
Recommend several species of meat snakes

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Do you know how many kinds of snakes there are in our country? According to statistics, there are 173 species of snakes in China, of which 48 species are poisonous snakes and the rest are non-poisonous snakes. Meat snake refers to the large body, fast growth, is a common edible or medicinal non-venomous snake. In order to make snake farmers familiar with and understand their performance of life and production, here are several species of meat snakes with large size, rapid growth, good development, more eggs (or offspring), fresh meat and good breeding efficiency. The black brow snake is commonly known as the home snake, the yellow worm, the cauliflower snake, the three-cable line, the wide snake and so on. The length of adult snake is about 1.

Do you know how many kinds of snakes there are in our country? According to statistics, there are 173 species of snakes in China, of which 48 species are poisonous snakes and the rest are non-poisonous snakes. Meat snake refers to the large body, fast growth, is a common edible or medicinal non-venomous snake. In order to make families familiar with and understand their performance of life and production, here are several species of meat snakes with large size, rapid growth, good development, more eggs (or offspring), fresh meat quality and good breeding efficiency.

The black brow snake is commonly known as the home snake, the yellow worm, the cauliflower snake, the three-cable line, the wide snake and so on. The adult snake is about 1.5 to 2.2 meters long, with obvious black lines extending to the neck behind the eyes, from which the snake name "black eyebrow" comes from. It is the main snake species for making snake hot pot, snake kebabs and snake slices. The female snake laid 715 eggs.

The black snake is commonly known as the black snake, the water snake, the black whip, the black snake, the black medicine snake and so on. The body of the adult snake is up to 2 meters long, and the color on the back is from green brown to black brown. It can also be divided into yellow black tip, green black tip and black black tip. There are two black lines running through the whole body. This black line gradually fades in the back of the adult snake. Li Shizhen (Compendium of Materia Medica) explained its edible and medicinal value in detail. In today's society, the black snake is recognized again for its unique effects of food, medicine and health care. The black snake in traditional medicine is the dried product of this snake, and the skin can be used to make high-grade handicrafts. The snake or snake bile can independently make "black snake wine" or "black snake bile wine", which is deeply welcomed by Chinese and foreign consumers. this snake has the advantages of fast growth, strong adaptability, high disease resistance, best-selling market and suitable for artificial breeding. the female snake lays 7 eggs at a time, and the incubation period is 45-50 days.

Wang Jinshe is commonly known as rape snake, king snake, brocade snake, cauliflower snake, king head snake and so on. With a body length of nearly 2 meters, miscellaneous eating habits, agile movement, ferocious sex and growth, it is one of the most popular meat snakes on the market. The spawning period is in July, laying 815 eggs at a time.

Red chain snake popular name fire red chain, red hundred section snake, red spot snake, red 48 section and so on. Its pattern and luster is red and black with spots, which is one of the main raw materials widely used in alcohol medicine. The "ginseng snake wine" made in the three eastern provinces is this snake, which has an excellent effect in treating rheumatism. Snake gallbladder can be used as medicine, and this snake gives birth to babies ranging from 7 to 12 at a time.

Spot brocade snake common name white flower snake, flower snake, chrysanthemum snake and so on. Is one of the main edible snake species. Its meat and gallbladder are used as "five Snake Wine" and "five Snake Gall Wine". This fresh snake or dry sparkling wine is often used in Guangdong and Guangzhou to treat rheumatism, joint pain and other diseases.

Mouse snake is commonly known as water snake, grass snake, yellow boudoir snake and so on. The snake body is more than 2 meters long, the head back is dark brown, the trailing edge is black, and the lip scale is yellowish, which is similar to the black snake color, but there is no black line through it. Because its skin is large and thick, it is pushed as one of the "top grade" raw materials. Both snake and gallbladder can be used as medicine. It is a good medicine for rheumatism.

The squirrel snake is commonly known as yellow belly dragon, gold bar, yellow tip snake, mountain dragon and so on. The body length is more than 2 meters. It can be used to prey on ground squirrels, which is one of the raw materials for making "three snake wine". Gallbladder and meat can be used as medicine to treat rheumatic diseases.

Brown and black golden snake is commonly known as yellow pine, yellow long worm, black worm. Adult snakes are 1.5 to 2 meters long, rodent eaters and birds. Is one of the commonly used non-venomous snakes.

Tiger spot wandering snake is commonly known as pheasant neck, red neck snake, pheasant spot and so on. The body length is nearly 1 meter, the body is mainly green, the front part of the body is mixed with orange and black spots (stripes), the back part of the body is only black spots, the snake belly is green, both food and medicine. The northeast region especially likes this snake and often uses it to make "ginseng snake wine".