
41 Learn more about 41

  • What about sows with a high fever of 41 degrees?

    What about sows with a high fever of 41 degrees?

    If the sow has a high fever of 41 degrees, you should first confirm whether it is classical swine fever. If it is not classical swine fever, you can use traditional Chinese medicine injection such as Bupleurum injection and Houttuynia cordata injection. At the same time, glucose injection was used to supplement the energy of diseased pigs, amoxicillin, oxytetracycline injection and other antibiotics.

    2020-11-11 Sow high fever 41 degrees what to do if sow first
  • The Ministry of Agriculture announced the suspension of production of 41 varieties of Longping Hi-Tech in response to questions.

    The Ministry of Agriculture announced the suspension of production of 41 varieties of Longping Hi-Tech in response to questions.

    Last year, the yield of grain fields in Bengbu, Anhui Province was reduced by a large area, and the failure of some fields attracted the attention of the media and all sectors of society, and the damaged farmers accused Longping of high-tech rice varieties of different resistance labels and suspected of false propaganda, according to China Voice News. Reporter's field investigation

    2016-01-10 Ministry of Agriculture announcement stop production 41 planting varieties Longping Hi-Tech
  • The new soybean product "Tiedou 41" has been approved.

    The new soybean product

    "Tiedou 41", a new soybean variety selected by the Institute of Soybean Science in Tieling City, Liaoning Province (zip code: 112616, telephone: 0410-2601837), recently passed the variety approval of Liaoning Province. The growth period of this variety is about 126 days. It is a medium-mature variety with limited podding habits, oval grain, yellow seed coat, glossy yellow navel and 20.9 grams of 100-grain weight. The grain crude protein content is 43.94%, and the crude fat content is 20.72%. Resistant to soybean mosaic virus. The average yield per mu reaches

  • Nanjing 41 (rice)

    Nanjing 41 (rice)

    Nanjing 41 is a late-maturing medium japonica rice variety, which was bred by Grain cultivation Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In the production experiment in 2002, the average yield per unit area was 610.05 kg / mu, which was 3.44% higher than that of Wuyujing 3. The characteristic plant height is 94 cm, the whole growth period is 148 days, moderately susceptible to leaf blast, susceptible to ear blast, moderately resistant to bacterial blight, susceptible to sheath blight, and excellent rice quality. Suitable for planting under the condition of middle and high fertility in the middle part of Jiangsu Province.

  • What are the treatment methods for sows with high fever?

    What are the treatment methods for sows with high fever?

    Sow body temperature up to 40.5-41.5 degrees is a high fever, at this time can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as dexamethasone, Bupleurum and other drugs; if the body temperature reaches 41.5 degrees above, first oral irrigation, enema, etc., and then eat anti-inflammatory, anti-fever drugs. That's for sure,

    2020-11-11 Sow high fever treatment method which sow body temperature reach
  • The price of pigs in Guizhou today

    The price of pigs in Guizhou today

    The price of pigs in Guizhou today

  • Heinong 41 (soybean)

    Heinong 41 (soybean)

    Heinong 41 (Ha 91-6045 >) was bred by advanced high light efficiency breeding technology adopted by Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The original air-dried seeds of Heinong 33, No. 87-3, were treated with 60Co8000 Roentgen in 1987 and bred according to the procedure and method of soybean breeding with high light efficiency. Characteristic Heinong 41 plant is tall, with a height of 95cm and 100cm, convergence of plant type, branching ability, sub-limited podding habit, uniform upper and lower pods, white flowers, gray hairs, lanceolate leaves, more than three or four pods, and 100-seed weight of 18 ~

  • A New Cotton Variety-Baimian 1

    A New Cotton Variety-Baimian 1

    Baimian 1 is a mid-mature cotton variety suitable for spring sowing with high yield, high quality and disease and insect resistance. The growth period is 136-140 days. Fast emergence, neat, robust, low temperature tolerance, fast growth in seedling stage, large cotyledons and green stems. The leaf is medium to large, the notch is shallow, the hairs are less, the light transmittance is medium, the whole leaf type, the leaf color is dark green. The average plant height is 103cm, the plant tower shape is loose, the first fruit node is 7.5 nodes, the fruit branch angle is medium, the stem is thick, tough, resistant to lodging, and the stem color is slightly red. Budding is fast and concentrated, female

  • Chuanmai 41

    Chuanmai 41

    Chuanshanmai 2003011, yield performance 1999-2000 participated in the variety comparison experiment, the yield per mu was 375kg and 388.7 kg respectively, 5.3% and 7.9% higher than that of the control Chuanmai 28. In 2001, he took part in the provincial regional test, which ranked first in group B, with an average yield of 377.6 kg per mu, 14.37% higher than that of Chuanmai 28, which was 14.37% higher than that of Chuanmai 28. According to the results of two-year regional trials, the yield was increased at 21:00 and the average yield per mu was 344.2 kg. 18.5% higher than the control Chuanmai 28

  • Cause high fever in pigs and no purple spot disease on the skin

    Cause high fever in pigs and no purple spot disease on the skin

    1. Japanese Encephalitis: the body temperature of diseased pigs is 40-41 ℃, molars, circles, visual impairment, blind collision. The sow miscarried, the boar orchitis, and gradually shrank and hardened, losing the ability to mate. Antiviral preparations such as adamantane and ribavirin should be used in treatment and drug prevention together with interferon, heat-clearing and detoxifying traditional Chinese medicine preparation and antipyretic sedation preparation. two。 Pseudorabies: most of the piglets were 1-4 weeks old, and the symptoms of piglets over 60 days old were mild. The body temperature is 41-42 ℃, and he is excited at the beginning of the illness.

