
umbelliferae Learn more about umbelliferae

  • What are the effects and functions of Lei Gonggen (Centella asiatica) in Umbelliferae? How do you make herbal tea?

    What are the effects and functions of Lei Gonggen (Centella asiatica) in Umbelliferae? How do you make herbal tea?

    There is a kind of wild vegetable commonly found in the grass in the countryside of Kaiping. The leaves look like copper coins and are green. Its name is Lei Gonggen, alias snow grass, horseshoe grass, avalanche bowl, shell grass, Erigeron breviscapus, old ear, copper money grass. The efficacy and function of Naleigonggen

    2020-11-09 Umbelliferae Lei Gong Root Snow Grass efficacy and
  • What is Chuanxiong? The four differences between Angelica sinensis and Angelica sinensis!

    What is Chuanxiong? The four differences between Angelica sinensis and Angelica sinensis!

    Ligusticum chuanxiong, also known as Ligusticum chuanxiong and fragrant fruit, is a common traditional Chinese medicine in southwest China. It has high medicinal value because of its effect of dispelling wind and relieving pain and promoting blood circulation. At present, it is being planted in many areas. What is Ligusticum chuanxiong? What's the difference between Chinese angelica and angelica? What is Ligusticum Chuanxiong

    2020-11-09 Ligusticum chuanxiong what is and Angelica of four the difference Chuanxiong also known as
  • What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of cumin in Umbelliferae? Can you cure insomnia?

    What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of cumin in Umbelliferae? Can you cure insomnia?

    When it comes to fennel, we should be no stranger to it, it is a common condiment in our daily life, and cumin also has the functions of medicine, seasoning and consumption. What are the effects, functions and taboos of fennel? Can you cure insomnia? How do you eat it? Fennel

    2020-11-09 "Umbelliferae " fennel incense efficacy and effect
  • How much is the celery seed of Umbelliferae per jin? How long will it sprout? How many seeds do you need per mu of land?

    How much is the celery seed of Umbelliferae per jin? How long will it sprout? How many seeds do you need per mu of land?

    Celery, also known as parsley, water celery, etc., is a common vegetable of Umbelliferae in China. It is widely used as seasoning because of its special aroma with cilantro, and is favored by people because it is rich in vitamins and trace elements. How much is the celery seed?

    2020-11-09 Umbrella family plant celery vegetable species more seeds less money one jin how long
  • When will the coriander seeds of Umbelliferae be planted? How long will it take to sprout? How do you plant it?

    When will the coriander seeds of Umbelliferae be planted? How long will it take to sprout? How do you plant it?

    Coriander is a common vegetable in daily life. It is widely used as seasoning because of its special aroma. At present, it is grown in many areas, but if you want to grow cilantro well, you need to know the planting time and technology.

  • Cultivation and management techniques of celery in winter greenhouse

    Cultivation and management techniques of celery in winter greenhouse

    Celery, alias celery, morning celery, parsley, parsley, medicinal celery, wild coriander, are annual or biennial herbs of the genus celery in Umbelliferae. Native to the marshes along the Mediterranean coast, it has been widely cultivated all over the world. Celery belongs to Umbelliferae. There are water celery and celery.

    2020-11-08 Celery winter greenhouse cultivation management technology celery alias
  • "Umbelliferae" how to raise copper money grass? What if the leaves turn yellow? What is the effect of fengshui? (culture methods and matters needing attention are attached)

    Copper money grass is slender and easy to breed, its shape is lovely, the plants are clustered together, and the green leaves are dotted with them, which has a good ornamental value and is very suitable for family potted plants. So, how to raise copper grass? The following is to introduce the culture method and attention of Rabdosia angustifolia.

    2020-11-11 "Umbelliferae " Tongqian grass how raise leaves yellowing
  • The difference between wild celery and water celery

    The difference between wild celery and water celery

    The difference between wild celery and water celery

  • The difference between Artemisia mandshurica and Codonopsis pilosula

    The difference between Artemisia mandshurica and Codonopsis pilosula

    The difference between Artemisia mandshurica and Codonopsis pilosula

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Slippery mushrooms, also known as slippery mushrooms, bare-cap scale umbrellas, Japanese are called Naomi mushrooms. Scientific name pholiotanamekio. In botanical classification, it belongs to fungal phylum, subphylum basidiomycetes, basidiomycetes, Umbellifera, hyphomycetes and Umbelliferae. Is a rare variety, originated in Japan, since the mid-1970s, began in the southern part of Liaoning Province, and now the main producing areas are northern Hebei, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and other places. Since our county began large-scale production in 1989, we have made use of local resources and climate advantages.

