
Cycle Learn more about Cycle

  • Grouper culture cycle and cost, 1 to 3 years, high input cycle and long cycle

    Grouper culture cycle and cost, 1 to 3 years, high input cycle and long cycle

    Culture cycle: there are many species of grouper, and the culture cycle of different species is different, the culture cycle of green spot and oil spot is about one year, while that of Dongxing spot and Su eyebrow spot is as long as 2-3 years. Cost analysis: the cost of cultured grouper includes seedling and feeding.

    2020-11-08 Grouper culture cycle and cost 1 year to 3 years input
  • Which aquaculture cycle is shorter?

    Which aquaculture cycle is shorter?

    Which aquaculture cycle is shorter? The short breeding cycle means that the effective time is fast, the breeding cost is recovered quickly, and the funds are returned quickly. The length of culture cycle is mainly related to the growth and development of aquaculture animals, some are long, some are relatively short. In addition,

    2020-11-11 Which aquatic products fresh water aquaculture cycle ratio shorter which
  • Garlic growth cycle

    Garlic growth cycle

    To grow garlic, the growth cycle and planting time of garlic should be understood clearly, so how long is the specific growth cycle of garlic? When is the best time to plant? Let's get to know it together. Garlic growth cycle spring sowing garlic

    2020-11-09 Garlic growth cycle want planting garlic
  • The growth cycle of native chicken

    The growth cycle of native chicken

    The growth cycle of native chicken is very long, the fastest half a year, slow about a year, but due to different breeds, there may be some differences in the growth cycle. For example, the growth cycle of Baiyu native chicken is about 45 days. Although the growth cycle is short, it is not as good as meat quality and taste.

    2020-11-11 Native chicken growth cycle native chicken growth cycle very long
  • Growth cycle of Amorphophallus Konjac

    Growth cycle of Amorphophallus Konjac

    The growth cycle of Amorphophallus konjac usually takes about 5 years. The growth cycle of konjac varies greatly from place to place, such as along the Han River in Shaanxi, the growth period of the aboveground part of konjac is 180 days, and the annual growth period of underground tubers is about 200 days; along the Weihe River in Guanzhong, the growth cycle of the aboveground part is about 150 days.

    2020-11-09 Konjac growth cycle konjac general
  • Pig cycle failure what is the trend of pig prices in the future?

    Pig cycle failure what is the trend of pig prices in the future?

    Pig cycle failure what is the trend of pig prices in the future?

  • How long is the growth cycle of pigs?

    How long is the growth cycle of pigs?

    The growth cycle of pigs is 4-5 months. There are three stages of growth and development of pigs: lactation stage, conservation stage and growth and fattening stage. How many stages is the growth cycle of pigs divided into? 1. Key points of feeding and management during lactation period let piglets eat enough colostrum in the first 3 days of birth

    2020-11-11 Pig growth cycle yes how long pig for
  • lettuce growth cycle

    lettuce growth cycle

    The growth cycle of heading lettuce is 100-120 days, and the growth cycle of non-heading lettuce is 60-90 days. For non-heading lettuce, seedling transplanting in spring and autumn, about 25 days after seedling stage, harvesting about 35 days after transplanting; direct seeding in summer, harvesting about 35 days after sowing; seedling in winter

    2020-11-09 lettuce growth cycle heading of for
  • The days accompanied by vanilla must also be fragrant.

    The days accompanied by vanilla must also be fragrant.

    Brainstorm you have 40 friends to follow the official account! / / A kind of vanilla has a mood / / vanilla is a kind of plant that can smell fragrance at the mention of its name. Why do you like it? It looks ordinary, and there are no bright flowers.

  • Culture cycle of Roche shrimp

    Culture cycle of Roche shrimp

    Roche shrimp is currently one of the three largest shrimp species in the world, is a large freshwater shrimp, so how long is the culture cycle of Roche shrimp? First, the basic introduction of Roche shrimp is a kind of shrimp of the genus Macrobrachium, also known as Malaysian prawns.

