
vipers Learn more about vipers

  • What's the difference between snake, python, viper and viper?

    What's the difference between snake, python, viper and viper?

    What's the difference between snake, python, viper and viper?

  • What kind of fish is a viper?

    What kind of fish is a viper?

    What kind of fish is a viper?

  • How snakes balance ecology

    How snakes balance ecology

    Most snakes are natural enemies of rodents, such as black browed snake, mouse snake, gray rat snake, pit viper, king snake, brown black snake, yellow ridge snake, brown gray snake, cobra, etc., all of which are mainly rodents. In addition, some snakes feed exclusively on termites, which undoubtedly play a huge role in preventing termites and eliminating termites from destroying humans. Snakes of the genus Stonecephalus feed exclusively on agricultural pests slugs. The juvenile snakes of Viperus borealis and Agkistrodon halys mainly prey on insects. The grassland viper can prey on a large number of insects in one summer, and more than 90% of them are harmful to grassland animal husbandry.

  • Common poisoning in dogs-snake venom poisoning

    Common poisoning in dogs-snake venom poisoning

    [Etiology] Snake venom poisoning refers to a poisoning phenomenon that occurs after being bitten by a snake. There are many kinds of poisonous snakes. There are 47 kinds in China. Among them, the most harmful ones are Bungarus auratus, Bungarus multicinctus, Cobra, King Cobra, Agkistrodon acutus, Viper, Turtle shell snake, Bamboo green and sea snake. Most of these venomous snakes are distributed in provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River except sea snakes, which are mainly distributed in offshore areas, while only a few species such as viper, viper and turtle shell snake are distributed in the north of the Yangtze River. Occurrence of snake venom poisoning

  • Is the blue glandular coral snake poisonous?

    Is the blue glandular coral snake poisonous?

    Is the blue glandular coral snake poisonous?

  • Introduction to the list of the top ten venomous snakes in the world!

    Introduction to the list of the top ten venomous snakes in the world!

    Snake is a warm and cold-blooded animal, and it is also one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. It is generally divided into non-poisonous snakes and poisonous snakes. Some poisonous snakes can secrete venom and poison people or animals who have been bitten. There are many kinds of poisonous snakes in the world. Here are the top ten venomous snakes in the world.

    2020-11-11 World Top Ten Viper list introduction Snake Yes temperature change Animals
  • How long do snakes live?

    How long do snakes live?

    How long do snakes live?

  • Once you see these three unusual snakes, you should stay away, or their lives will be in danger!

    Once you see these three unusual snakes, you should stay away, or their lives will be in danger!

    Snakes are common reptiles in our lives. Here are three rare snakes. Stay away from them as soon as you see them, or your life will be in danger! The horn viper is a highly aggressive venomous snake that lives in North Africa.

    2020-11-11 These three species uncommon snakes once see want stay away otherwise
  • What are the clinical applications of snake venom?

    What are the clinical applications of snake venom?

    The progress of research and clinical application of snake venom in China is very fast. A large number of clinical practice has proved that snake venom has the following clinical applications. Analgesic effect As early as the 1970s, cobra venom injection developed by Guangzhou Medical College was used in clinical practice, and it had a good effect on trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, malignant tumor pain, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, herpes zoster and other diseases with pain as the main symptom. Snake venom as an analgesic has the following advantages: significant and long-lasting effect, wide range of safety, continuous use of non-drug resistance

  • How much is a white snake now? What are the effects and effects?

    How much is a white snake now? What are the effects and effects?

    White flower snake is the dry whole of Agkistrodon acutus (Agkistrodon acutus). Mainly produced in Hubei, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places. So how much is the White Snake now? What are the effects and effects? How much is the White Snake? White Snake again

    2020-11-11 Now white flowers snakes prices more less money one yes which ones
  • Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animal snake venom poisoning

    Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animal snake venom poisoning

    1. Diagnosis can be made according to the history of snakebite, combined with two venomous teeth marks at the tip of the wound, local edema, blood oozing, necrosis and systemic symptoms. If the wound has 2 or 4 lines of uniform and small serrated shallow tooth marks, there are no local and systemic symptoms, most of them are non-venomous snake bites. If necessary, the specific venom antigens in wound exudate, serum, cerebrospinal fluid and other body fluids can be determined by using suitable monovalent specific antivenom and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa). This disease should be related to poison.

  • What kind of food do snakes eat?

    What kind of food do snakes eat?

    What kind of food do snakes eat?

  • Dragon Boat Festival to eat five poison cake patterns are which five poison?

    Dragon Boat Festival to eat five poison cake patterns are which five poison?

    When it comes to Dragon Boat Festival, the first thing that comes to mind may be zongzi, dragon boat and Qu Yuan. However, according to textual research, in the Spring and Autumn Period before Qu Yuan, Chu, Wu, Yue and other places have already begun to hold ceremonial activities on the fifth day of May. These activities...

  • How do snakes survive winter?

    How do snakes survive winter?

    Snakes were creatures that many people had seen before. When they saw them, they would definitely scream in fear of being bitten by them. In fact, snakes were very useful. How do snakes survive winter? How do snakes survive winter? Snakes hibernate in winter. snake is a

    2020-11-11 snakes how do they pass winter this kind of creature believe many
  • What are the natural enemies of snakes?

    What are the natural enemies of snakes?

    What are the natural enemies of snakes?

  • Application of snake venom

    Application of snake venom

    What is the nature of ⒈ snake venom? Snake venom is a kind of toxic proteins and peptides secreted by poisonous snakes, which contains a variety of enzymes, and it is also a substance that causes toxic reactions after poisonous snakes bite people. Fresh snake venom is a slightly fishy egg white-like sticky liquid, yellow, light yellow, green, or even colorless. It is neutral or weakly acidic when fresh, and can become alkaline after a little longer, with a water content of 50%-75% and a specific gravity of 1.030-1.080. Fresh venom is easy to foam when it comes into contact with air. Store it at room temperature.

  • What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

  • Where are the rattlesnakes distributed?

    Where are the rattlesnakes distributed?

    Where are the rattlesnakes distributed?

  • The ten most common, dangerous and poisonous snakes in the wild in our country must avoid "don't die" when you meet them. Cobra is only fifth!

    The ten most common, dangerous and poisonous snakes in the wild in our country must avoid

    Ten kinds of snakes are the most common and dangerous in the wild in our country. if you meet them, you must avoid them and don't die! Snakes are distributed in all provinces in China, but most of the snake species are concentrated in the south and southwest provinces of the Yangtze River. 174 species of snakes are known, of which 48 species are poisonous, of which land is common.

    2020-11-11 China the wild the most common dangerous the most poisonous ten species snakes encounter
  • The living habits of snakes

    The living habits of snakes

    Where do most ⒈ snakes live? There are many kinds of snakes. Different species of snakes have different habitats. However, most snakes like to live at a suitable temperature and do not hide in their nests until nightfall, but there are also a few snakes that come out during the day, such as black snakes, Chinese water snakes, double-spotted brocade snakes, and so on. What are the living habits of ⒉ snakes? Snakes are variable temperature animals and are sensitive to the temperature of their surroundings. The outside temperature is suitable for 20-30 ℃.
