
The days accompanied by vanilla must also be fragrant.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Brainstorm you have 40 friends to follow the official account! / / A kind of vanilla has a mood / / vanilla is a kind of plant that can smell fragrance at the mention of its name. Why do you like it? It looks ordinary, and there are no bright flowers.

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Plant a kind of vanilla

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Vanilla is a kind of plant that can smell fragrance at the mention of its name. Why do you like it? They are ordinary-looking, have no bright flowers, and are less conspicuous than weeds, but their fragrance and edible value make them a favorite plant, and they must be fragrant when accompanied by vanilla.



Thyme stands for "courage" in Greek, referring to the petite tears of Queen Helen, which increases the soldiers' courage to kill the enemy. Therefore, before their beloved samurai lover or husband went to battle, the ladies at that time would send a stick of thyme to convey encouragement and love, or they would embroider the pattern of thyme on each other's robes, hoping to return victoriously.

Growth cycle: July-August

Use: aid digestion; can be used to bake cookies

Growth habits: like warm, light and dry environment, the requirements of the soil is not high.

Sowing method: the cutting method is suitable for planting in the courtyard.

NO.2 mint

Growth cycle: July-August

Use: have medicinal function; can make tea; can make essential oil

Growth habit: the optimum temperature is 25 ℃-30 ℃. Nature likes sunshine, sandy loam and alluvial soil are better.

Sowing method: scientific watering, more water in the early and middle stages of peppermint, moderate topdressing.

NO.3 Rosemary

Growth cycle: spring and summer

Usefulness: promoting blood circulation and detoxification; both medicine and food

Growth habits: warm sex, sparse air, avoiding cold currents in winter, slow growth and weak regeneration ability.

Sowing method: can secrete viscose, should wear gloves to take.

NO.4 dill

Growth cycle: autumn

Use: for edible seasoning; to aid digestion

Growth habits: happy sunshine, sensitive to soil pH

Sowing points: dill seedlings unearthed weak, covering soil should not be too thick, about 2 cm is appropriate.

NO.5 arugula

Growth cycle: summer

Function: can be used as a vegetable; can be squeezed oil

Growth habits: can be hydroponically cultured. Like cold, cool and humid climate to prevent sun exposure and rainstorm erosion

Sowing method: it is appropriate to choose fertile, loose, convenient drainage and irrigation soil for planting.

NO.6 Greek oregano

Growth cycle: 80-90 days

Function: both medicine and food

Growth habits: like fertile, dry, well-drained alkaline soil

Planting points: moderate pruning can promote more lateral buds and make plants grow more luxuriantly.

NO.7 wrinkled leaf perilla

Growth cycle: summer

Function: edible vegetables; warm stomach and detoxify

Growth habits: not cold-resistant, prefer a sunny or semi-sunny environment, shade fades

Planting points: sowing and propagation in spring, easy cultivation

NO.8 god vanilla

Growth cycle: summer

Function: entering vegetables to make sauces and making wine

Growth habits: the optimum temperature for growth is 15 to 28 ℃

Planting points: mainly sowing and propagation, it is best to raise seedlings and transplant

NO.9 fennel

Growth cycle: 65MUR 85 days

Function: bubble wine; cooking

Growth habits: long sunshine, semi-cold tolerance, early tolerance, like cold and cool.

Main points of planting: there are two ways of sowing in winter (wrapped eggs) and spring sowing.

NO.10 Clematis paniculata

Growth cycle: June-October

Function: make tea; use both medicine and food

Growth habits: the optimum growth temperature is 18 to 24 ℃.

Planting points: need sufficient light, avoid hot sun exposure in summer

NO.11 marigold

Growth cycle: April-September

Function: make tea, medicinal; such as marigold honey tea

Growth habits: growth temperature 7 to 20 ℃, like mild, cool climate, afraid of heat, cold resistance.

Planting points: pot sowing soil needs to be disinfected, covered with soil 3 mm after sowing, about 7-10 days to germinate.

NO.12 Roman chamomile

Growth cycle: April-May

Function: both medicine and food; cosmetology

Growth habits: like cool environment, suitable for autumn sowing

Planting points: adequate sunshine and good ventilation are required.

NO.13 saffron

Growth cycle: autumn

Function: seasoning: sedation, expectoration, spasmolysis

Growth habits: like an all-day environment

Main points of planting: bulbs dormant in summer, roots and leaves in autumn

NO.14 lemon verbena

Growth cycle: summer and autumn

Function: cooking and making tea

Growth habits: like warm and humid tropical and subtropical climate

Main points of planting: put it in a cool and ventilated place



Basil may be named after the Greek word β α σ λ v? (Basileus), which means king or royal family. It is said that basil's excellent fragrance can only be matched in the king's room, so basil is also called king grass.

Growth cycle: spring and summer

Function: both medicine and food; can also make essential oil

Growth habits: like warm and humid climate, not cold-resistant, drought-resistant, not resistant to waterlogging

Planting points: the seedling stage is afraid of drought, so we should pay attention to timely watering.

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