  • The integration of agriculture-related funds in Chengkou County of Chongqing has achieved remarkable results in promoting the construction of new countryside.

    The integration of agriculture-related funds in Chengkou County of Chongqing has achieved remarkable results in promoting the construction of new countryside.

    The integration of agriculture-related funds in Chengkou County of Chongqing has achieved remarkable results in promoting the construction of new countryside.

  • Longping high-tech 2 varieties were stopped and responded that it was a natural law.

    Longping high-tech 2 varieties were stopped and responded that it was a natural law.

    Last year, the yield of grain fields in Bengbu, Anhui Province was reduced by a large area, and the failure of some fields attracted the attention of the media and all sectors of society, and the damaged farmers accused Longping of high-tech rice varieties of different resistance labels and suspected of false propaganda, according to China Voice News. Reporter's field investigation

    2016-01-10 Longping high-tech planting variety quilt stop production response said yes according to
  • How is the typhoon classified?

    How is the typhoon classified?

    How is the typhoon classified?

  • 15 new cotton varieties examined by the State

    15 new cotton varieties examined by the State

    The Ministry of Agriculture issued notice No. 706 on August 28 last year. The new cotton varieties approved by the Fifth meeting of the first National crop Variety approval Committee are as follows: 1. Zhongzhu Mian 2: approval No. 2006001. Breeding unit: Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, etc. It belongs to transgenic insect-resistant conventional spring cotton varieties. The growth period of spring sowing in the cotton area of the Yellow River basin is 125 days. Participated in the regional trial of spring cotton group varieties in the Yellow River Basin from 2004 to 2005, seed cotton, lint and pre-frost lint per

  • Many varieties of cotton are said in the "national trial" (continued)

    Many varieties of cotton are said in the

    Characteristics: transgenic insect-resistant hybrid generation, the whole growth period of spring cotton planting in the Yellow River basin is 136 days. The plant is tower-shaped and loose, the plant height is 93.7 cm, the stem is hairy, the leaf is medium size, dark green, the wrinkles are obvious, the first fruit branch node is 6.5 nodes, the number of fruit branches per plant is 13.2, and the bolls per plant are 15.8; the boll is oval, the bell tip is obtuse, the single boll weight is 5.6 grams, the catkins are smooth, the seed finger is 10.4 grams, the lint percentage is 40.6%, and the pre-frost flowering rate is 90.5%. High resistance to Fusarium wilt, resistance to Verticillium wilt, high

  • Ophiopogon japonicus producing area

    Ophiopogon japonicus producing area

    Ophiopogon japonicus is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae. Its root tuber is generally used as traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of promoting body fluid to quench thirst, moistening lung and relieving cough. So, where is the origin of Ophiopogon? 1. Ophiopogon is mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian.

    2020-11-09 Ophiopogon origin yes lily family along the order grass genus
  • What medicine is used for purple spot of garlic?

    What medicine is used for purple spot of garlic?

    At the initial stage of the disease, spray 3% polyoxygenated dehydrated agent 800x or 78% Cobo wettable powder 500x, 41.5% promethrin 1500 x, 75% chlorothalonil 500g 600x, 50% iso-carbamide 1500 times, once every 7-10 days, continuous prevention and treatment for 4 times.

    2020-11-09 Garlic purple spot disease what medicine initial stage spraying oxygen
  • Prevention and treatment of several common diseases in dogs

    Prevention and treatment of several common diseases in dogs

    At present, dog breeding has formed an upsurge in every household. However, the phenomenon of loss caused by disease is quite common in the process of breeding. In this paper, the symptoms, prevention and treatment of several common diseases in dogs are introduced as follows: (1) the body temperature of dogs with influenza is increased by more than 41 ℃, breathing, pulse, dry nose, dyspnea, runny nose, cough, irregular fur, lying like lying, muscle tremor, loss of appetite. Prevention and treatment: (1) disinfect the dog house with 0.1g-0.4g formaldehyde solution or 0.2% Mel 0.6% caustic soda solution.

  • What level of protected animal is the sparrow hawk?

    What level of protected animal is the sparrow hawk?

    Sparrow hawk is one of the three common eagles (goshawk, sparrow hawk, pine sparrow hawk). It is 30-41 cm long and likes to fly in the air, or perch on trees and poles. So, what level of animal protection is sparrow hawk? First, what level of animal protection is sparrow hawk? Sparrow hawk is the second country.

    2020-11-11 Sparrow hawk yes what level protection animal sparrow hawk is common
  • Diseases that can easily cause high fever in pigs and their prevention and treatment

    Diseases that can easily cause high fever in pigs and their prevention and treatment

    (1) Classical swine fever: pig body temperature rises to 40-42 ℃, lasting; loss of appetite or fasting, mental depression, chills, lying like sleeping, squeezing in a pile or drilling grass nest; standing and walking, arch back bending, limb weakness, slow movement, rocking instability, conjunctival redness, purulent secretions, constipation first, and then diarrhea; ear root, abdomen, the inside of limbs and other places have finger pressure colorfast fuchsia bleeding spots. Lesions: enlarged lymph nodes, peripheral bleeding, marble red and white; lighter kidney, needle-sized bleeding spots on the surface; splenomegaly
