
Branch Learn more about Branch

  • Peach tree pruning techniques Peach tree pruning precautions

    Peach tree pruning techniques Peach tree pruning precautions

    Peach tree pruning techniques Peach tree pruning precautions

  • Lingnan bonsai plastic arts

    Lingnan bonsai plastic arts

    Lingnan bonsai is one of the excellent traditional arts of the Han nationality and a treasure of garden art. It came into being in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the unique style was formed after the founding of the people's Republic of China. Bonsai is planted in Guangzhou as the center throughout the Pearl River Delta and south-central Guangxi. Guangzhou bonsai is an important part of Lingnan bonsai.

  • Bonsai taboo pruning

    Bonsai taboo pruning

    Bonsai trees, in order to make the tree beautiful, some branches that grow improperly, that is, the so-called taboo branches, are pruned to make them have a clear hierarchy and achieve one scene at a time. (1) whorled branches. Whorled branches mean that they grow in all directions at the same point in the trunk, such as the shape of a wheel. For the treatment of whorled branches, according to the need for the shape of the tree, keep 1 branch, up to 2 branches, and cut off the rest of the branches. (2) opposite branches. The opposite branch grows on both sides of a part of the trunk, such as a latch inserted into the trunk, and the treatment of the branch is sufficient.

  • Producing area of Dahong sour branch

    Producing area of Dahong sour branch

    Red acid branch is a commonly used material for furniture and flooring, but many people do not know where red acid branch is produced, so where is the origin of red acid branch? First, what is the big red sour branch? The scientific name of big red acid branch is red acid branch, which is a kind of tropical evergreen tree.

    2020-11-08 Red sour branch origin red sour branch yes do furniture floor
  • Pruning of different types of branches of Walnut trees

    Pruning of different types of branches of Walnut trees

    The main results are as follows: 1. the backbone branches are pruned and retracted in time, and the weak backbone branches are retracted to the well-growing lateral branches that grow obliquely, in order to raise and extend the angle of the branches. The height of the tree reaches 3. 5%. About 5 meters in time. 2. Cultivation and renewal of walnut in fruiting branch group.

    2020-11-27 Walnut fruit tree different same type branch pruning bone
  • The plastic art of bonsai with single branch capping and single branch is worth collecting.

    The plastic art of bonsai with single branch capping and single branch is worth collecting.

    "single-branch hat, single-branch scenery" is a teacher who has been engaged in bonsai creation for more than 40 years. in the essence of teacher method, it is based on the deepest emotion and experience, which greatly enriches the practice and practice of gambling creation. artificial intelligence. Here, let.

  • Illustration-- the plastic art of bonsai with single branch capped by teacher Wang Hengliang

    Illustration-- the plastic art of bonsai with single branch capped by teacher Wang Hengliang

    Teacher Wang Hengliang is a master of Chinese bonsai art. He is now a member of the China Regional Committee of the International Bonsai Association. "single branch capping, single branch into landscape" is the teacher engaged in bonsai creation for more than 40 years, on the basis of learning from nature and absorbing ancient painting theory.

  • The real fool course finally knows what the first-class branch, the second-level branch and the third-level branch are.

    The real fool course finally knows what the first-class branch, the second-level branch and the third-level branch are.

    How to cultivate first-class branches, second-class branches, third-grade branches turn from Yangzhou bonsai bar "Flute Frost Sky" the original text simply draw a few pictures, take a look. [photo 1] sprouting branches [Picture 2] remove excess branches, leaving branches with favorable shape.

  • Culture and Regeneration Techniques of Pear Branches in Scaffolding

    Culture and Regeneration Techniques of Pear Branches in Scaffolding

    The technique of branch group culture and regeneration of shelving pear is one of the core techniques of fruit tree pruning. All the backbone branches and perennial branch groups of shelving pear are fixed on the shelf surface, and a large number of new shoots will emerge on the back.

