
Activation Learn more about Activation

  • Taichung meat market transformation, activation and livable city upgrading

    Taichung meat market transformation, activation and livable city upgrading

    Taichung meat market has long had pollution problems such as odor, noise and sewage. In order to improve the quality of life of local residents, Taichung Meat Company promotes in-situ transformation and activation, removes slaughtering and auction business, retains wholesale and zero-batch services, and maintains.

  • The lotus seed industry is also in trouble! Weather chaos, lack of work, threat of imported lotus seed competition, lotus farmers call for activation of industry

    The lotus seed industry is also in trouble! Weather chaos, lack of work, threat of imported lotus seed competition, lotus farmers call for activation of industry

    There's something wrong with the lotus seed industry! Weather chaos, lack of work, threat of imported lotus seed competition, lotus farmers call for activation of industry

  • Production and application of multi-functional soybean dietary fiber

    Production and application of multi-functional soybean dietary fiber

    1. Physiological function of multifunctional soybean dietary fiber soybean dietary fiber mainly refers to those macromolecular sugars that can not be digested by human digestive enzymes, including cellulose, pectin, xylan and mannose. Although dietary fiber can not provide any nutrients for the human body, it has important physiological functions for the human body. Dietary fiber can significantly reduce blood pressure and plasma cholesterol, regulate gastrointestinal function, blood glucose and insulin levels. Multi-functional soybean dietary fiber (Muhifunctiona)

  • Drug value of Pelargonium

    Drug value of Pelargonium

    [historical clinical records] have been used to treat cholera and bone injuries, as well as exorcism. [efficacy] hemostasis, vasoconstriction, asthma, liver detoxification, gallstones, kidney detoxification, kidney stones, diuresis, muscle soreness, oily skin, aging skin activation, herpes, skin pallor, weight loss, promote scarring, eczema, sunburn, ringworm, menstruation, breast congestion inflammation, reduce depression, drive away demons, replenish body, deodorize, antibacterial, sterilize, quit smoking and alcohol. [precautions] for some

  • The method of composting

    The method of composting

    The method of composting

  • What are the effects of potash fertilizer?

    What are the effects of potash fertilizer?

    What are the effects of potash fertilizer?

  • What are the cultivation techniques of hydrangea?

    What are the cultivation techniques of hydrangea?

    Hydrangea, also known as Hydrangea mushroom, has ultra-high activation immunity and is known as the king of mushrooms. It is a very rare and precious mushroom for medicine and food in the world. The planting benefit is high, so here is an introduction to its cultivation techniques. Cultivation techniques of Spiraea 1. Bacterial bag system

    2020-11-09 Embroidery cocci cultivation techniques what embroidery also known as hydrangea
  • The role of water-soluble fertilizers with a large number of elements

    The role of water-soluble fertilizers with a large number of elements

    A large number of element water-soluble fertilizers have the functions of promoting growth and activation, promoting root and seedling growth, fruit expansion, detoxification and senescence, biological weight resistance, disease resistance and fertilizer protection. According to the fertilizer demand characteristics of different crops, the corresponding fertilizers have different formulations, and vegetables, fruit trees and flowers are sold on the market.

    2020-11-09 Mass element water-soluble fertilizer action mass
  • Pangu pull grass species Auricularia auricula, organic health preservation and zero waste

    Pangu pull grass species Auricularia auricula, organic health preservation and zero waste

    Pangu pull grass species Auricularia auricula, organic health preservation and zero waste

  • Lycium barbarum protects brain cells from Alzheimer's disease

    Lycium barbarum protects brain cells from Alzheimer's disease

    According to Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, many people regard wolfberry fruit as a traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing liver and improving eyesight. A study conducted by the Department of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong has confirmed that wolfberry fruit can protect neuron cells and help prevent Alzheimer's disease. However, Assistant Professor Zheng Chuanzhong of the Department of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, who is in charge of the research, said that it has not yet been found what ingredients in Lycium barbarum can effectively protect brain cells, so the next step of the research will be to conduct animal experiments and find out what ingredients in Lycium barbarum can effectively protect brain cells. Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, HKU

  • Common symptoms and prevention of silkworm poisoning

    Common symptoms and prevention of silkworm poisoning

    Pesticide poisoning: 1. There are several categories of pesticides that often cause silkworm poisoning, such as organophosphorus, organic nitrogen, pyrethroid and plant pesticides. All kinds of pesticides cause poisoning by polluting mulberry leaves, silkworm room tools, air, nibbling, valve breathing or contact. 2. There may be three functions of activation, accumulation and detoxification of pesticides after entering the silkworm. Most pesticides can be accumulated or activated to poison silkworms. The common symptom of all kinds of pesticide poisoning is to suddenly stop eating mulberry. Because of the different composition, structure and properties of chemical drugs,

  • What is the effect of chitin pesticides?

    What is the effect of chitin pesticides?

    What is the effect of chitin pesticides? What are the benefits of chitin pesticides? Which crops can be used for chitin pesticides? Please introduce the effects of chitin pesticides as follows: (1) improvement of soil ecological environment ⑴ medium: chitin is a nutrient source and health product for soil beneficial microorganisms.

  • How much is a plant of aloe vera?

    How much is a plant of aloe vera?

    How much is a plant of aloe vera?

  • "New Agricultural subsidy" helps to solve the soil crisis.

    "New Agricultural subsidy" helps to solve the soil crisis.

  • What are the misunderstandings of fertilization that growers do not know?

    What are the misunderstandings of fertilization that growers do not know?

    If you go to the countryside and ask the farmer uncle that it is not right for you to apply fertilizer in this way, it will certainly cause an uproar. However, it is precisely because of the farmers' own experience in farming that they have harmed their own crops. So what are the misunderstandings of fertilization that growers do not know?

    2020-11-09 Growers do not know fertilization misunderstanding have which if
  • Activating farmers' own capital is the right way.

    Activating farmers' own capital is the right way.

    Activating farmers' own capital rather than urban capital going to the countryside is the right way to agricultural capitalization. In the era of agricultural capitalization, whose capital is going to the countryside? Who gets the benefits of capital? Only by activating farmers' own capital and allowing farmers to profit from agricultural capitalization can they

    2016-03-20 Activation farmers own capital yes the right way activation own.
  • The huge stock of rural homestead resources needs to be activated.

    The huge stock of rural homestead resources needs to be activated.

    The reform of the land system is the core of the new round of rural reform, and it is the basic work to once again release the dividend to promote rural development and accelerate the process of new urbanization. The rural homestead with a huge stock area is an important part of the land reform. Find out the bottom of rural homestead

    2016-03-20 Stock huge large rural homestead resources urgent need activation
  • Is it easy to grow grasses?

    Is it easy to grow grasses?

    Hualing grass, also known as white clover, white clover, perennial herbs; short-term perennial herbs, cultivated plants, sometimes escape as weeds. But growing in a flowerpot, it is actually a very beautiful foliage plant.

  • Brief introduction of BPA efficient active Organic Fertilizer

    Brief introduction of BPA efficient active Organic Fertilizer

    Brief introduction of BPA efficient active Organic Fertilizer

  • Efficacy and function of Eucommia ulmoides

    Efficacy and function of Eucommia ulmoides

    Anti-aging: Eucommia ulmoides can accelerate the metabolism of collagen and effectively anti-aging. Promote sleep: taking it for a long time can effectively improve sleep. Cosmetology: it can improve the synthesis of collagen and delay the aging of skin. Lowering blood pressure: can keep blood pressure in a steady state without any side effects on the human body.
