
Snake Learn more about Snake

  • There is a difference between a poisonous snake and a non-poisonous snake.

    There is a difference between a poisonous snake and a non-poisonous snake.

    There is a difference between a poisonous snake and a non-poisonous snake.

  • Recommend several species of meat snakes

    Recommend several species of meat snakes

    Do you know how many kinds of snakes there are in our country? According to statistics, there are 173 species of snakes in China, of which 48 species are poisonous snakes and the rest are non-poisonous snakes. Meat snake refers to the large body, fast growth, is a common edible or medicinal non-venomous snake. In order to make snake farmers familiar with and understand their performance of life and production, here are several species of meat snakes with large size, rapid growth, good development, more eggs (or offspring), fresh meat and good breeding efficiency. The black brow snake is commonly known as the home snake, the yellow worm, the cauliflower snake, the three-cable line, the wide snake and so on. The length of adult snake is about 1.

  • Is the king snake lizard poisonous? What's the difference from a snake?

    Is the king snake lizard poisonous? What's the difference from a snake?

    Snakes are creatures we are very familiar with. They look frightening, soft, and mostly poisonous. There is also a creature that is very similar to a snake. It is not a snake, but it looks very much like a snake. It is a snake lizard. Is the king snake lizard poisonous?

    2020-11-11 The difference between the emperor the snake lizard poisonous and the snake where is the snake?
  • Snake species capture method

    Snake species capture method

    Snake hunting should look for snakes according to the habitat, activity law and molting time of snakes, and choose the best way to catch snakes, which is not only easy to find snakes, but also easy to catch. There are many ways to catch snakes, and care must be taken when catching snakes to prevent snake injuries. Here are several common capture methods. 1. Snake hunters can use snake droppings and sloughs to guide the way, that is, they can find their habitat near snake dung or snake sloughing. Every year after late autumn, the activities of all kinds of snakes

  • "Snake gallbladder" can snake gall be eaten raw? How do you eat it? What does it look like? What are the effects and effects?

    Many areas of Zhejiang have the custom of swallowing snake gall alive. They feel that eating snake meat and swallowing snake gall can cool and dispel summer heat. All snake gall can be used as medicine, especially the gall of gold ring snake, silver ring snake, chessboard snake, cobra, king cobra, five-step snake and Agkistrodon halys.

    2020-11-11 "Snake gallbladder " Snake gallbladder Snake gallbladder
  • Medicinal use and processing of snake whip and snake gall

    Medicinal use and processing of snake whip and snake gall

    First, the medicinal use and processing of snake whips, that is, the reproductive organs of male snakes. A complete pair of snake whips consists of two gonadal testicles and two copulators, which contain testosterone, protein and other ingredients. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory of "replenishing dirty organs with dirty organs and seeking for the same gas phase". According to the determination of relevant scientific research departments, the kidney tonifying substance contained in snake whip is 10% higher than that of deer whip and more than 30% higher than seal kidney and dog kidney. Snake whip has the function of tonifying kidney and invigorating yang and warming internal organs. It can treat impotence, kidney deficiency, tinnitus, chronic orchitis, women's uterine cold infertility and so on. Rejoin the snake whip

  • How to keep pet snakes

    How to keep pet snakes

    Now more and more people keep snakes as pets, but not all people know how to keep them, so how to keep pet snakes? Let's have a look! 1. The most common types of pet snakes raised as pets are red chain snake, black brow snake, black tip snake and Wang Jin.

    2020-11-11 Pets snakes how raise now raise snakes pawn pets people
  • On the capture methods and key points of snake species

    On the capture methods and key points of snake species

    Snake hunting should look for snakes according to the habitat, activity law and molting time of snakes, and choose the best way to catch snakes, which is not only easy to find snakes, but also easy to catch. There are many ways to catch snakes, and care must be taken when catching snakes to prevent snake injuries. Here are several common capture methods. 1. Snake hunters can use snake droppings and sloughs to guide the way, that is, they can find their habitat near snake dung or snake sloughing. Every year after late autumn, the life of all kinds of snakes

  • What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

  • How much is the snake venom per gram? What is the efficacy and effect of snake venom? Can I drink snake venom directly?

