
unisexual Learn more about unisexual

  • Which kinds of flower reproduction are there?

    Which kinds of flower reproduction are there?

    The methods of flower reproduction can be divided into four categories: sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction, unisexual reproduction and tissue culture reproduction. Sexual reproduction is also called seed reproduction. It is through the role of the female and male organs of the flower, that is, the combination of pollen and ovules to form seeds, which are used to reproduce. The roots of seedlings produced by seeds are strong.

  • How do snails reproduce?

    How do snails reproduce?

    Snails can be said to be a large group, with more than 40000 species, belonging to molluscs among invertebrates. So, how do snails reproduce? First, how to reproduce snails belong to unisexual reproduction. Of course, different breeds have different ways of reproduction, and some are female.

    2020-11-11 Snails how breeding snails it can be said a very big one.
  • The causes and control methods of the latest capsicum fruit

    The causes and control methods of the latest capsicum fruit

    In the process of pepper planting, sometimes the fruit is small and hard, and this symptom is the capsicum fruit phenomenon. Capsicum fruit, also known as stone fruit, unisexual fruit, early symptoms become like strawberry fruit, thick and hard skin, longer stalk

    2020-11-10 The latest pepper fruit cause and control methods in
  • Introduction of Jusheng No.1 Grape

    Introduction of Jusheng No.1 Grape

    Jusheng No. 1 grape is another new seedless grape variety introduced in California after Hongti grape. Very precocious, extra-large, natural fruit, without drug treatment, a single grain up to 12 grams, uniform fruit, basically no size, the highest sugar content of more than 20, labor-saving planting

    2020-11-08 Jusheng No. 1 Grape introduction Yes USA
  • How do snails reproduce?

    How do snails reproduce?

    We often see some disapproving creatures in our life, and snails are among them. So do you know how snails reproduce? Let's have a look! First, how snails reproduce? snails reproduce mainly through unisexual reproduction. Because of the product

    2020-11-11 Snail yes how reproduction life in we classics often meet
  • Qinghai spruce

    Qinghai spruce

    The producing area is distributed in Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. Morphological characteristics of trees, up to 23m high, DBH 60cm. Annual branches are light green, biennial branches are light pink or brownish yellow, often covered with white or no powder, old branches are light brown to brown; winter buds are conical, and the tip of the persistent bud scale at the base of the branchlet is often spreading or inverted. Leaves quadrangular-striate, slightly curved or straight, long 1.0~2.5cm, ca. 2mm wide, apex obtuse or with obtuse tip, cross section quadrangular. Globules unisexual, monoecious

  • Sycamore family

    Sycamore family

    Latin name: Sterculiaceae English name: introduction to SterculiaFamily: trees or shrubs, sparse herbs or vines; often covered with stellate hairs; stem bark rich in fiber, often mucus. Leaves simple, palmately compound, alternate, sparsely opposite, stipules caducous. Inflorescences axillary, sparsely terminal, panicle, Cymes, racemes or corymbs, sparse flowers solitary; flowers unisexual, polygamous or bisexual; sepals 5 (3-4), slightly connate or separated, valvate; petals 5 or absent, separate or basally connate with androgynophore.

  • Schisandra chinensis

    Schisandra chinensis

    KadsuralongipedunculataFinetetGagnep. Evergreen vines, branchlets grayish brown or brown, lenticellate. Leaves thinly leathery or softly leathery, oblong-elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, sometimes narrowly Obovate or elliptic, 5 ~ 10 cm long and 2 ~ 5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate. Margin often sparsely serrate, lateral veins 5-color 7 pairs; petiole 2.5 cm long. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, solitary in leaf axils, yellow, fragrant: pedicel

  • Water turtle

    Water turtle

    [scientific name] Hydrocharisdubia is distributed in Europe, Asia and Oceania. The light is sufficient, the water quality is not restricted, and the suitable temperature for growth is 18mur20C, so it is easy to cultivate. Stolon transverse, plant height 8~12cm, leaves subbasal, orbicular or reniform, entire, central part swollen into air chamber. Flowers unisexual, fruit ovoid. Winter buds are used for reproduction, and they can also be sown or ramets. Can be cultivated and ornamental in water supply cluster boxes.