  • Tree structure and shaping and pruning techniques of jujube

    Tree structure and shaping and pruning techniques of jujube

    Tree structure and shaping and pruning techniques of jujube 1 generally speaking, there are 3 kinds of branches and 2 kinds of buds in jujube trees. The branches are jujube head (developmental branch), jujube strand (fruiting mother branch) and jujube hanging (fruiting branch) (figure 1). The bud is divided into main buds.

  • How to cut the irrational structure of planting pear trees

    How to cut the irrational structure of planting pear trees

    At present, many pear orchards are produced by close planting technology. The single-layer high happy shape of pear tree is a kind of tree shape suitable for close planting pear orchard. Its suitable density is 44 plants per mu. The tree structure is 60cm to 80cm in height and 3m to 3.5m in height. Top of central main branch

    2020-11-08 Species pear trees structure unreasonable how to cut at present many pear orchards
  • What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

  • Grafting and pruning of Walnut trees

    Grafting and pruning of Walnut trees

    Pruning method of trees in full fruit pruning of walnut trees refers to pruning in a broad sense, that is, both pruning and pruning. Trees of different ages have different pruning tasks. The pruning of young trees is to continue to cultivate and maintain the shape of high-yielding trees on the basis of shaping, while the pruning of primary fruit trees is to continue to cultivate backbone branches at all levels and make full use of auxiliary branches.

  • What does the sour branch tree look like?

    What does the sour branch tree look like?

    Sour branches are trees, shrubs or woody vines of the genus Rosewood of the butterfly family, which are collectively referred to as a variety of wood and do not refer to a single plant. According to different species, it can be divided into black acid branch, red acid branch and white acid branch and so on. It is called sour branch because the tree is cut open.

    2020-11-08 Sour branch tree length what kind sour branch butterfly flower family yellow sandalwood genus
  • The time and method of pulling branches of apple trees

    The time and method of pulling branches of apple trees

    The time and method of branch pulling of apple tree is an important technical link in the process of production and management of apple tree, which plays an important role in cultivating good tree shape and solving the problem of ventilation and light transmission. The importance of pulling branches as.

  • How to complete the falling branches in bonsai modeling

    How to complete the falling branches in bonsai modeling

    In bonsai modeling, we sometimes see a branch method, that is, "falling branches". Falling branches are often used for piles with high feet and empty lower parts, which can play a role in "turning decay into magic". Falling branch technology, in bonsai modeling is.

  • Winter pruning of apricot trees

    Winter pruning of apricot trees

    As the saying goes, "apricot trees do not harvest in ten years and nine years", in addition to the low fruit setting rate, it is mainly due to the great decrease in the ability of apricot sprouting and flowering to resist low temperature, which is less than-3.9 in bud stage, less than-2.2 in florescence, less than-0.6 in young fruit stage and more than 30 minutes in low temperature period. Freezing injury is easy to occur. So...

  • How to plant peach trees?

    How to plant peach trees?

    How should peach trees be pruned? What are the requirements? Peach tree has the following five technical points: (1) balanced pruning techniques. During pruning, the growth of trunk branches is unbalanced, the space can not be fully utilized, and the yield per plant is low. At this time, a variety of means are used to suppress the strong and support the weak to achieve the goal of balanced growth...

  • Pay attention to the growing and pruning of peach trees

    Pay attention to the growing and pruning of peach trees

    Peach tree long pruning is a new peach tree pruning technique popularized and applied in recent years, which is mainly sparse pruning and long pruning, but rarely short. By using this technique, the tree can be straight and strong, with early fruit, good quality and high yield. However, in the practical application of peach farmers everywhere,

    2020-11-08 Plant peach tree grow prune need pay attention to long bloom
  • You should not know the professional terms of enjoying bonsai.

    You should not know the professional terms of enjoying bonsai.

    [bonsai people's feelings] Wen | Xiamen, Fujian @ Zhou Yingzhi brings his own sunshine to illuminate the confusion in his heart. A flower blossoms everywhere, it is fragrant everywhere, a seed will grow wherever it falls, and a ray of sunshine will warm everywhere.
