
Bifurcation Learn more about Bifurcation

  • The causes of the latest radish bifurcation and its preventive measures

    The causes of the latest radish bifurcation and its preventive measures

    Radish bifurcation often occurs in the process of planting, although radish can be used after bifurcation, but the appearance is deformed, which will affect the beauty of goods, quality and price, especially the price after maturity. So radish planting must prevent bifurcation, so

    2020-11-10 The latest radish bifurcation reason and preventive measures in
  • Causes of radish bifurcation and preventive measures

    Causes of radish bifurcation and preventive measures

    Causes of radish bifurcation and preventive measures

  • What should I do with radish bifurcation? Prevention of radish bifurcation

    What should I do with radish bifurcation? Prevention of radish bifurcation

    What should I do with radish bifurcation? Prevention of radish bifurcation

  • Causes of carrot bifurcation affecting carrot income and its control

    Causes of carrot bifurcation affecting carrot income and its control

    Causes of carrot bifurcation affecting carrot income and its control

  • The reasons for the bifurcation of corn

    The reasons for the bifurcation of corn

    The reasons for the bifurcation of corn

  • What about the latest turnip fork? Prevention methods of radish bifurcation

    What about the latest turnip fork? Prevention methods of radish bifurcation

    I believe that many vegetable farmers often have a problem in planting radish, that is, radish bifurcation, radish bifurcation will seriously affect the quality of radish, and there is market price. Therefore, when planting radishes, we must prevent radishes from branching in time, so as to cause radishes.

    2020-11-10 latest radish fork what to do prevention method believe
  • Fertilization can prevent radish bifurcation in winter and spring.

    Fertilization can prevent radish bifurcation in winter and spring.

    Now it is the sowing season of winter and spring radish, radish bifurcation, bran heart and other phenomena are more common in the production of radish in our province. Some agricultural experts pointed out that mastering the measures of fertilizer effect in cultivation can improve the quality of radish. There are many reasons for radish bifurcation, the main problem is the soil quality and tillage soil plough.

  • The latest causes of corn bifurcation

    The latest causes of corn bifurcation

    Corn always bifurcates when it comes to seedlings. in fact, corn bifurcation is that corn grows tillers. In fact, for crops, tillering is a good thing, tillers will also bear fruit, but corn is different, corn tillers will not bear sticks. So, today is the same as big.

    2020-11-10 The latest cause corn bifurcation in seedling emergence
  • The planting method of branching fruit

    The planting method of branching fruit

    Bifurcation fruit is also called fitness fruit, Acacia fruit, the core is very small, rich in nutritional value, then, what is the planting method of bifurcation fruit? Let's get to know it together. 1. Planting environment the bikequat fruit is a light-loving plant, and it is sexually fond of a sunny or sunny environment.

    2020-11-09 Bifurcation handle fruit planting method fork also called fitness
  • Inducement and prevention of secondary branching and abnormal bolting of garlic

    Inducement and prevention of secondary branching and abnormal bolting of garlic

    Every year, a certain proportion of garlic appears secondary branching and abnormal bolting during the bolting period, which seriously affects the yield and quality of garlic bolting. In recent years, we have carried out investigation and research, and explored the agricultural measures to effectively control the occurrence of secondary branches and abnormal bolting of garlic, which has played a very significant role in improving the economic benefits of garlic farmers. 1 the harm caused by the secondary branches and strange bolts of garlic the secondary branches of garlic are also known as secondary growth and bifurcation, and people call it "horsetail garlic". Generally, there are two phenomena: one is from the outer layer.

  • Matters needing attention in radish planting

    Matters needing attention in radish planting

    Matters needing attention in radish planting

  • The latest points for attention in radish planting

    The latest points for attention in radish planting

    Radish is a very common root vegetable in our daily life, especially in winter, it is the peak season of radish. And the nutritional value of radish is very high, with a lot of nutrients, so now there are still many people who grow radish.

    2020-11-10 The latest radish planting precautions in we
  • How to avoid splitting radishes

    How to avoid splitting radishes

    1. Soil quality and cultivation: the soil is ploughed too shallow and the bottom soil is too hard. At the same time, in the process of deep ploughing, hard objects such as stones, roots, tiles and plastics are not removed. The bottom layer of the soil is too hard and there are hard objects hindering it. It is inevitable that the taproot will be blocked and the lateral roots will be promoted. Once the substances produced by photosynthesis are accumulated, the taproot and lateral roots will be blocked.

  • Causes and control of radish branching and chaff core

    Causes and control of radish branching and chaff core

    Any of several biennial or annual herbs of the genus Raphanus in the family Cruciferae, having fleshy oblong, globose, or conical taproot, green, white, or red rind, and branched, glabrous, slightly powdery stems. Roots are eaten as vegetables; seeds, fresh roots, dead roots and leaves are included

    2020-11-08 Radish bifurcate chaff heart occurrence cause and control
  • The skill of making Phalaenopsis bloom

    The skill of making Phalaenopsis bloom

    There are three reasons that affect the flowering quality of Phalaenopsis. -it is genetic reasons, including flower color, shape, size, number, number of peduncles, pedicel bifurcation, pedicel length, and so on. If we already have this at home, there is no way to change and choose, hehe. He is in a state of health.

  • What are the horns of a sika deer like?

    What are the horns of a sika deer like?

    What are the horns of a sika deer like?

  • Key techniques for improving Fruit setting rate of eggplant

    Key techniques for improving Fruit setting rate of eggplant

    Key techniques for improving Fruit setting rate of eggplant

  • Xiangjiao No. 6

    Xiangjiao No. 6

    The pepper variety was bred by vegetable Science Research Institute of Changsha City, Hunan Province, using F81mur1MULL24MUL21 as the parent. The plant height is about 49cm, the spreading degree is 53cm × 50cm, the bifurcation branches, the first flower is born at the 11th-13th node, the fruit is thick horn-shaped, 3-ventricle, long 11--12cm, transverse diameter is about 3.8cm, the pulp is thick 0.27cm, the commercial fruit is dark green, the physiological mature fruit is bright red, and the average single parent weight is about 35g. It takes 45 days from planting to harvest.

  • What method can improve eggplant fruit setting?

    What method can improve eggplant fruit setting?

    What method can improve eggplant fruit setting? Please guide and introduce the following methods to improve eggplant fruit setting for your reference: 1. The general fruit-setting rule of eggplant increases with the bifurcation of the plant, basically one fruit for each branch. In planting management, this characteristic should be fully utilized and should be carried out in time after planting.

  • Ceratopteris bifida

    Ceratopteris bifida

    Scientific name: Platyceriumbifurcatum alias: Batlan, Cerataceae: for Polypodiaceae, Ceratopteris epiphytic pteridophyte morphological characteristics: foliage, drooping, the top bifurcation is concave deep-split, shaped like "antlers", hence the name. The plant height is 40-50cm. There are two kinds of leaves: vegetative leaves (sterile leaves, bare leaves) and sporophytes (fertile leaves, solid leaves). The sterile leaves are round and protruding, the margin is undulate, the new leaves are green and white, and the old leaves are brown. Master
