
waxy Learn more about waxy

  • What are the cultivation techniques of fresh waxy corn? What are the precautions when planting?

    What are the cultivation techniques of fresh waxy corn? What are the precautions when planting?

    Waxy corn, commonly known as sticky corn, is rich in nutrients such as lysine and vitamins necessary for the human body, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium and other elements. it is popular among farmers and processing enterprises because of its short cultivation cycle and high economic benefits.

    2020-11-09 Fresh food waxy corn cultivation techniques what is it planting sometimes
  • The latest course and Management of planting techniques and methods of waxy Corn

    The latest course and Management of planting techniques and methods of waxy Corn

    Waxy corn, also known as sticky corn and waxy corn, is a variety of corn, which is planted all over our country. The planting technology of waxy corn is relatively simple, and the growth cycle is relatively short. It is a jade that integrates economy, nutrition and processing value.

    2020-11-10 The latest waxy corn planting technology methods tutorials and management
  • Planting Technology and Management of waxy Corn

    Planting Technology and Management of waxy Corn

    Planting Technology and Management of waxy Corn

  • The planting time of early waxy corn is different from that of each planting method.

    The planting time of early waxy corn is different from that of each planting method.

    The planting time of early waxy corn is different under different sowing methods. Nursery bed seedlings: seedlings can be raised in small sheds or hotbeds in the middle and last ten days of February. Direct seeding with plastic film mulching: the best planting time is early March. Live broadcast in the open air: early April to July

    2020-11-08 Early waxy corn planting time each kind way there is a difference
  • China's fresh corn forms a pattern of "sweet in the south and waxy in the north".

    China's fresh corn forms a pattern of

    What kind of development process has fresh corn experienced in China? What is your position in the world? What is the direction of development in the future? The narration of experts can not only solve our doubts, but also make us feel the heat of fresh corn. Fresh corn is like fruits and vegetables

    2016-03-20 China fresh food corn formation " sweet in the south and waxy in the north " pattern
  • Efficient planting techniques of fresh Sweet waxy Corn in North China

    Efficient planting techniques of fresh Sweet waxy Corn in North China

    High efficient planting techniques of fresh sweet and waxy corn in northern areas 1 selection of improved varieties, isolated cultivation of sweet and waxy corn varieties should have the characteristics of moderate sweet and waxy, pure flavor, tender texture, rich nutrition, good appearance and so on. Because sweet waxy corn and ordinary corn.

  • When will waxy corn be sown?

    When will waxy corn be sown?

    Waxy corn is more and more favored by people because of its sweet taste, unique flavor, rich nutrition and high market value. The development of vegetable waxy corn in spring and autumn has high benefit and quick effect, which not only improves the land utilization rate, but also alleviates the vegetables in summer and autumn in our city.

    2020-11-09 Waxy corn when sowing waxy because of its taste
  • Planting Technology and time of waxy Corn

    Planting Technology and time of waxy Corn

    Selection of varieties: select varieties with short growth period, wide adaptability and strong disease resistance. Planting density: row spacing is about 1 meter, litter spacing is 0.33-0.38 meters, one litter with two plants. Sowing time: spring waxy corn is sown at the end of February or early March, and autumn waxy corn is sown in late July.

    2020-11-08 Waxy corn planting technology and time abstract selection variety
  • Processing technology of powdered honey

    Processing technology of powdered honey

    Because the viscosity of honey is very strong, it is difficult to dry, and the dried products are very hygroscopic and inconvenient to use, therefore, in order to powderize honey or food containing honey, waxy corn starch of DE1-5 must be added to it, and then powdered by spray drying, sealed packaging to make food containing honey or honey powder. First, the enzyme of DE1-5 saccharified waxy corn starch. Adjust 25% Mel 35% waxy corn starch suspension, then add heat-resistant α-amylase to the suspension at 95 ℃

  • Nongda Nuomai 1

    Nongda Nuomai 1

    Variety characteristics: winter, cold resistance, normal years can be safe winter in Beijing plain area. The seedlings are semi-creeping and light green. Tillering and panicle rate were higher. The plant height is about 85cm, and the lodging resistance is ordinary. Panicle rectangular, long awn, white shell, red grain. Seeds short round, waxy. Yellow good, grouting speed. The yield per 667m2 was about 350kg. Waxy wheat has broad application in developing new food, enriching flour varieties and increasing raw material sources of starch industry.

