
Branches Learn more about Branches

  • Pruning and management techniques of cut rose

    Pruning and management techniques of cut rose

    In order to ensure the high quality and high yield of cut roses, the cuttings are generally replaced every 3~4 years and the grafted seedlings are replaced every 5~6 years. In recent years, the planting of cut rose varieties has been replaced with the change of popular varieties in the market. There are differences in leaf shape, axillary bud shape, axillary bud growth speed and flower type among different varieties of rose branches. The bud at the top of the branch develops into flower bud and blossoms at the earliest, and 1~6 axillary buds below the flower develop new branches in turn and grow in turn to form flower bud and bloom; the axillary buds at the base and middle of the branch form flowers.

  • Main pruning methods of walnut fruit trees

    Main pruning methods of walnut fruit trees

    1. Truncation refers to cutting off part of an annual branch. In young walnut trees, the method of developing branches by cutting short is commonly used to increase the number of branches. The truncated object is an exuberant developing branch drawn from the first and second lateral branches, which can promote the growth of new shoots and increase the score.

    2020-11-27 Walnut fruit tree main pruning method truncation means cut off
  • Spring cutting method of Lycium barbarum

    Spring cutting method of Lycium barbarum

    First, thinning branches. First of all, the dead branches, disease and insect branches, injured branches, acupuncture branches and cross-cutting branches should be cut off, and then the fruit branches that are too dense should be cut. When thinning fruit branches, first remove shade branches, lower back branches, thin and weak branches; then remove upper branches and middle branches; if it is still dense, then sparse both sides of the branches, and after pruning, the distance between fruit branches is 5-6 cm, and they are all white branches with full growth and strong fruiting power. Second, deal with the growing branches. An overgrown branch growing below the backbone branch, reserved as an elongated branch of the backbone branch and properly truncated to stabilize the branch potential and extension direction; near the elongated branch.

  • There are some ways to grow Chinese wolfberry in spring.

    There are some ways to grow Chinese wolfberry in spring.

    First, thinning branches. First of all, the dead branches, disease and insect branches, injured branches, acupuncture branches and cross-cutting branches should be cut off, and then the fruit branches that are too dense should be cut. When thinning fruit branches, first remove shady branches, lower dorsal branches, thin and weak branches; then remove upper dorsal branches and middle branches; if it is still dense, sparse both sides of branches and cut them

    2020-11-08 Species Chinese wolfberry spring shears there are methods one thinning branches . First of all first.
  • Shaping and pruning techniques of early fruiting walnut

    Shaping and pruning techniques of early fruiting walnut

    Early fruiting walnut shaping and pruning technology Walnut tree shape should be selected according to soil conditions and planting density, open stratification and natural happy shape are often used, and free spinning and slender spinning can be used in dense planting garden. The evacuation hierarchical tree-shaped central trunk is obvious.

  • Tree structure and shaping method of two branches and one stem in apple dwarfing and dense planting

    Tree structure and shaping method of two branches and one stem in apple dwarfing and dense planting

    Apple dwarfing dense planting two branches and one stem tree structure and shaping method 1 Apple dwarfing cultivation two branches and one stem structure 80cm above ground height 120 cm, cultivate two main branches extending between rows, the horizontal angle between the two main branches is 180 °.

  • Pruning method of bonsai of ginkgo trees

    Pruning method of bonsai of ginkgo trees

    Pruning is one of the main techniques for making ginkgo bonsai. The purpose is to highlight the trunk, enrich the ornamental branches, express different artistic conceptions, improve the artistic value, and make it natural and simple, elegant and elegant. The principle is to cut off redundant side branches, parallel branches, cross branches, overdense branches, overgrown branches and diseased branches.

  • Pruning technique of Ginkgo biloba bonsai

    Pruning technique of Ginkgo biloba bonsai

    Pruning is one of the main techniques for making ginkgo bonsai. The purpose is to highlight the trunk, enrich the ornamental branches, express different artistic conceptions, improve the artistic value, and make it natural and simple, elegant and elegant. The principle is to cut off redundant side branches, parallel branches, cross branches, overdense branches, overgrown branches and diseased branches.

  • How to trim peach trees in summer?

    How to trim peach trees in summer?

