
straight Learn more about straight

  • Which is better, straight cucumber or curved cucumber? What if the cucumber is not straight?

    Which is better, straight cucumber or curved cucumber? What if the cucumber is not straight?

    Which is better, straight cucumber or curved cucumber? What if the cucumber is not straight?

  • [maintenance method of green clouds straight up flowers] how to raise green clouds straight up flowers

    [maintenance method of green clouds straight up flowers] how to raise green clouds straight up flowers

    [maintenance method of green clouds straight up flowers] how to raise green clouds straight up flowers

  • How to make the flower stem of cymbidium straight

    How to make the flower stem of cymbidium straight

    Cymbidium can only bloom once a year. Recently, I saw many cymbidium blossoms of orchid friends, but not many of them have straight flower stems. Let me talk about some ideas: First, I found that the cymbidium on the mountain did not encounter external forces caused by the flower rod is basically straight. Second, the cymbidium in the hybrid basin, the flower stems that the owner does not often move are basically straight. Summary: flower stem elevation...

  • Direct dry bonsai modeling

    Direct dry bonsai modeling

    Straight-dry modeling is the most common form in bonsai production, because the vast majority of bonsai materials can be made into direct-dry style, especially digging trees can be found everywhere, but it is not easy to make a good straight-dry bonsai. After all, it is not easy to find superior quality materials for mountain digging.

  • The fat colored crayons seem to be in a good mood when watching the soft girl coins grow out.

    The fat colored crayons seem to be in a good mood when watching the soft girl coins grow out.

    Thanks to the wind blowing the snow material recently sent the abuse of very red crayons, many relatives expressed concern. The relatives said that the crayons looked so thin, but they didn't seem to have taken the basin yet. I clearly see that the crayons are straight and straight, and they are still there.

  • The technique of making straight-dry bonsai standing high into the sky

    The technique of making straight-dry bonsai standing high into the sky

    Straight-dry bonsai, as the name implies, is that the trunk is upright, branching at a certain height, imitating the towering, tall and straight tree posture of nature. Because the straight-dry bonsai requires the trunk to stand upright, so the modeling focuses on the branches and leaves.

  • Why are cucumbers sprayed straight?

    Why are cucumbers sprayed straight?

    As a common vegetable in our life, cucumber is not only refreshing and delicious, but also can be fried, but also rich in vitamin E, which can improve the body's immunity, so for people who want to lose weight, cucumber has almost replaced their staple food and become its staple food.

    2020-11-08 Cucumber spray what straight shun cucumber as we life in
  • The balcony of a succulent lover in the spring of general goods.

    The balcony of a succulent lover in the spring of general goods.

    Thank you for Shuihan's material, just above the picture. As long as you like it. No, go straight to the picture. As long as you like it. No, go straight to the picture. As long as you like it. No, go straight to the picture. As long as you like it. No, go straight to the picture. As long as you like it. No.

  • Bonsai appreciation: either straight or curved or dense or simple, every bonsai looks good.

    Bonsai appreciation: either straight or curved or dense or simple, every bonsai looks good.

    Bonsai appreciation: either straight or curved, or dense or simple, in a variety of ways, each bonsai is beautiful. We need to use our own eyes to find beauty to seriously appreciate the different aesthetic feelings. ...

  • The money tree should keep its branches straight and straight and grow green leaves in this way.

    The money tree should keep its branches straight and straight and grow green leaves in this way.

    The money tree is an evergreen plant of the four seasons, which is very suitable for decorating the home, and it is very popular with flower friends because of the implication that wealth and wealth are rolling in. If the money tree is to be well maintained, it is necessary to pay attention to these steps in order to make its branches tall and straight.