    2020-11-11 Roche Shrimp Culture cycle Yes at present in the world
  • Tomato growth cycle

    Tomato growth cycle

    The growth cycle of tomato is 110-170 days. Development period: generally 7-9 days; seedlings generally need about 50 days at suitable temperature, 60-80 days in cold season, 40 days in high temperature season; flowering and fruit setting period: this period takes 15-30 days, and it takes time for early maturity or high temperature cultivation.

    2020-11-09 Tomato growth cycle tomato 110-170 days
  • Estrus Cycle and Its Performance in Pigs

    Estrus Cycle and Its Performance in Pigs

    Estrus Cycle and Its Performance in Pigs

  • Crayfish growth cycle

    Crayfish growth cycle

    The growth cycle of crayfish in natural environment is 6-12 months. In the case of artificial culture, the growth cycle is about 6 months. In addition, under the conditions of suitable temperature and adequate food supply, crayfish in crayfish can be reached after more than 2 months of culture.

    2020-11-11 Small lobster growth cycle small in natural environment under
  • How long is the growth cycle of Pleurotus ostreatus? what season is it good to sell? Which variety of Pleurotus ostreatus is better

    How long is the growth cycle of Pleurotus ostreatus? what season is it good to sell? Which variety of Pleurotus ostreatus is better

    The growth cycle of Pleurotus ostreatus is different from that of other strains, and its growth cycle is much less than that of ordinary strains. Vaccination from late September to mid-October, admission from late October to mid-November, picking from early November to late November, one

    2019-03-12 Black mushroom growth cycle how long what season easy to sell where
  • Grass carp culture cycle

    Grass carp culture cycle

    The culture cycle of grass carp is about 3 years, and the weight of grass carp can reach about 3kg in the third year, which can be put on the market at this time. Grass carp culture should choose places with sufficient water source and good water quality. Grass carp are generally fed with conventional feed and bait. Grass

    2020-11-08 Grass carp culture cycle summary grass carp in
  • Pepper growth cycle

    Pepper growth cycle

    The growth cycle of pepper includes four stages: germination stage, seedling stage, flowering and fruiting stage. From seed germination to the appearance of the first true leaf is the germination stage, from the first true leaf to the first bud is the seedling stage, and from the bud of the first flower to the fruit of the first flower is flowering and fruit.

    2020-11-09 Pepper growth cycle including germination period
  • How long is the growth cycle of gastrodia elata?

    How long is the growth cycle of gastrodia elata?

    Under artificial cultivation conditions, it takes about 3 years for Gastrodia elata to complete a growth cycle. Its growth process is basically like this: from November to February of the following year, arrow hemp is sown, Tianma seeds mature in late June, and should be sown within a week. Please note that in production, gastrodia elata seeds and hemp seeds are two concepts. The former refers to the tiny seeds in capsules formed by spikes after arrow hemp grows out of the ground stems; the latter refers to rice hemp or hemp rice, i.e. small gastrodia elata. Gastrodia elata seeds germinate about 15 days after sowing

  • Growth cycle of Gastrodia elata

    Growth cycle of Gastrodia elata

    The growth cycle of artificially planted Gastrodia elata is about 3 years, which needs to go through four stages: seed germination-primary corm-primary corm-secondary corm. It takes about 60-70 days from flower stem bud unearthed to seed maturity and about 20-21 days for fruit development. In high and cold areas, flowering period

    2020-11-09 Gastrodia growth cycle artificial planting Gastrodia elata
  • Perch culture cycle

    Perch culture cycle

    The culture cycle of sea bass is about half a year. Taking California sea bass as an example, due to individual growth differences and the habit of killing each other, in order to ensure the survival rate, according to the actual situation in the breeding process, screening and separate culture must be carried out in time. In the early stage of culture, every 7-

    2020-11-11 Bass aquaculture cycle bass large about
  • Judging pregnancy according to estrous cycle and external performance

    Judging pregnancy according to estrous cycle and external performance

    Judging pregnancy according to estrous cycle and external performance
