019-01-03 Endophytic mycorrhizal invasive plant site yes where what is it?
  • How to control powdery mildew of Calendula

    How to control powdery mildew of Calendula

    Harmful plant: calendula (calendulaofeinalisl.). Distribution and damage: the disease is common in Hebei, Liaoning, Yunnan and other places, and the damage is serious. Symptoms: after the leaves and stems were infected, the leaves showed a powdery round spot of 0.5 mm to 1.2 mm.

  • Head smut of sorghum

    Head smut of sorghum

    Symptomatic diseased plants are shorter than healthy ones. At the initial stage of the disease, the ear bud of the diseased ear is very tight, the lower part is dilated, the flag leaf is straight, and the endophytic white rod can be seen, that is, Wumi. The black rice in the bracts is small at the beginning, finger-like, gradually growing, and the middle part of the posterior part is expanded into a cylindrical, harder. Wumi in the process of development, the internal tissue from white to black, after opening.

  • Common diseases and insect pests of Morchella and their preventive methods

    Common diseases and insect pests of Morchella and their preventive methods

    Common diseases and insect pests of Morchella and their prevention methods molluscs, including snails and slugs, often grow in dark and damp grass, fallen leaves or under rocks, go out day and night, chew Morchella ascomycetes, and do serious harm. The prevention of this kind of pest.

  • What are the characteristics of blueberry roots?

    What are the characteristics of blueberry roots?

    What are the characteristics of blueberry roots? Please introduce the roots of blueberries without root hairs. For this reason, the absorption capacity of blueberry roots is much smaller than that of roots with root hairs. Its absorption area is only 1 × 10 of the root system of wheat with root hair of the same size. The roots of blueberries are thin and fibrous, and the fine roots are straight before branching.

  • How to maintain the purple back taro

    How to maintain the purple back taro

    Purple-backed bamboo taro is known as red-backed crouching bamboo taro. Leaf blade long elliptic, ovate or broadly lanceolate, leathery, dark green, shiny, light midvein, blood red on the back of the leaf. The stalk, bract and calyx are all bright red with endophytic white florets. Most florets consist of panicles. Flowering from winter to spring. Dense because of the large number of flowers

  • Purple-black color--Persian fritillary bulb

    Purple-black color--Persian fritillary bulb

    Any of several plants of the genus Fritillaria in the lily family, native to western Asia and southern Turkey. Perennial bulbous plant, 30-60 cm (12-24 in.) tall, producing up to 30 variously conical or bell-shaped flowers per plant.

  • What kind of bonsai is suitable for planting moss

    What kind of bonsai is suitable for planting moss

    Plants with similar habits will not contradict each other, so when we choose bonsai to plant moss, we must consider whether the plants of bonsai itself like moss like moist growing environment. Of course, it is also a good choice to cultivate moss alone, which allows him to cling to the bonsai of mountains and rocks.

  • Ginger white star disease

    Ginger white star disease

    (pathogen name) Septoriazingiberis (host crop) ginger. (disease diagnosis) is a damaged leaf. Leaf disease, at the beginning of the emergence of water-like spots, gradually expanded after the disease spot nearly fusiform, light brown, the center gray-white, the later disease spot extended up and down to grow spots. There are many small black spots scattered on the disease spot. In severe cases, the disease spot can be longitudinally cracked and the leaves withered. The pathogen is Cercospora ginger. Conidia epidermis or on both sides of leaves, globose or oblate, dark brown, endogenic

  • What are the methods of using pesticides? What are the problems with microbial pesticides?

    What are the methods of using pesticides? What are the problems with microbial pesticides?

    What problems do you encounter when using pesticides, don't you know? Let's see if there are any questions you want to ask. Let's take a look. Biopesticide refers to pesticides made from natural materials, such as animals, plants and microorganisms, which are harmless to organisms.

    2019-01-12 Pesticides methods of use what microbes problems which you
  • Hundred-day red planting handle teaches you how to plant hundred-day red.

    Hundred-day red planting handle teaches you how to plant hundred-day red.

    Hundred-day red planting handle teaches you how to plant hundred-day red.

  • Disease Ganoderma lucidum Mucor

    Disease Ganoderma lucidum Mucor

    Mucormucedo (L.) Brefeld, belonging to the subphylum Zygomycetes, Mucor order, Mucor. It can infect edible fungi such as Ganoderma lucidum, Tremella fuciformis, Pleurotus ostreatus and so on. In serious cases, it can lead to the scrapping of bacteria. Symptom Mucor can secrete organic acids and toxins and inhibit the growth of Ganoderma lucidum hyphae. After the injury of the culture medium, the mycelium is gray and stout, and the growth rate is fast. In the later stage, many small yellow-white round granules were produced at the top of the aerial hyphae, and then gradually turned black.

  • Potato cancer disease

    Potato cancer disease

    (pathogen name) Synchytriumendobioticum (Schilb.) Percival (host crop) potato, tomato, Solanum nigrum, etc. (disease diagnosis) it mainly damages the underground part of the plant, and it is common on potato tubers and stolons. The bud eyes and stolons of the killed tubers, because the bacteria stimulate the cells to divide continuously, forming tumors of different sizes, irregular shapes and rough protuberances, shaped like cauliflower. The surface of the damaged potato is often cracked. The cancer tissue in the early stage is yellow and white, exposed to the earth.

  • How to make winter jujube quickly fade green?

    How to make winter jujube quickly fade green?

    What is winter jujube? Some people will understand from the literal meaning, is it winter planting jujube, in fact not, winter jujube is only a cultivated variety of jujube, is thornless, relatively late maturity, but fresh taste better, more flesh, skin...

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of crape myrtle

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of crape myrtle

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of crape myrtle

  • Can you afford to take a shower in the air conditioner for the rose?

    Can you afford to take a shower in the air conditioner for the rose?

    On a hot summer day, as soon as I get out of the air-conditioned room, I immediately sweat on my face. I wish I could take a bath three times a day and soak in the air-conditioned room all day. For the rose, which is afraid of heat, the high temperature in the 30th quarter is also hard to bear. Or blow the rose into the air.

  • Is cycad fern cycad? what's the difference between cycad fern and cycad?

    Is cycad fern cycad? what's the difference between cycad fern and cycad?

    Is cycad fern cycad? what's the difference between cycad fern and cycad?

  • Planting method of crape myrtle cultivation method of crape myrtle

    Planting method of crape myrtle cultivation method of crape myrtle

    Planting method of crape myrtle cultivation method of crape myrtle

  • Morphological characteristics of crape myrtle what is the cultivation method of crape myrtle

    Morphological characteristics of crape myrtle what is the cultivation method of crape myrtle

    Morphological characteristics of crape myrtle what is the cultivation method of crape myrtle

  • Friends of kiwifruit farmers all know that June is the fruit expansion period of kiwifruit, and it is also the second peak of fertilizer demand and the most rampant period of diseases and insect pests, so do a good job in orchard management in June for high yield and high yield of kiwifruit.