  • Key points of direct-drying bonsai modeling technology

    Key points of direct-drying bonsai modeling technology

    The shape of the straight type is characterized by a dry body upright or basically upright, belonging to a tall and strong tree type, which is also the basic tree type of tree species. (1) the selection of excellent planting trees should have the following characteristics: (1) the root plate is perfect. (2) Longji is rough and upright. (3) the thickness of the trunk is moderate, and the closer it is to the top, the smaller it is.

  • The steps of making direct-drying bonsai

    The steps of making direct-drying bonsai

    The straight dry style is also a common modeling design in the bonsai production process, which requires that the trunk is straight upward, the lower end is thicker and the upper end is thinner, and the lateral branches on both sides of the trunk remain flat, while the root system is often exposed around but appears vigorous and powerful. Viewed from the bonsai as a whole, the lower end branch remains the longest and inclined.

  • How to fertilize cucumber can increase its straight yield.

    How to fertilize cucumber can increase its straight yield.

    How to fertilize cucumber can get high straight yield? Netizens with cucumber planting experience are also asked to introduce that cucumbers not only contain protein, sugars, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients; cucumbers can also be used for cosmetology, with dehumidification, convergence and elimination of skin.

  • It is necessary to know the four elements of rubber tree conservation in order to be elegant, straight, green and reflective.

    It is necessary to know the four elements of rubber tree conservation in order to be elegant, straight, green and reflective.

    Rubber tree is a common flower potted plant in life, it is evergreen all the year round, the leaves are broad and thick, hard and straight, it is an ideal potted plant for home decoration, but also symbolizes both sources, attracting wealth and treasure, and is very popular with people to protect rubber trees.

  • Luo Hansong keeps its branches straight and straight in this way.

    Luo Hansong keeps its branches straight and straight in this way.

    Luohan pine tree shape is beautiful, the four seasons green, often as a bonsai, elegant and simple shape, high ornamental value, will be cultivated into bonsai at home, bring a different kind of interest to the home, the following to introduce the conservation methods of Luohansong! Luo.

  • Solemn and stable straight dry bonsai

    Solemn and stable straight dry bonsai

    Solemn and stable straight dry bonsai straight dry bonsai tree roots of the best state is thick roots to extend in all directions, show solemn stability, indomitable momentum. Branches extend around, rich in layers, strong branches. The branches should be...

  • This kind of foliage plant does not need to take care of its waist and stand up straight.

    This kind of foliage plant does not need to take care of its waist and stand up straight.

    Tiger skin orchid, thick leaves, straight as a sword, its color spots, elegant and chic. Good maintenance, even if you do not have time, 1 month do not take care of, it is still "waist" straight, 04:00 can be appreciated, is the hall, guest room, study better foliage plants. ...

  • Spring stubble chili peppers are straight and straight and do well at four points.

    Spring stubble chili peppers are straight and straight and do well at four points.

    "the bending of chili fruit has a great influence on the price. Therefore, how to make chili peppers without bending fruit has become an important content for vegetable farmers to improve their income. Through the management of chili peppers over the past few years, I think that as long as we grasp the four points, chili peppers generally will not produce curved fruit. " Master Gong told the reporter. So, which four points did Master Gong say? First.

  • The leaves of tiger skin orchid are straight and straight more than 1 meter.

    The leaves of tiger skin orchid are straight and straight more than 1 meter.

    Tiger orchid also known as tiger tail orchid, tall and handsome, green leaves, easy to cultivate and feed, what lazy flower friends like. A friend often dries her tiger skin orchid in her circle of friends. It grows more than 1 meter. It causes a lot of praise...

  • Is there a fast-growing variety of catalpa trees that are beautiful and tall and straight but grow very slowly?

    Is there a fast-growing variety of catalpa trees that are beautiful and tall and straight but grow very slowly?

    Abstract: the catalpa tree is beautiful, tall and straight. is there a fast-growing catalpa tree variety? Catalpa is not a fast-growing tree and has not been widely planted in rural areas. It is not as common as poplar, paulownia, locust, elm and other trees in rural areas, but catalpa is tall because of its height.