  • Raise the natural Q-bomb of ecological waxy corn

    Raise the natural Q-bomb of ecological waxy corn

    Raise the natural Q-bomb of ecological waxy corn

  • Cultivation techniques of glutinous rice

    Cultivation techniques of glutinous rice

    The main results are as follows: (1) selecting good varieties: high yield and high quality glutinous rice varieties with suitable maturity, strong waxy, good rice quality and suitable for the production of peach slices. The main varieties are & ldquo; Jinling fragrant waxy & rdquo;, & ldquo; Yinqiao waxy & rdquo;, & ldquo; Hexiangnuo & rdquo;, & ldquo; Burmese waxy & rdquo; and so on. (2) sparse sowing with plastic film to raise strong seedlings: the seeds should be disinfected before sprouting. Sowing in areas within 300 meters above sea level from March 5 to 10; 300,400 above sea level

  • Why is the price of colored corn plummeting?

    Why is the price of colored corn plummeting?

    As a new planting industry, color corn is not genetically modified, but only a hybrid variety, but it has been vilified by some rumors of genetically modified crops, resulting in a sharp drop in prices. The public should also raise their awareness of genetically modified products and get out of the scientific blind area. Thursday, July 2nd

    2016-01-10 Color corn price diving for what color as
  • What is the difference between duck rice and ordinary rice?

    What is the difference between duck rice and ordinary rice?

    Duck rice is the abbreviation of a planting mode of organic rice, that is, ducklings born 20 days are reared in rice fields that have been planted for about 15 days. Ducks and rice grow together and complement each other. Then what is the difference between duck rice and ordinary rice? Do not understand

    2020-11-08 Duck rice and ordinary what is it duck
  • Types and Characteristics of Special Rice

    Types and Characteristics of Special Rice

    1. The concept of special rice 2. Types and characteristics of special rice 1. Color rice 2. Fragrant rice 3. Special rice 1. The concept of special rice Special rice refers to rice with specific genetic characteristics and special uses, mainly for the particularity of its use, in order to distinguish ordinary rice. Special rice generally includes colored rice, fragrant rice and special rice. Although the number of varieties accounts for only about 10% of rice germplasm resources, it is affected by internal factors due to its special characteristics of nutrition, health care and processing utilization.

  • Green cultivation techniques of sweet taro with strong waxy flavor and strong flavor in the market

    Green cultivation techniques of sweet taro with strong waxy flavor and strong flavor in the market

    Green cultivation techniques of sweet taro with strong waxy flavor and strong flavor in the market

  • Introduction of domestic high-quality rice varieties

    Introduction of domestic high-quality rice varieties

    Rice is a finished product made by rice milling and other processes. It is also the source of food we are now able to live on. It contains basic nutrients needed by the human body, mainly including protein and starch. People who eat rice regularly have strong bodies and are often eaten.

    2020-11-27 domestic quality rice variety introduction yes paddy after
  • Key points of cultivation techniques of Special Maize

    Key points of cultivation techniques of Special Maize

    Special corn includes forage corn, waxy corn, sweet corn and popcorn. The botanical and biological characteristics of special maize are different from those of ordinary corn, so it also has its special requirements in cultivation techniques. Forage corn is a variety of corn used for silage or silage. At present,.

  • Xiuzi Huilan

    Xiuzi Huilan

    The leaf length does not exceed 40cm, the width 1cm, the leaf color is dark green, the leaf posture is oblique, the scape is thin and high, the small hairpin is purple, the outer three petals are long and round, the waxy meat is thick, the root is thin, the shoulder is flat, the nest is semi-hard, such as the tongue, the design is green. Three-petal long foot round head, waxy meat thick, divided nest semi-hard pocket to hold the heart, as big as tongue, color green, shoulder flat,.

  • Yuguan he Ding Chunlan

    Yuguan he Ding Chunlan

    Downhill in Xinzhou Town, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, this variety is a medium and dwarf species with fine waxy leaves, emerald green leaves and twisted leaf tips; leaves 10-20 cm high and 1.0 cm wide; blossoms at the end of winter and early spring, flowers with standard lotus petals, flowers with three thick and thin waxy petals, clam shell holding wide round, big round.