  • The technique of mixed culture of fish and fish

    The technique of mixed culture of fish and fish

    In the pond where unisexual tilapia and puffer fish are mainly cultured, there are usually more freshwater shrimp under the condition of artificial diet, which is the best bait for Thai bamboo shoot shell fish. 50-80 Thai bamboo shoot shell fish fry can be put in each mu at the same time, and a small number of artificial nests can be placed. Thailand bamboo shoot shell fish can be increased by 20-30 kg per mu at the same time.

  • Artificial pollination of Metasequoia glyptostroboides?

    Artificial pollination of Metasequoia glyptostroboides?

    The artificial auxiliary pollination method of Metasequoia glyptostroboides is as follows: when the flower of Metasequoia glyptostroboides is unisexual and monoecious, and the male bulb changes from green to yellow, the single plant with strong tree body and more inflorescences is selected, the inflorescences with branches are picked for indoor culture, and pollen is collected. cutting the flowering branch into about 20 cm, cutting the base into transverse flat sections, tying a bundle every 20 to 30 branches, aligning the base of the branches, attaching a ball of absorbent cotton soaked in nutrient solution to the cross section of the branch, wrapping the cotton ball with plastic paper (preventing evaporation of nutrient solution), hanging the bundled inflorescences indoors, laying white light under the cotton ball

  • Peach treasures-not soft peach

    Peach treasures-not soft peach

    The non-soft peach tree has strong potential, strong sprouting ability and high branching ability. The medium, long and short fruit branches can bear fruit, the leaves are large and thick, the flower buds are easy to form, the florescence is medium, and self-pollination bears fruit. Unisexual fruit, the fruit is nearly round, the suture is shallow, the fruit hair is thin and short, the fruit color is more than 95%, the skin is not easy to peel off, the meat is crisp and tender, the juice is sweet and sweet, and the flavor is unique. The fruit matured in late June and the development period was 95 days. Average fruit weight 280 grams, large fruit weight 550 grams, soluble solids 158%, soluble sugar 135%

  • The difference between pine nuts and hazelnuts

    The difference between pine nuts and hazelnuts

    The difference between pine nuts and hazelnuts

  • Causes and Control Methods of Chili Stiffness

    Causes and Control Methods of Chili Stiffness

    Causes and Control Methods of Chili Stiffness

  • Planting techniques of figs

    Planting techniques of figs

    Planting techniques of figs

  • Fructus Schisandrae (chinese magnoliavine)

    Fructus Schisandrae (chinese magnoliavine)

    A cultivated species of the genus Schisandra of Magnoliaceae, scientific name Schisandrachinensis (Turcz.) Baill, deciduous woody vine crop. It gets its name because of its sweet, sour, bitter, and salty flavors. Alias Schisandra chinensis, Schisandra chinensis and mountain pepper. Distributed in Northeast and North China, the main producing areas are Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. Stem bark grayish brown, with obvious lenticels. Twigs reddish brown, slightly glossy. Simple leaves alternate, stipitate, broadly elliptic or Obovate. Flowers unisexual, white

  • Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

    Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

    Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

  • High-yield planting techniques of mangosteen

    High-yield planting techniques of mangosteen

    High-yield planting techniques of mangosteen

  • Key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of snake melon

    Key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of snake melon

    Key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of snake melon

  • Yellow plate crucian carp

    Yellow plate crucian carp

    Yellow plate crucian carp, the scientific name triangle carp, is a wild famous and excellent economic fish in rivers. Tender meat and delicious taste, the price of yellow plate crucian carp weighing more than 400 grams is as high as 80m / kg, which has a very high economic value. In recent years, due to the deterioration of river ecological environment and excessive fishing, the wild resources of yellow plate crucian carp are becoming more and more depleted. In order to develop and protect this precious natural resource, Shaoguan Fisheries Research Institute has carried out artificial culture and reproduction experiments of yellow plate crucian carp since 2001 and achieved success. I. Pond