  • Biological characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Biological characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Slippery mushrooms, also known as slippery mushrooms, bare-cap scale umbrellas, Japanese are called Naomi mushrooms. Scientific name pholiotanamekio. In botanical classification, it belongs to fungal phylum, subphylum basidiomycetes, basidiomycetes, Umbellifera, hyphomycetes and Umbelliferae. Is a rare variety, originated in Japan, since the mid-1970s, began in the southern part of Liaoning Province, and now the main producing areas are northern Hebei, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and other places. Since our county began large-scale production in 1989, making use of local resources and climate advantages, through the continuous technological innovation of the majority of scientific and technological personnel, slippers have been made.

  • Analysis on the causes of withering and yellowing leaves of Upland Grass

    Analysis on the causes of withering and yellowing leaves of Upland Grass

    Umbrella grass, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens, windmill grass, etc., is a perennial herb of Cyperaceae. It is suitable for raising and watching potted plants or illustrating and cutting leaves at home. However, in the process of raising parasol grass, friends will find that the leaves turn yellow and the leaf tips turn yellow. What is the cause?

  • Matters needing attention in planting Upland Grass

    Matters needing attention in planting Upland Grass

    1. Umbellifera likes cool and moist places, so try to let it grow in the environment it likes when you cultivate it. 2. if soilless cultivation is carried out, the umbrella grass should be filled with water as soon as it is filled with water. it is best not to use tap water at first. Rain Water, river water, pool water and so on can be used.

  • What's the name of parsley?

    What's the name of parsley?

    Coriander is also known as coriander, coriander and so on. Originally known as coriander, it is native to southern Europe and Central Asia or to the Mediterranean and near East. It is an annual herb of the coriander genus of Umbelliferae with a height of about 20-100 cm. Its stems and leaves are mainly used as spices and vegetables, and the fruit can extract aromatic oil.

  • Introduction and maintenance of coriander (Gypsophila paniculata, broken copper coin)

    Introduction and maintenance of coriander (Gypsophila paniculata, broken copper coin)

    The name of the herb is Hydrocotylesibthorpioids. The genus is Umbelliferae. The morphological characteristics are perennial herbs. The plant is 5 - 10 cm tall, slender and creeping. Leaves alternate, kidney round, often 5-lobed, hence the name broken copper coins

  • Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus ostreatus

    Tea tree mushroom (Agrocybechaxingu) belongs to the order Umbelliferae, Agaricaceae, Tricholoma, also known as tea mushroom, oil tea mushroom, god mushroom, tea new mushroom. The cap is primary, then flattened, medium light, brown, and the edge is light. The fungus is white and thick. The fold is straight or inconspicuously separated from the stalk, initially brown and later light brown. The stalk is solid, 4-12 cm long, yellowish brown. The bacterial ring is white, membranous, epigynous. The spores are ovate to elliptic. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the mushroom is sweet, warm and non-toxic, and has the effects of invigorating the spleen and relieving diarrhea, diuresis and dampness, clearing heat and calming the liver.

  • Ou Danggui

    Ou Danggui

    English name Levisticumofficinale "Lovage" family and genus: Umbelliferae characters: strong growth perennials. Flowers: small yellowish-green star-shaped flowers in flattened clusters in midsummer. Leaves: dark green, with lobed triangular to rhombic leaflets. Experts at the Tohoku Agricultural Research Center in Japan have found that a herb called Angelica sinensis has a therapeutic effect because its leaves are rich in antioxidants. Experts actively advocate the cultivation of Angelica sinensis and recommend it as

  • Mao Angelica sinensis

    Mao Angelica sinensis

    Morphological characteristics Umbelliferae belongs to perennial herbs, 1-3 meters high. Stems purplish, glabrous. The basal leaves and the lower leaves of the stem are triangular, 15-50 cm long, 2-3-Ternate-pinnatifid, and the final lobes ovate, narrowly lanceolate or Obovate, 5-20 cm long, and the upper leaves of the stem are simplified into leaf sheaths. Compound umbels densely yellowish brown pilose, flowers white. The double overhanging moment is oval or oval in shape, 5-12 mm long. The habitat is distributed on the edge of the valley or in the grass. Distributed in Anwei and Zhejiang

  • Osthol


    Osthol-Osthol is an active ingredient extracted from the dried and ripe fruit of Umbelliferae plant Cnidium, and the preparation is 0.4% osthol EC. It is mainly contact effect, supplemented by stomach toxicity, and has a good control effect on cruciferous vegetables, cabbage insect and tea inchworm. The dosage for the control of cruciferous vegetables was 0.4% EC 667 square meters 80m ~ 120 ml, and the dosage for the control of tea inchworm was 0.4% EC 100 ml 120 ml. Generally used for every 667 square meters

  • What are the latest types of windbreak?

    What are the latest types of windbreak?

    Fangfeng is the root of Fangfeng, a perennial herb of Umbelliferae, which is mainly produced in Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia and other places. Fangfeng can be divided into Guan Fangfeng, Koufeng Fangfeng and WaterFangfeng according to different producing areas. Let's take a look at the difference between these three kinds of Fangfeng.

    2020-11-10 The latest Fangfeng species category which yes umbrella family