
How to make winter jujube quickly fade green?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What is winter jujube? Some people will understand from the literal meaning, is it winter planting jujube, in fact not, winter jujube is only a cultivated variety of jujube, is thornless, relatively late maturity, but fresh taste better, more flesh, skin...

What is winter jujube? Some people will understand from the literal meaning, is it the jujube planted in winter? in fact, it is not. Winter jujube is just a cultivated variety of jujube, which is thornless and relatively late-ripening, but it tastes better, has more flesh, and has a thin and crisp skin. It is called winter jujube because the weather is already a little cold in September. The fruit of Ziziphus jujuba is rectangular or oval, 2-3.5cm long, about 2cm in diameter, red or reddish purple at natural maturity.

The flowering period of winter jujube is longer.

And there are secondary growth habits, some florescence in May-July, full flowering in early June, fruit maturity in August-September, however, jujube farmers in order to go on the market earlier, sell a good price, will choose and buy some chemicals to speed up the ripening of winter jujube, we all know that the taste of fruit ripened by drugs is not as good as that of natural ripening. I suggest that we should start with planting management technology, which can also speed up the early maturity of winter jujube, so how should it be managed?

From the aspect of fertilizer and water management

Although jujube is adaptable and resistant to drought, scientific fertilizer and water management is indispensable if we want to achieve high yield and high quality jujube. Winter jujube likes phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and organic fertilizer, applying 50 jin of organic fertilizer and 1 jin of superphosphate per plant, applying ternary compound fertilizer in autumn ditch, irrigating once before flowering, re-applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and less nitrogen fertilizer to prevent greedy green late ripening.

Management of the growth phase throughout the year

After picking jujube fruit, from November to March of the following year, the branches of diseases and insect pests should be cut off in time, and the fallen leaves should be cleaned up and cleared out, and at the same time, organic fertilizer should be re-applied, with about 50 jin of organic fertilizer per plant, which is also called "Yuezi fertilizer". In April, winter jujube enters the budding stage, pay attention to spraying stone-sulfur mixture to prevent red spiders; in May (branch and leaf expansion period), pay attention to watering, heavy application of nitrogen fertilizer and organic fertilizer. In June, when the jujube blossoms 6-7, ring cutting should be carried out, and gibberellin + borax should be sprayed once to improve the fruit setting rate; in the fruit coloring period, 1000 uniconazole + agricultural streptomycin + jujube Tefeng + Merrill calcium can be used to prevent and treat diseases and improve the quality of jujube fruit.

If you have to choose some drugs to accelerate ripening, what medicine can be used to make winter jujube turn green quickly?

It is recommended to use plant endophytic bacteria fruit bright, potassium phosphite, every 5 days, apply fruit bright 2-3 times, winter jujube is more obvious; or play once Dasheng Mmur45, which contains complex zinc and manganese ions, which is easy to be absorbed and utilized by fruit trees, can supplement the necessary trace elements for fruit trees, and can make the leaves green, the fruit coloured well, the fruit surface smooth and the fruit fade quickly. Some studies have shown that the application of selenium and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in jujube can improve the scientific and technological content and quality of jujube fruit, and significantly improve the economic and social benefits (1).

If it is picked green jujube, can be used and ripe apples stored together for more than 24 hours can also play a ripening effect.

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