
Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Friends of kiwifruit farmers all know that June is the fruit expansion period of kiwifruit, and it is also the second peak of fertilizer demand and the most rampant period of diseases and insect pests, so do a good job in orchard management in June for high yield and high yield of kiwifruit.

Friends of kiwifruit farmers all know that June is the fruit expansion period of kiwifruit, and it is also the second peak of fertilizer demand and the most rampant period of diseases and insect pests, so it is very important to do a good job of orchard management in June for the late high yield and high yield of kiwifruit. This month, we will mainly do a good job in the following five areas:

1. Timely fruit determination and scientific summer shearing:

In June, kiwifruit orchards need to determine a reasonable amount of fruit and do a good job of fruit thinning in time to avoid nutrient consumption. For deformed fruit, flat fruit, injured fruit, small fruit, disease and insect damage fruit, etc., should be combed in time to retain well-developed and robust fruit.

When determining the amount of fruit retained, the number of fruit retained can be adjusted according to the growth of fruit-bearing branches. for large fruit-type varieties such as Xuxiang and Hayward, there are 4-5 fruits in long-fruit branches, 2-3 fruits in moderate fruit-bearing branches and 1 fruit in short-fruit branches.

At the same time, attention should be paid to controlling the fruit retention of the whole tree. In the delicious kiwifruit orchard with a row distance of 3 m × 4 m, the fruit retention per plant is about 400,450, the fruit weight is about 100g, and the yield per mu is controlled at 2250kg; in the kiwifruit orchard with row spacing of 2 m × 3 m, the fruit retention per plant is about 100kg, the fruit weight is about 70g, and the yield per mu is controlled at 750~1000kg. The yield of Huayou and Zaojin per mu is controlled around 1500kg.

The vigorous growth in the early stage makes the kiwifruit tree more closed, which will affect the light and heat conditions of the fruit, which is not conducive to the accumulation of nutrients. At this time, scientific summer cutting is needed to improve ventilation and light transmission conditions.

2. Reasonable topdressing of fruit expansion fertilizer:

The critical period of fruit cell division and rapid expansion is from late May to early June. in order to ensure adequate nutrient supply, medium nitrogen, high phosphorus and low potassium compound fertilizer can be used according to the proportion of N 18% ∶ P (P205) 25% ∶ K (K2O) 10%. 100kg compound fertilizer and 50kg fermented oil residue are applied per mu. Pay attention to timely irrigation after fertilization.

After June, foliar fertilizer was sprayed every 10 to 15 days, and biogas slurry, rare earth fertilizer and organosilicon fertilizer were used alternately to enhance the photosynthetic efficiency of leaves, promote the formation of fruit dry matter, and achieve the purpose of increasing sugar, hardness and color. It can improve photosynthetic efficiency, promote the formation and accumulation of fruit dry matter, and thus improve sweetness, firmness and fruit chromaticity.

3. Timely irrigation, cooling and humidification:

June is the critical period of water demand for kiwifruit. In order to meet the exuberant growth of kiwifruit, sufficient irrigation must be ensured. The timing of irrigation can be determined according to soil moisture. Be careful not to irrigate at noon, lest the low temperature will drop rapidly, resulting in plant dehydration and wilting.

With the rising temperature, we should beware of the damage caused by sunburn and dry and hot wind to the trees and fruits. Irrigation or spraying can be used to reduce temperature and humidification to prevent high temperature burns. In addition, bagging and shading the fruit and building a sunshade net can reduce sunburn injury and resist dry and hot wind.

4. comprehensive prevention and control of diseases and insect pests:

Kiwifruit orchards in June are mainly damaged by pests such as bugs, red spiders and small beetles. If found, insecticides should be used to control them immediately. Biological control methods can also be used to control red spiders. Predatory mites are put in the whole garden in mid-late June, and each tree hangs a bag at the branches, and the effect is also very ideal.

After fixing the fruit, attention should be paid to the prevention of brown spot and gray mold in advance. Ye Hongshi microbial agent can be applied regularly in the whole garden to prevent the occurrence of diseases. If diseases have occurred, appropriate fungicides should be selected immediately to prevent and control according to the quantity. So as not to reduce the quality of the fruit.

5. Reasonable management of weeds in the field:

When the growth of endophytic grasses or weeds in the orchard exceeds 30cm, it is necessary to keep stubble cutting, usually stubble 10cm, and cover the cut grass on the tree plate. Malignant weeds should be removed in time so as not to affect the growth of the tree.