    How to trim peach trees in summer? Among all kinds of fruit trees, peach is a kind of tree with many branches and large branch growth. Pruning young and prosperous trees in summer can speed up the formation and promote early high yield. The time of peach flower bud differentiation is mainly from July to August.

  • Growth and fruiting habits and pruning points of Kernel Apricot

    Growth and fruiting habits and pruning points of Kernel Apricot

    1. Growth and fruiting habits of kernel apricot: 1. Weak branching ability: several long branches are produced after kernel apricot planting. After entering the fruiting stage, these long branches are rarely branched, and the natural growth often shows insufficient branches. 2. High germination rate: most of the buds can germinate no matter the long branches of kernel apricot are thrown or truncated.

  • Common pruning methods for planting cherries in courtyard

    Common pruning methods for planting cherries in courtyard

    1. Cut short. Cut off part of the 1-year-old branch, that is, short. According to the degree of truncation, it can be divided into light truncation, medium truncation, heavy truncation and extremely heavy truncation. (1) Light truncation. That is, cut off the length of the branch which is less than the total length of the branch. In young trees, light truncation is more often used, and can

    2020-11-08 Courtyard planting cherry commonly used pruning method truncation .
  • Pruning technique of preserved plum bonsai

    Pruning technique of preserved plum bonsai

    Chimonanthus has strong branching power, and it is known as the proverb that Chimonanthus does not lack branches. It can sprout more strong flower branches and blossom more through pruning at the right time. It is generally appropriate to prune the withered branches, overdense branches, cross branches, disease and insect branches, and leave 2 to 3 pairs of buds at the base of the annual branches.

  • Pruning technique of potted crabapple with sticking stem

    Pruning technique of potted crabapple with sticking stem

    The tree with stem begonia has strong potential, strong sprouting power, easy to be disorderly in shape and resistant to pruning. The flower bud belongs to the summer and autumn differentiation type, and the flower bud centralized differentiation period is from July to August. A fully growing biennial branch whose axillary buds in the middle and lower part of the spring shoot often differentiate into flower buds, blossom in the following spring and form flowering short branches

  • Chestnut planting: how to trim chestnut trees in winter?

    Chestnut planting: how to trim chestnut trees in winter?

    How to trim chestnut trees in winter? How to prune chestnut trees in winter? How do you trim it? Please introduce the method of planting chestnut trees, which need to be pruned in winter. The best pruning time for chestnut trees is from half a month after defoliation to half a month before spring germination.

  • What is the fastidiousness of pile Jingzhi?

    What is the fastidiousness of pile Jingzhi?

    The branch is like a human limb. It forms the skeleton of the plant together with the trunk. The layout of branches determines the layout of "leaves". Therefore, the layout of branches is very important. In the composition of the pile scene, the branches are mainly composed of side branches, back branches and covered branches.

  • The rose gardenia clicked and the bud rubbed and burst the pot.

    The rose gardenia clicked and the bud rubbed and burst the pot.

    Do you know why your flowers don't bloom? Not knowing how to trim is a big reason! Flowers can not control how many branches should grow, how many buds should be bulged, the responsibility is all on the master. Today, let's learn about these five kinds of flowers with Huahua.

  • Culture and Regeneration Techniques of Pear Branches in Scaffolding

    Culture and Regeneration Techniques of Pear Branches in Scaffolding

    The technique of branch group culture and regeneration of shelving pear is one of the core techniques of fruit tree pruning. All the backbone branches and perennial branch groups of shelving pear are fixed on the shelf surface, and a large number of new shoots will emerge on the back.

  • Cultivation method of happy tree shape of Castanea mollissima

    Cultivation method of happy tree shape of Castanea mollissima

    Cultivation method of happy tree shape of Castanea mollissima

  • Introduction to maintenance and Management of Ginkgo Biloba and Cinnamomum camphora in Shanghai

    Introduction to maintenance and Management of Ginkgo Biloba and Cinnamomum camphora in Shanghai

    Shanghai ginkgo biloba conservation, camphor conservation related knowledge: first of all, ginkgo biloba is a kind of deciduous tree, the best season for transplanting is after falling leaves in autumn and winter and before sprouting in spring. You transplant 5 or 6 transplants after sprouting leaves, which is a non-seasonal transplant. Transplant trees out of season

  • The best time for prickly ash tree to pull branches

    The best time for prickly ash tree to pull branches

    The best time for prickly ash tree to pull branches
