
Green cultivation techniques of sweet taro with strong waxy flavor and strong flavor in the market

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green cultivation techniques of sweet taro with strong waxy flavor and strong flavor in the market

Xiangtang taro is a local variety of Rugao, which gets its name because of its aroma and fragrance in cooking. Plant height 140cm~155cm, broad ovate leaves, gray-green petiole; usually 6-10 sub-taro per plant, son taro, Zeng taro, etc., son taro, sun taro, etc., oval, dark brown, purple-red markings at the top, light red bud tip; taro fleshy milky white, compact, strong waxy, strong flavor. Middle and late maturity, planted from mid-March to early April, harvested from October to December, and growing period of 200-220 days. The yield of 2000kg per mu is about 1000kg, such as sub-taro and sun taro.

Taro sowing

First, field production and preparation:

1. Taro field selection. Taro should avoid continuous cropping and should choose sandy soil which has not been planted for 1 or 2 years and is rich in organic matter and deep and fertile soil layer. 2. Organic fertilizer ripening. Promote the use of mature farm manure, commercial organic fertilizer can also be used. Farm manure must be treated innocuously to kill all kinds of parasite eggs, pathogens and weed seeds, remove harmful organic acids and gases, and meet health standards. Main farm manure: compost, retting manure, ash manure, barnyard manure, biogas fertilizer, cake fertilizer and so on. 3. Selection of taro. The seed taro with sound terminal bud, no diseases and insect pests and a single weight of 25Mel 40g should be selected as seed. 4. Apply sufficient base fertilizer in the field. 20 days before sowing, 30~35cm was deeply turned over and 3000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 45% of ternary compound fertilizer and 30 kg of superphosphate were applied per mu. After fertilization, ploughing and leveling the soil, and achieve three ditches matching.

Second, sowing seeds:

1. Dry the seeds. Dry the seeds for 2-3 days before sowing, and peel off the dry leaf sheaths around the taro buds. 2. Seed taro disinfection. Soak the seeds with 50% pyrimethrin 600 times solution, 50% carbendazim 500 times solution or 75% chlorothalonil 600 times solution for 20 minutes. 3. Sowing date. Sowing in the open field when the soil temperature is stable at 12 ℃, usually at the end of March and the beginning of April, that is, around the Qingming Festival. 4. Sowing rate and density. The seed consumption per mu is 100kg to 125kg. Generally adopted wide and narrow row cultivation, large row spacing 80~100cm, small row spacing 30~40cm, plant spacing 30cm, planting about 3000 plants per mu. 5. Sowing method. Sowing according to the size of taro, when sowing, put the seed taro flat in the sowing ditch, cover the soil 2cm 3cm; it can also be cultivated by ridging and plastic film mulching, ridge height 15~20cm. Fields with a high weed base were treated with 50 ml 96% Jindur EC or 200 ml 40% glyphosate plus 150 ml 90% Acetochlor after sowing.

III. Daejeon management

1. Fertilizer and water management: topdressing. Taro has a long growth period and needs a large amount of fertilizer. in addition to base fertilizer, topdressing should be adopted to promote growth and corm development. When taro seedlings have 5 to 6 true leaves, 3000 kg of mature organic fertilizer is applied per mu, or 7 to 8 true leaves, 40% potassium sulfate compound fertilizer (N:P:K=15:5:20) is applied to 30 kg / mu. Water management. Before sowing, the soil water content during the germination period of taro should not be too high; during the growth period, keep the soil moist and remove stagnant water in time in case of rain. In the seedling stage and vigorous growth period (the fifth leaf to all the leaves protruding), irrigate in case of drought; in the later growth stage, gradually control moisture and keep the soil slightly dry before harvest.

2. Ploughing and soil cultivation: after seedling stage, ploughing, loosening soil and weeding should be done in time to increase soil temperature, promote rooting and seedling development, and replenish seedlings in time when seedlings are missing. Soil cultivation is usually carried out twice. The first soil cultivation was carried out in late June and large soil cultivation was carried out in late July with a ridge height of 15cm and 20cm. The side leaves and lateral buds were pressed into the soil to reduce nutrient consumption and benefit the expansion of son and grandson taro. If the cultivation method of ridging and black film mulching is adopted, the link of ploughing and soil cultivation can be saved.

Fourth, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: prevention first, comprehensive control.

1. Agricultural prevention and control. In order to implement crop rotation and crop rotation, taro had better be rotated by flood and drought for 1-2 years; seed transfer from disease-free areas, selection of disease-free taro; selection of land with flat terrain and easy drainage and irrigation; application of sufficient base fertilizer, increased application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer; irrigation is used to control pests in the ground.

2. Chemical control: (1) disease control. The period of prevention and control. According to the situation of Meiyu, copper hydroxide and other copper preparations were used before and after June. Depending on the rainfall from July to August, 58% nail cream manganese zinc 600 times liquid or 69% enoyl manganese zinc 600 times solution can be sprayed to prevent and cure it twice, and organosilicon and other auxiliaries should be added in the prevention and control.

(2) pest control. 10% imidacloprid 1000 times or 40% acetamiprid 5000 times can be used to control aphids, 5% avermectin 2000 times or 10% abamectin 1500 times can be used to control red spiders, and 10 PIB/ μ L 2000IU/ μ L 1000 times or 10% indenyl 1000 times can be used to control Spodoptera litura, and the control time is usually after 4 p.m.