    How much is the snake venom per gram? What is the efficacy and effect of snake venom? Can I drink snake venom directly?

    Snake venom is a weapon used by poisonous snakes to attack and protect. After the deadly snake venom enters the human body, it will erode the tissue of the human body, cause damage to the body function, and even kill the serious ones! Many people in the world die from poisonous snakes every year. And snake venom is not always harmful, Ke.

    2020-11-11 Snake venom price how much one gram efficacy and effect what is it?
  • Is the water snake poisonous?

    Is the water snake poisonous?

    Is the water snake poisonous?

  • Introduction to the manufacturing method of dried snake

    Introduction to the manufacturing method of dried snake

    The dried snake of traditional Chinese medicine is a dry body made by removing intestines and other internal organs after laparotomy. The processing method of dried adult snakes is as follows: after being caught by a medicinal snake, it is killed or burned to death in boiling water, then step on the head and neck of the snake with its feet, hold the tail of the snake in one hand, and cut the skin from the head and neck with small round head scissors in the other hand, separate the snake skin from the snake meat by the neck, cut the snake skin, and pull the skin down to the anus to cut the snake skin. The snake meat is centered on the head, rolled into a disc, and its tail is inserted into the last circle.

  • What are the snake breeding projects?

    What are the snake breeding projects?

    What are the snake breeding projects?

  • How much is the price of snake seedlings in 2019? What are the key points for planting snake fruit seedlings?

    How much is the price of snake seedlings in 2019? What are the key points for planting snake fruit seedlings?

    Snake fruit, in fact, has nothing to do with snakes. Due to the harsh climatic conditions of high-quality snake fruits, Chinese snake fruits are only grown in and around Weidian, a high-altitude mountain area in Tianshui, Gansu Province. Snake fruit growers are very concerned about the price of snake fruit seedlings. Let's do it next.

    2020-11-09 2019 snake fruit seedlings price more less money one tree planting key points
  • Why is it called a five-headed snake?

    Why is it called a five-headed snake?

    Why is it called a five-headed snake?

  • Identification of male and female of King Snake

    Identification of male and female of King Snake

    Identification of male and female of King Snake

  • Breeding and processing of snakes

    Breeding and processing of snakes

    Snake is a precious biological resource. Snake edible, pharmaceutical, piano and so on, the whole body is covered with treasures, known as "Shanzhen". Snakes sell well and sell at a high price. The domestic purchase price per kilogram of live snake and snake meat is 40,000 yuan, the purchase price of five-step snake is 250,000 yuan per kilogram, the price of one gram of bungarotoxin is 1000 yuan, and the price of raw snake bile is as high as 2000 yuan per kilogram. The price of 5 grams of snake venom in the international market is as much as 1000 US dollars, which is 20 times more expensive than gold. The period of artificial breeding snake is short and the benefit is high, so that farmers can shake off poverty and become rich.

  • The market price of the king snake

    The market price of the king snake

    The market price of the king snake

  • The Construction method of Snake House of Golden Ring Snake

    The Construction method of Snake House of Golden Ring Snake

    Artificial breeding gold ring snake can use snake garden, snake room, a small amount of breeding can be used snake box. The snake garden and snake house of Golden Ring Snake should be built in a secluded place with leeward and sunny, high and dry terrain, dense soil, near water source and far from residential areas. The wild environment of the golden ring snake should be simulated in the snake garden. the wall around the snake garden is 2.5 meters high, the inner wall of the wall should be flattened with cement, the corner of the wall should be built into a circular arc, the wall foundation should be 1.5 meters deep underground, and tamped with concrete at the depth of 1.5 meters of soil to prevent rodents from burrowing and making snakes escape. Snake garden ground

  • The price and culture method of cauliflower snake

    The price and culture method of cauliflower snake

    The price and culture method of cauliflower snake
